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for 3 år siden +1 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 1
Happy 2021!

I smoked more :( :(

But I want to change that this year!

for 3 år siden +4 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 4
New Year, New Me!!?

So I have talked about it for months and now I actually will do it.

I am quitting smoking and quitting drinking.

I have wanted this for a long time and now I am taking the plunge. Any tips from people who have successfully quit?

I have been 2 days with no alcohol or smokes. It is really hard. I need some inspiration from people who know what I am going through.


for 3 år siden +1 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 1
2 days alcohol and nicotine free. Help!

So I am doing it. I already posted in the smoking group. I am posting here too because I need some support.

I am quitting drinking and smoking at the same time. I really want this. It is also really hard. I found this site and I am hoping it will help me get through this.

I am drinking lots of water and trying to stay positive. Any tips from people who know what I am going through?

for 3 år siden +1 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 1
2 days alcohol and nicotine free. Help!

Thank you for responding.It has been very tough. I talked to a friend about it and i decided to stop drinking first and then move on to quit smoking. Doing both at once has been too hard. I feel like I am losing my mind! I am a bit disappointed but one addiction at a time I think makes more sense.

I haven't had a drink in a week! I also have cut back a lot on smoking. Onward and upward! Thanks again

for 3 år siden +1 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 1
5 Years Today :)

It was very very nice to read your journey Lynn. It gives me lots of hope and it inspires. Congratulations. Change is hard. I am hoping it will get easier.

for 3 år siden +2 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 3
New Year, New Me!!?

I really appreciate your post Timbo.

I decided to quit drinking first and then work on smoking. It was getting too hard fighting both cravings at once. I haven't had a drink in over a week! I also cut back on smoking a lot. I was a pack a day smoker but I have cut back to less. only half a pack some days now. I have been a smoker for years. I had my first drag when I was 14. I don't think I started having full packs until my 20s though. I am just glad I am taking steps forward. It took a long time for me to finally get my act in gear. Better late then never I guess.

I will keep you posted. It is nice knowing people actually replied to me who already went through fighting addiction.

for 3 år siden (Edited for 3 år siden) +2 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 3
New Year, New Me!!?

Hi Timbo

Thanks for all the info. I will have to try the breathing. I need any help I can get with stress :)

I still haven't had a drink..... A friend of mine asked to spend some time together this weekend but I had to decline. This friend usually always drinks when we get together and I just didn't think I could handle the temptation. My friend did try to convince me to reward myself with a couple of drinks during the week this week. He was reasoning why rewards are good and it really got me thinking... maybe I could just have a drink this week. Then I snapped out of it and realized that having a few drinks was probably a really bad idea. I have to stop myself from rationalizing why drinking a little could be ok. It is really hard.

I still am cutting back on smoking. I had a few more smokes then I planned to this weekend but it is still less then I normally smoke. I feel good to be making progress. It helps to know other people are rooting for me, here and IRL.

Thanks again!

for 3 år siden 0 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
2 days alcohol and nicotine free. Help!

Hi Lynn

I am feeling pretty positive with how far I have come lately. I still haven't had a drink and this weekend has been difficult. I am coping. I am exercising more, reading about addictions, and spending time with friends who do not drink. My girlfriend has also been very supportive. She is a non smoker but drinks occasionally. She didn't realize I have a drinking problem because I tend to handle my alcohol very well. Now that she knows how I feel about alcohol she isn't drinking around me and trying to find other fun activities to do. She is the best. How were you able to quit drinking in the 90s? I am learning a lot from people who have quit before. Thanks again for taking the time to reply to me.

for 3 år siden 0 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Friends who drink

How do you all deal with friends who drink?

A few close friends of mine drink. They are good people and I like spending time with them but I cannot remember a time I was with them and didn't drink. I have been avoiding them since I quit. It hasn't been too difficult due to Covid but I am wondering what I will do when covid is not longer a valid excuse. I want to be able to spend time with them, I don't want to tell them they can't drink around me but being around someone who drinks will be very difficult for me. I am just wondering what other people did who were in similar situations so I can get a better idea on how to handle this.

Thanks in advance!

for 3 år siden 0 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Friends who drink

Thank you foxman. "I realized its our own mind is the one that tricks us into drinking. " I like that, thanks again.