Hi Everyone,
I am trying not to dwell on the headaches too much Sunny, my tummy still does not feel great but the headaches have been worse, I have been reading a lot so that may have something to do with it, I never really got headaches because of my anxiety through. I will read those negative postive thoughts you mentioned JDoe I have been reading the program quite a bit.
I am so happy I have not had full blown panic in about a week, but I always feel like its "lurking" and it comes so close, and Davit is right its the negative thinking that is my downfall and then the bodily symptoms, the symptoms bring on my panic.
I am trying so hard Davit to think positive, I guess I vented and complained too much, I am sorry, I should of wrote my progress too, even through its very little, I have to think positive too, hard through when the symptoms get very severe.
I think Davit is that there has been so much negativity around me for close to a year now its probably rubbed off bad, does that make sense? people have pretty much walked away from me, and I am not even really mad at them, I understand they do NOT have the disorder and cannot understand, I never wanted them to enable me or baby me or pity me, just to understand and have patience with me, the comments from people have been harsh even my own husband has said, "you are never going to get better" and my sister comments "its been nine months deb and you're getting worse" my friend saying "you're praying wrong" and my neigbors physcial therapist saying "if she is taking anti-anxiety meds and seeing a therapist there should of been SOME improvement" and even my own nurse-practioner sayer "you're a wreck, a absolute wreck'!!
These comments are not only negative but they are so unhelpful and downright scary, I always lived by thinking "if its not helpful and its hurtful and scary don't say it!" I wish I had more of a support system in my life but I dont and I have to accept that, other than this site and my Aunt, its really just me. I have lost a lot due to this disorder, my family, my friends, the phone never rings anymore and people's solution too this is just to "walk away" basically, I try not to blame them its hard for them to see me like this. I do try to think positive, even through the body symptoms and "foggy feelings" I guess its going to take me a little more time than most to get better, maybe I am trying to rush it, one thing I know I MUST do is think more positive, try to forget how unhealthy and sick I feel, and think about other things, I so love life and people and I want to join them again, I try to pamper myself Sunny I do, like you said I am a little better and I wont go back, that helped, thank you.