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I Think I am in Trouble

for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Debora,
I read that you shouldn't exercise for 2 hours after eating and to wait at least 30 minutes after a exercise session to eat..
I wonder if eating a sub sandwich and than going for a walk had anything to do with your becoming ill while out exercising.
I know if I eat right before exercise it makes me ill and causes me to have a stomachache plus my heart rate goes way to high and I get a headache if that happens..They also say it is better if you don't exercise right before going to bed because it can make it hard to fall asleep..I think this may happen because it raises your metabolism for a couple of hours and your body doesn't think it is time to sleep yet..I find that it is hard sometimes for me to exercise in the morning on a empty stomach and I will start feeling sick during my exercise so what I do if I need a little something in my stomach is have a piece of whole wheat or whole grain toast with promise margarine on it or a little box of raisins. I also take a little box of raisins with me that I can munch on after my walk or some mixed nuts to munch on..
Yesterday I decided to ride my stationary bike after eating lunch and didn't wait the 2 hours and my heart rate shoot up to 153 and I felt terrible the rest of the day..So what I learned from this is that I can not exercise right after a meal.
I do not know if any of these things are causing you a problem, we all are different, but experiment with it a little and see if this helps..It sure can't hurt...
for 12 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

MSG or/and corn flour and /or aspartame will make my joints useless so I need to stay in bed or a wheelchair. It is like being in a straight jacket. Anxiety and panic go through the ceiling.

for 12 år siden 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Debora,
Wanted to share that I often have increased anxiety after eating certain foods, two of my favorite foods, in fact.  BBQ Chicken and Ice cream!  The chicken might be because it is a little spicy and the ice cream could be a slight lactose intolerance or my cold allergy (I'm allergic to cold foods and temperatures - maybe I should move to Florida!)
Whenever I get a headache or nausea, I recognize this as my body's way of saying that it is unhappy with me.  So, I try to answer it and make it happier by making time to rest, drink more water, and to try to relax (with the PMR, if possible).  If PMR and relaxing doesn't work, and I have the energy, I try dancing.  My friend tells me that certain hip motions can help with anxiety - it could be a myth but the hula always makes me happy!
I should add that I see my doctor regularly.  I know that you are anxious about these kinds of appointments - I get anxious, too, but what I love about seeing my doctor is ruling out things that could be seriously wrong with me.  That positive thought tends to make its way to the front of my mind when I allow it. 
Good luck today, Debora - you deserve a great day!
for 12 år siden 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Davit and Red,
Yes you did have setbacks. Just listening to you both describe them made my heart break, its awful isn't it? You both understand and I see that, I guess I will just have to learn to accept them work through them and not get so freaked out.
I had a scary episode about nine o'clock this evening, I ate a sub sandwitch because noone wanted ham after four days of it and I took my dogs for a walk, its cold here in the south about 40 degrees but I dont think that is what caused what happened. My brother called from Ohio and I was talking to him for about ten minutes, nothing upsetting or disturbing just light talk and out of nowhere my heart started to throb, it was a bad one, my whole head hurt really bad, I had to get off the phone, then I felt like I was going to regurgitate, I know in my heart this was NOT anxiety or panic, I had eaten and took my pill, I hope I am not getting sick, my first thought, of course knowing me was "Oh God a stroke" I managed to calm myself somewhat, I did not even want to take a tylenol because of the nausea, it was really strange one minute I am fine the next sick and this one I would bet was not related to panic because I was not upset. Could eating something not good cause a bad headache and upset tummy? I know the upset tummy but a headache? it was a deli sub chicken sandwitch, I have eaten them before and never had a reaction, its kind of scaring me but I am trying not too think about it, I could deal with the tummy but the headache is scaring me, I dont think the cold weather would cause it unless I am not use to it? See what I do I try to figure everything out and maybe thats not good, I hope its just the weather or something I ate and not a stroke, I am a little better now, I laid down an hour but still it hurts, I dont think I will eat that anymore, it seemed really to disagree with me.
I remember Davit saying he had a bad reaction to food in one post, I think he said MSG or something, do you remember that Davit? Did you get a headache and tummy problems? A sub through should not have MSG in it I would hope, that is strange.
I am going to take a bath and try to relax I hope I fall asleep and I can just "sleep through" the headache and tummyache, wouldnt that be nice? Thank you for helping me with you're replies, I think I am understanding better this condition we are trying to survive.
for 12 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

My God two months !!!!! For two solid years I had panic attacks every night at around 2:00. For three years after I had the odd attack with them getting progressively better. The potential is still there for them if I want them. We all can get set backs. And it has nothing to do with triggers. It has to do with allowing ourselves to drift back to previous conditions during periods of stress. CBT is ongoing it gives us the tools to do conscious and sub conscious what those without our condition do subconscious. How can I put this. CBT does not make depression and anxiety go away. Nothing will. Medication will mask it. CBT puts you in the realm of normal people by putting in your head the coping skills to make it appear gone. Even normal people get setbacks, they just don't know what they are. They think their panic is just night mares or something they ate, and some times it is. The more positive you think the less chance of a set back. The more positive you are the better chance you will not have set backs because there will be no reason to set back. It is worry, stress, negative thinking and extreme fatigue that causes setbacks. But mostly it is us that causes set backs. It is our perception and attitude that allows them to happen. So yes anyone can have them. Some don't simply because they are determined to keep their life as positive as possible. I'm one of those people.

for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Debora,
Yes I have had setbacks too and they have been hard. I had one at night that was brought on by my stress and a sudden change in my life. I shook all over unto the night..I finally had to go lay down and take some xanax to get it under control.
My partner helped me for about two hours until I finally relaxed..I have had this before Cbt but only one since I started working the cbt program here..
I really found what you said in your earlier post about a book your were reading so positive. You said that the author said that setbacks are normal but you have to accept it as just a setback..You also said that you were trying to think positive and that it was so much more comforting than negative..So hold on to that thought..Re read your post from earlier..and I think you will see how positive it really is. It sounds to me like you are on the right track and that you are moving in the right direction. May be you just didn't realize it..
I have to say I am going to see if I can get this book you mentioned I am sure it would help me with the flashes of fear that I get sometimes..
for 12 år siden 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yes Red I so agree everyone has been so helpful. I re-read the post constantly from the members and moderators and it helps.

I guess you heard I had a very bad day yesterday, I feel kind of "hung-over" today, I have not drank in years but its like a hangover but instead of alochol the hangover is from depression and anxiety, still very shaky and unsure and insecure about the attack but trying to forget and move on, the body symptoms are bad today but I guess its from yesterdays episode. like Sunny and Davit and the others say, get rest and relax and that does help, I probably sleep more than I should but it does help me.

Anyone ever have setback like two months into this condition? how did you handle it? did it scare you? and how did you bounce back with a complete relapse? so many questions, sorry. I just want this to be over or at least more under control.
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
To Everyone:
I want to thank everyone here for sharing their stories of fear and courage and what works for them..I could really identify with everyones words..Like the flash of fear that Debora mentioned and that it is "just a setback"..Also what Sunny said about taking care of ourselves and resting when we need to and also what she said about having to deal with sad or unpleasant things in life whether we like it or not and how some symptoms visit but the "aren't staying"..What camieslug mentioned her therapist saying to her that you can weaken the power of Anxiety by calling it out for what it is, no more threatening than hiccups..And of course what Davit said about CBT being something YOU do for YOU so that you can get better and how improtant it is to take all the time you need to do this. There will be plenty of time to help others later            
I know I don't always post a lot but I do read here on a regular basis and it helps me so much..  
I find such comfort and strength in all your words and you have helped me to find my way...
I hope I am able to return the favor to you all some day.
for 12 år siden 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you everyone for all you're support it means so much and I am so grateful. I think maybe I ramble too much perhaps I should journal some of what I write here, it just feels so comforting too hear you all went through this and made it out again.

Yesterday was very bad. Today is a little better. I still feel shaky because of the unexpected attack yesterday but trying to put it behind me and go on. I talked to my Aunt last night for quite a while, she is great she has been like a Mother too me and has stood by me through this when many others did not. She said she thinks it may have just been a "build-up" and just let loose yesterday, I think she means the holidays, a bad period, my son leaving town for a few days, all the festivities etc....I hope she is right, but I did enjoy doing those things, it distracted me from myself, right now I have to get back too living in the moment and not think about the new year, I dont want the new year too "scare" me I think its because this condition came back the second week of January last year for no reason at all and I got scared history would repeat itself, thats negative and I have to let go of that thought, just take it day by day, one day at a time, like AA does, maybe that will work for me also.

I read quite a bit of my toolbox last night and when I was cleaning up late a book fell out of my case {maybe it was fate} Its a older book "Hope and help for youre nerves" by Claire Weeks, she has been called the "grandmother of anxiety" its a little outdated but the concept is the same as CBT I think, has anyone ever read it? There was a whole chapter about "setback" how they can come suddenly unexpected out of the blue, and usually when you are very close to recovery, she said its normal BUT you have to accept it as just a setback and not think you are going down again, and she said it scares people because it comes so sudden when you have been doing good, I am trying to hold on too that, I so identified with that, she called it "flashes of fear" returning, and its normal and many many people have it, as with the program identifies that too, I am trying to think that positive, which is hard for me but so much more comforting than negative. I just have too believe it!!
for 12 år siden 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I wanted to add.  Remember in the old days, they called this a nervous breakdown.  A lot of things were put in this category.  We know so much more now about this condition. Remember when people could go to the country for a break?  or on a cruise if you had the means?  Well, it's still the same, we need a break from our routine even if it's just a long soak in a hot tub.  Anything we can do and can add to our list of relaxation techniques is going to be helpful.  Reward yourself every single day with something meaningful and relaxing, just for you.  These happy, relaxing things add up.  What can you, or do you, look forward to for the end of your day?


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