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Ashley -> Health Educator

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Alone in the Airport this Sunday HELP

for 10 år siden 0 11222 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for clearing that up Davit.

I hope she comes back to read all you have written. You are right she did have guts to correct you. It's good to talk about these things openly so that they can be resolved. Misunderstandings and miscommunication happens all the time. 

Ashley, Health Educator
for 10 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I'm not blaming mommies. Lord knows they have a hard enough chore. I'm blaming the times. We have electronic babysitters that may well calm but do not teach a thing. When mommies don't have the time to stop and show  a child there is nothing to fear is it their fault. No. But it still happens. Hurry hurry. I'm not a parent but neither am I blind. If I was a parent my child would get the time needed to answer it's questions. It would get what I never got. And yes I do see young mothers doing this. Mothers with more than one child in tow. But most of the time children are told to be quiet and be still. What does that teach. So they grow up not knowing what to do in a crowd when they are scared. Kids get scared in lineups too. We are what we learn. Just look at their faces. 

Never assume. But we do. Everyone sees what they want to not what they actually see. I try not to do this but still it happens. So it doesn't surprise me when some one sees it different than I meant and for that reason too I never let it make me mad. Like that dumb quote (in my mind) I might sound mad but I'm not. I just think he is out of context. Of course it is true for some people, but they do not have anxiety disorders. To me he sounds like those people that say just do it.

And Megan had the guts to correct me and that is a good thing. I just hope I didn't make her mad enough to leave. Maybe I'll just put my mind (and point of view) in the closet till the new year. 

for 10 år siden 0 11222 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Megski,

Hope you are doing ok today. Don't take what Davit said personally, he has been with us for a long time and I know he wasn't directing that post at you. Not sure if it's good to blame mommies for anxiety though Davit! But I see what you were trying to say.
CBT works because it is systematic and it asks you to question your thoughts that are causing the anxiety. Even the best moms can't do that for you. We have to do it for ourselves and those with anxiety have a much tougher time, not because it is there fault at all though. I want to make that clear.
How are you now Megski?

Ashley, Health Educator
for 10 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Megan it was not aimed at you so don't take it personally. And secondly I would never make that sort of comment about anyones mother , but it is a fact that the world is too busy of a place for the majority of people to give their children the skills they need. If they did there would be no need for therapy. Anger will get you through life and it will get you through a lot of situations, but it will not cure you, nor will relaxation techniques. I bloody well know this from experience. Only changing thought patterns will do this. And I will tell you right now it is hard to do. so hard that many throw away the little they gain to keep their old not working thought patterns. They would rather live in there shell and think they are sick. You said you would not give up but I'm betting you are ready to right now. I'm betting you are thinking this is just another stupid gimmic that doesn't work like all the rest. 
So misinterpret what I say and get mad at me. But you are the one who has to give up because I won't. I know this works. Do the program and ignore what I post if you want to, but keep in mind I have a very good therapist and every thing I say is based on fact and I've been doing this a long time. A very long time. 

Be damn glad you have parents, I don't and when I did they taught me nothing. I wasn't even wanted. I had to face my fears alone and had to learn to face them alone because there was no one to hold my hand when I really needed it. And I made a lot of mistakes. A lot of children grew up this way in my generation. 

My brother gets by with anger, I can't be around him. His way of treating his anxiety is to get mad and give it to everyone else. It works very well for him and he thinks he is normal and I'm crazy. He can't see though that his anger drives people away. There is a big difference between facing fears and fighting them. 

Take what you want from this, it is not aimed at you. It is only facts. The whole program is just information, as are these forums. 

My therapist says she would be disappointed if I could not get angry, but even more if I used that anger on some one
else. It has it's place as do all the emotions. 


Ps go back to that post and tell me whose name is at the top. We are all different, not everything is relevant. The only thing that is is the CBT techniques that change thought patterns.
for 10 år siden 0 96 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

please I appreciate your help and techniques, I believe they work, but PLEASE do not disrespect my mom. She comes from the inner city and is tough which is good for me. I do face my fears. 
for 10 år siden 0 96 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I don't need the mommy reference thank you Davit.

The fact I am choosing to be in an airport and choosing to go out west shows I am facing my fears thank you Davit. 

and if my distractions help me then Davit I'm going to use them like the millions of other people who do so do NOT make me feel guilty about it. and yes I am in therapy. 

I don't need stress Davit I'm under enough as is.
Well, I'm done reading this thread. I had a hunch not to come on here this morning.
I'm sure I'll be fine in the airport. I have things to keep me busy and can always talk to people. Got my phone on me. 
for 10 år siden 0 96 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Molly,

yeah I have a bunch of stuff to keep me busy plus striking up a conversation with people.
for 10 år siden 0 96 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi hugs4u

I fly tomorrow (Sunday)
for 10 år siden 0 96 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm not the least bit concerned about a stomach ache. I never mind when I get stomach aches. 
for 10 år siden 0 96 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh yes I carry a water bottle everywhere literally everywhere I'll fill it up after I get through security. I don't know what gravol is. Now, I bring 2 lunches with me and eat as needed.

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