Hi Angel :)
Yes I used to think that way all the time. My anxious thoughts would spiral out of control creating more anxiety and eventually panic. I dont even want to think of how many times I have gone to the doctor thinking I had some horrible disease or illness over the last 5 years. {sigh}
I remember one time this summer when I was in an absolute spiral. It started with me getting dizzy in the am and having some neck stiffness. I started walking around the house thinking of all the illnesses it could be. I acually convinced myself I had to have menengitis or a brain tumor or I was blowing a clot and would most certainly die or be totally incapasitated if I didnt get help right away. I called my doc and was petrified. On the drive over there I took a minute in the parkinglot before I went in and asked myself "Beth, how realistic are you being here?" and acually noticed how darned out of control that whole morning had gotten. (not a proud moment for me to be honest.) I started crying as I knew in my heart it was anxiety and it had gotten the better of me for sure that day. I went into the office and went in to see my doc. I looked at her and explained what had happened that morning and gave her my thoughts on it. "I think this is anxiety" I told her. She was very understanding and after checking me out physically, told me "Yep".
I thanked her for her time, got back out to my car and bawled. I was really upset. I have been working on controlling those negative spiral thought processes since that day.
Try to take time to do the breathing, relax your muscles and also try to work on positive thought process as opposed to the negative. I try to think realistically. Ask yourself "Is this thought process really helpful to me?" "How realistic is it that I could be ill?" You dont have to use that NEG/POS sheet, just do it in your head the minute you get an anxious thought. The more positive redirection you think, the better you will feel!
Aniety is fear. If we all try to be less fearful, we can get control of the anxiety and feel better :)
Have a Happy Turkey Day!!