I've just read all the posts now and am so happy for you. You stood up for yourself inspite of the anxiety it would cause you and that shows real strength and courage. Well done.
The fact that he hasn't got in touch can just be used as your reinforcement.
I'm in a similar situation as you know, and it's just time to start a new life.
I am very happy you are so relieved. I agree with Faryal, it is probably because you know you did the right thing. As for him not calling his loss1 I am very proud of you and impressed by how stong you are! Please keep us posted!
Hi Miki,
You must be so proud of yourself for taking a difficult yet courageous step.
The relief you feel is because intuitively you know you made the right decision by leaving an unhealthy situation.
Hope you are hanging in there............take it a step at a time (as you say!)
Faryal, Health Educator
I can't express how much relief I feel now after leaving. And he STILL has not called me. His mother kept calling me and apologizing for him. That is so sad!!! As the days go by, I feel more and more prouder of myself for standing up for myself. I am surprised that I feel relief rather than grief.