My doc upped my lamictal two weeks ago and I've started having headaches about a week later. I called his office and he didn't think they were caused by the increase. However, after he said that I had to do some internet research and there are some sights that talk about lamictal headaches - anyone else have this issue? I see him again in two weeks.
I hesitate to mention this - because there's a HUGE positive in all of this. The increase dosage makes me not want to sleep all day and/or when I get home from work, but it also is making it more difficult to go to sleep at night. I take a benzo at night to help offset the side effect of the bad dreams. I don't want to take more than prescribed (afraid of the addiction thingy and I want to follow his directions) but think if I do, then I'll go to sleep quicker. The benzo is Klonopin and I take 1.5 mg. I am taking 400 mg of lamictal.