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Making adjustments

for 13 år siden 0 659 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Juanita,
Thank you for reading and responding to my post and questions about making adjustments.
I have to say, Wow!! Juanita you are doing so great and have come so far since starting the program here. I know this is tough work and I am so proud of you!!
I found your post very inspiring personally and I am sure everyone both old and new here who reads it will also. It is people like you who share there stories here in the support group that inspire us all and give us hope on the days when we feel it can't get better because of a set back or something else, that make all the difference.  Thank you for sharing your experience with us all...I hope more follow in your foot steps and do the same....

Your friend,
for 13 år siden 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for the tip on BPPV Red.  I'm going to read up on it. 
Juanita:  Thank you for the compliment about the quilt.
Davit:  Hope you get those headaches figured out and better real soon.
Your friend, Sunny
for 13 år siden 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Uncle,
Oh! Ouch.... I imagine its costly!  I thought perhaps you were renting the bed...here you can rent beds,  mattress pads and such from the  Home Medical Shop.I know this, I used to organize it for the people who couldn't handle the regular bed. See, I should never assume!
Anyhow, I hope it helps you. Maybe it will help with your headaches too..but, yes, after the surgery your load will be lifted.  Keep the faith!!
Gotta go rustle up some chocolate now....
for 13 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

It is a rebuilt Hill-Rom, three motor with a standard hospital mattress, foam I believe. I could buy an air mattress but they are noisy. Same bed I usually have in the Hospital. 

A new bed would really put a dint in my bank account. I think the head aches are just the heavy load right now, it will lessen in a couple of weeks. Odd because I only get headaches from chocolate.

for 13 år siden 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Everyone,
Red..I'm sorry to hear about your health issues, but I'm proud of you for handling them so well...you have come a long way! ya! I've read your post..interesting about this BPPV theory..makes sense I guess. I believe  our minds control everything. Let us know how it goes for you.
Davit, sorry about your headaches too...do you think they could be sinus related or migraines? Obviously stress can bring on a migraine, and man oh man you have enough stress. I use nasonex daily for my sinuses..it works like a charm..I call it "my crack"..ha...Do you know what type of hospital bed you are getting? Will it have a good mattress? I hope so.
As for me, Red, in answer to your question about making adjustments, wow! Have I made changes in my life this past year, and mostly because of the CBT program, and you people here. Like right now, hubby's away, for a long time, and I'm fine. I went to the dr, I do the groceries, even got my hair done, all by myself...without anxiety.....I 'm not spending every minute worrying about things...in actuality I am looking forward to doing things. Like, I'm taking a painting class, I'm  being more open with my friends about my issues with anxiety...I even talked to a old friend the other night, and we shared some of "stuff".  The "stuff" we used to keep hidden. This actually goes into a bit of what Jason asks in his latest post...I have always tried to keep my anxiety disorder hidden, cept hubby, but now, its just such a relief to let it out. 
Another thing happening with me now, is that I am off my job,  at first I was really upset, I was hard on myself and became a bit depressed.  But its turned out be a blessing. I've learnt a bit more of how to be assertive,  not blame myself for everthing, and now I've  been offered another job, one in which I can set my own hours. So many changes..but I guess thats what life is all about.
Thats a great question Red, I hope more members post a reply
Bye for now
for 13 år siden 0 659 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I was just reading posts this morning and realized how we are all making adjustments in our every day life's..This adjustments can be scary and cause anxiety and panic. One thing I did notice is that we are all getting stronger and  trying to make the best out of  our lives...What are your feeling on this? What changes have you been through? What has helped you get through these life changes? and how have you used this program to help you?
for 13 år siden 0 659 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good Morning Davit,
Thats the spray the give me and my sinus does feel better..As for the exercises for vertigo the are called "Home Epley Maneuver" these exercises are used for BPPV "Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo".If you type in Home EPley Maneuver on your computer and do a search online your can find the exercises and a explanation of BPPV..It is to much information for me to post here..My doctor said to keep your eyes open while doing the exercises until the spinning goes away the theory is that you mind is tricking your eyes into making you feel like you are spinning and over time the vertigo spinning will lessen and go away..He said it is not a proven science but that it does help some patients and they are not sure why..I do have to see  him again in a month. He is concerned about me possibly falling down because of the vertigo and also about my blood pressure at the moment.. You mentioned headaches in your post. I didn't have headaches while I was gone but noticed that I was getting headaches after I got home and started using the computer again..I think that maybe the computer causes eye strain or something and gives me headaches. I think I may have to put some limits to how much time I spend on line..and see if that helps.. In answer to your question did I have doubts about calling the doctor, yes I did but I had no anxiety or panic at all..I knew I needed to call and did what I needed to do.  Now on the your new bed I sure hope you get your bed Tuesday I am sure it will make things a lot easier for you. You may want to get a soft piece of foam to put on the top if it is to hard.. I have a foam topper on my bed because of the arthritis...Let us know how you like the new bed when you get it..
Here for you,
Your friend,
for 13 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

For sinus inflammation I was given Futicasone spray, It works real fast. I'm curious about the exercises. Hope to have my bed here Tuesday morning. Need four guys to bring it in as it is fully assembled and heavy. I'm on Keflex for infection so was not prescribed any thing for sinus. I have been getting head aches lately. Some times bad. Some of it may be stress. I remember when you couldn't phone, I remember the frustration too. Did you ever have doubts? I think this group therapy works real well especially when you and others post. I'd like new people to come and post how bad they are so they too can have a comparison when they get better. Well that and I want them to do the program.

Your friend for ever,
for 13 år siden 0 659 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Sunny,
Thank you for your post and your concern...it does mean a lot to me. I went to the doc and am back home now.  They have given me some antibiotics for a sinus infection and some steroid spray and some exercises to do at home for the vertigo.  Doc says I should see some improve in a couple of weeks and if not we will try something else..I had the flu a month ago and just wasn't getting better so it was time to see a doctor. I also got some new meds for my blood pressure.  I had stopped taking my bp meds 2 months because of side affects.  Dizziness and all. Anyway I should be on the mend soon..I return to the doc in one month to see how I am doing on the Meds...  You know when I started this program a year ago I couldn't even call a doctor to make a appointment when I was sick..Look at me now. What a improvement...
Your friend forever,
for 13 år siden 0 659 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you for your compassion. I have been a little worried about you and wondered how you have been fairing with your health issues. I thought that you were probably sleeping in the recliner.  I am so glad to hear you will be getting a hospital bed.  It should make things a little easier for you and you should be much more comfortable.. 
Here for you always,
Your friend,

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