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Stages of change

Ashley -> Health Educator

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Questions to challenge negativity

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-03 3:43 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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I want to start by welcoming recent members who made a decision to start a healthier lifestyle.  I also want to thank the regulars and support members who check back and respond and continue to encourage people.

That said, I stopped drinking on Nov 13th.  Day 3 for me.  The only issue is lack of sleep and being tired.   I am sure my body is adjusting.

I have tried before but not successful. The big difference with this site is all the interactive tools.  Since 2010 I would check out all these sober forums but never post and fall off the wagon.

I think it is very important to sign up and interact, post and support others.  I will heed this websites advice to check back often.

So far so good for me.  I have my daughter this weekend and I NEVER drink when I am watching her so that will take to day 6 easy.

Good luck all and all the best.  You can do this!
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I?m just starting

One thing that shocked me was the Check Your Drinking report.  The amount I spent in the past year, the amount of hours I was intoxicated (you cant just got actual drinking hours, it lingers for hours).  Effect on your liver and health. And all the charts. I knew i was drinking a lot, but not the way it was described here.

I suggest everyone complete the report and email it to yourself if you havent done so already.
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Thanks Rob! 
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What Vitamins, Herbs, Amino Acids or Minerals do you find helpful?

I am not a health professional but I did a lot research in this over the course of a month....this was to prepare for the start of my plan to be sober which never really happened until now.  I am very serious now. This weekend I am getting:

Melatonin - to help me start sleeping regularly
Vitamin B- Complex
Vitamin D3
Vitamin C-1000 (may not take this as I have started fresh lemon squeezed in warm water each morning)
Milk Thistle
L- Glutamine.

Do your research before taking any of these but these are all natural - from a health store.
I am also exercising an eating healthy.  Only been sober 3 days but still.

Good luck!
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Welcome toad, and yes, the toolbox and exercises is exactly what you are looking for.
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Get busy living, or get busy dying. - Shawshank Redemption (is where I heard it)
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Day 6 in effect.  Last night was the first Sunday in at least a year where I did not have a drink.  I just didn't feel the need.  I am separated and every Sunday night I would drop off my daughter in a rush so I could go buy booze and drink (for those outside Canada, I am in Ontario and we can only buy hard liquor from the LCBO which closes at like 5pm on Sunday and 9 pm every day!).  In the past, my ex would be like, so how is life, what's going on?  I would be like fine, can I go now?  Last night I was calm and collected.  Didn't rush to leave.  Played with my daughter for a bit (waited on purpose for the clock to hit 6pm) then smiled and said, well I guess I better get going.

I never keep booze in the house.  I make it a point to always buy if I need to drink.  unfortunately, this would entail me buying booze almost every bloody day, for like the past many many years.  In a way, this helped me over doing it.  After all, I do have to go to work every day and put on act like everything is fine.

Anyway - I am learning to cope with the boredom by reading, catching up on shows, exercising, watching videos and reading news online.  I also plan to enroll in some course I was interested in and make it a point for it NOT to be online so I can get out and twice a week and meet people and do something in life.

ONE IMPORTANT THING - I find that in order for change, you must use this website and the toolbox and diary.  It may seem cheesy (no offence) but unless you track your sucsess and read and encourage others and post here often, it may be difficult to succeed.  How many "the new me" and "I finally quit" posts have you read and never hear back from them again?  Tons.

Keep at it.  You cant give up.  And rewarding yourself with one drink for not drinking for one week is not worth it.  There is no such thing as one drink for people like us or we would not be here. Don't do it.
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4 months sober today!

Congrats Turquoise! 4 months (120 days) is huge!!
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One Month!!!! Wooooooooot

Way to go Amethystgypsy!!
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Looking for perspective

Hi needachange - Have completed my first week - zero drinks.  I was drinking 7 to 12 drinks a day, daily.  If I can do it, you can.  Day 4 is big - it's a tipping point to that one week mark.  You will have the urge to drink - a trigger.  I had one today but I resisted the urge.  As for having one drink one day, will not work for me given the number of drinks I am used to.  Maybe it will work for you but for now focus on being sober.  The first week you will be tired and have lots of time on your hand.  Just last night it was like 6pm and I was like, jeez, I still have 5 hours to kill before bed.  With all this time on my hands, I could get a law degree studying 4 hours every night lol.  Anyway keep at it.

Honeybadger - welcome.  Day 1 is a good day, it's the day you realized that you needed a change and decided to do something about it.

You both should use the toolbox feature and make entries into your diary and check out the other stuff.

Good luck!