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Fear of loved ones traveling

for 11 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

There is a new understanding of how panic disorders work that is too new to be on the internet. I got it from my therapist. I think you are intelligent enough to understand it and be able to use it. Anyway it makes sense to me, a lot of sense and it works for me. It doesn't really have a name, it is variously called a panic triangle or thought triangle. Anyway I have explained it here a number of times if you want to look for it, or I could explain it one more time.


PS I know about addiction and the fear of using a substance again, in my case it was four years of Ativan.
This program does work, good luck.
for 11 år siden 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sorry it cut me off. I was saying I realize I have developed these phobias because of my thinking but at the time they came about I was not as educated on the subject as I am now. I know I need to retrain my thoughts. That's why God led me here :)
for 11 år siden 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I realize that everyone has their own opinion. You did not offend me at all. I also realize that everything happens for a reason. I do know why I have phobias and panic disorder. I had it for 16 years, and it has served it's purpose in my life I do believe. If it weren't for panic disordeyr I would probably be worse off than I am today. I come from a long line of addiction and I was headed down that road as well. Then all the sudden I started getting panic attacks. Soon I couldn't even drink or do drugs without getting one ;) so yes everything happens for a reason. Now I am too scared to drink or do drugs in fear ill get an attack. 

With that said. I do believe God can heal instantaneously or through hard work. Whichever serves his purpose. I have studied for years about my phobias. I realize I have let myself develop these phobias 
for 11 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
This program has rules and I am guilty of crossing them, but they are their rules and I will try to follow them.
Besides it is about CBT. So what is your definition of a tool. Mine is something you use to help you do something you can't do on your own. It isn't limited to something you use to remove rusty bolts. 
Definition of Forums, from Roman times, a place to discuss a specific topic. Definition of a chat room. A place to talk, on or off the subject. This Forum is starting to look a lot like a chat room to me. It could just be my b.......chy attitude, but I think I'll get a piece of pumpkin pie and go watch the snow fall. Yes I know that is off the subject but like I said, I am guilty of crossing the line, usually when I'm trying to get across what I think is an important point. 
Sorry if I have insulted anyone. But if everyone is entitled to an opinion then so am I. 

for 11 år siden 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Everyone has a right to their opinion.  God can heal people and He also gives us wisdom to go to a doctor or take CBT programs like this one.  God helps people and it is by faith and hope and belief.  I worked hard on this program and I'm cured of panic for over two years now.  And, God helped.  CBT does work and I am proof of it, so blaming God if it doesn't work, isn't an issue.  You have to believe it works and retrain your thoughts and you can be cured.  Please let the people who believe in God, and that He helps and He can heal us in addition to our hard work, believe it.  If panic disorder is a learned behavior, I don't believe we're born with it.  If there is a mental condition someone is born with that is different.  My friend used to say that God is a crutch.  Now, I've heard He is a tool.  We can agree to disagree.  Re:  Jessica doing exposure.  She's not trying to do it, her ex husband is taking her child on a 6 hour trip away from her.  It is being done to her.  She can't control the circumstances; she is coping the best way she can.

for 11 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
If you are depending on God to cure you who are you going to blame if it doesn't work. Did you ever consider that you were sent here for a good reason. Have you thanked God. CBT works but you have to do it on your own. We are here for support and will support you but we can not cure you, neither can the program unless you do the work. Group therapy works too, and this may be the closest you come to it. 
Panic conditions are complex but it boils down to one cause, you. You did it whether it is a new thing or has been with you from birth. Yes there are many contributing factors but it is still your perception that is causing it. So you will have to cure this on your own even though you are using every form of help available. 

Jessica, why are you trying to do exposure before you have coping and relaxation skills in place? If you do have these, what are they? By the way most phobias fall under the shadow of Agoraphobia. Cure it and the rest fall over like dominoes.

Davit  (being confusing as usual)

PS. Definition of CBT. In it's simplest form it is changing inappropriate thought to appropriate. You can learn how to do it but you alone have to do it. Everything else is just a tool.
for 11 år siden 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Jess :)

I used to have the anticipatory panic, but the program retrained my thinking, so that doesn't happen anymore.  Panic is a learned behavior, so you can unlearn it :)  You're going to do great!!!  My favorite scripture is 2 Timothy 1:7, "For God did not give us the spirit of timidity (fear), but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline (a sound mind)." You can do this!

Shari :)
for 11 år siden 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you! 
I loved that you mentioned God because he is who is getting me through all of this. I am confident that I will get through this. He has never left me. I just hate the anticipatory panic. It's the worst for me. I'm hoping this program will really help my thought process :)
for 11 år siden 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome and thank you for sharing your story with us.  As you can see your not alone and there is assistance for you.  By going through the program slowly it will lead you to exposure therapy and knowledge.  Session 4 is amazing with knowledge and examples. Taking it step by step, you will get to where you want to be, its a  process, but it works!
Keep posting with us and look at it as journaling, very therapeutic and supportive.
Ask as many questions as you need to, we are always here.
Josie, Health Educator
for 11 år siden 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Jessica,

Welcome.  I'm Shari.  I'm not an expert, but I don't think that what you have is a phobia, it's a natural fear or concern.  And, the reason I say that is, because I was in your shoes with my divorce and my daughter traveling with her dad.  I never felt comfortable with it, because he wasn't a responsible person.  However, over time, as I saw that she was okay when she came back, the fear became less.  I understand that it's difficult to work it as exposure work, because they aren't constantly traveling.  They come back and then later, the fear comes up, because they're going again.  It's tough.  Being a Christian, I prayed a lot and God looked out for her.  She's almost 22 now, but I remember those feelings like they were yesterday.  She travels, as an adult, by herself and she works in the city in Washington D.C.  And, at first it bothered me that she was a young girl taking the subway and buses.  But, I see she is capable.  All I can tell you for sure is that, as your child gets older and you see that he or she is alright, the fear will lesson.  And, once he or she is of legal age and there's no more visitation, you will feel a weight off of your shoulder.  My daughter lives with my ex husband's Mother in Virginia and commutes to D.C.  She visits me on weekends.  It used to bother me, but she is doing well and she is happy and I raised her to be independent and she can take care of herself, so things get better.  I hope you find some comfort in that, but I know it's not an instant fix, because your child is still young.  I will keep you both in my prayers and I know God will look out for you both.  I've also learned that, even if you don't see results right away, that God is always working behind the scenes.  Trusting God, really helped me, although as a Mom you always have concern for your child, it's normal.  Feel free to post here anytime.  Everyone is so supportive and it really does help to share your feelings and have support knowing that others have similar situations and everyone genuinely cares for you.  Hang in there - you will make it - I have every confidence in you. 
Oh - are there any pleasant activities that you can enjoy while you're child is away?  Trying to fill in the time with things you like to do, helps you get through.  Also, positive self talk, like, "This is only temporary, my child will be back soon,  My child is safe and God is looking out for him or her, etc."  

Your friend, Shari

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