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How to help a loved one with Depression

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-07-03 4:49 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression


Stages of change

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-25 11:19 PM

Medlemsgruppe drikkeri


What have you learned?

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-19 12:26 AM

Medlemsgruppe rygning


Emergency Happy Questions

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-11 2:42 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Belief System - black or white?

Wow goofy,
It sounds like you have been doing some amazing work for yourself! Sounds like a good thing to do :) You go rirl!
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
How to handle this kind of thing?

Hey Wildcat,
Sorry you had to go through all that in your life. Is there anyone you are capable to speak to about this stuff? If not does journaling help? Anyway, I think you are vwery brave and strong to have come through it.
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Feeling good!

Hi Pete,
Wow congratulations on your successes! Congratulations for the publication! Please keep us posted, It was great reading about this!
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My latest successes...

Hey guys,
Saturday I went to my graduation. I received my diploma and a mention of excellence from the dean. I did well. I was sociablw with the people I met. Ok, so I left straight after and did not stay for the wine and such. But I am pretty happy with myself. considering I did not even want to go I think I did really well!
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Diva news...

Hey Karen, thanks for the reply!
Hey Rose,
Yeah, you told me so. I just find having to take pills incredibly frustrating. As my therapist has identified I want to be above it all and see myself taking pills as a form of defeat. So my ego takes a hit when I have to take pills to help myself. This is something I obviously have to work on. But I have been tking my pills. Well the lseeping pills anyway. I might take an anxiety pill soon though as I feel really overwhelemed atm. Thanks for talking to me about this. It is good to talk to someonw who is less unreasonable then me when it comes to medication.
Yesterday I went to my grad. I didn't even take any anxiety meds either to do it. I posted in Successes.
Today, I am not doing so well. I am tired. Well less tired than usual. The sleeping pills have been helping a bit. I am also hormonal (that time of the month, sorry gentlemen!). I am really anxious. I start work on Monday. And I have a super important meeting on Tuesday. That meeting could decide my academic future and I am not nearly ready to go! I am just not getting anywhere. I can't seem to manage to do anything. I feel like a hamster in a wheel! I run and I don't get anywhere. I feel like a big lazy failure. Here I am with a great opportunity ahead of me and I can't even manage to get ready for it. How lame! I feel so horrible and overhwlemed!  I talked to my mom. she will come over tomorrow night and help me with a few things. Tonight she helped me prepare my class for my student. I am so behind on everything. And that meeting is so importnat. Man I am blowing this cause I can't seem to do anything except spin my wheels for no reason.
As you can see today is a bad day and I need to start applying my thought challenging skills. I am sad, depressed, tired, anxious and overhwlemed to the extreme. This is not a good day for me! I feel lame.
I feel alone. My hubby asked what is wrong but when I tell him he doesn't answer anything. When I tell him I wish he would say something he says he doesn't know what to say. I feel alone.
I want to get control over myself. I want to get back to what I was which was organized and productive! Now I am tired and lame and lazy! I am blowing all sorts of things because of it too! I just want to fix things and I don't know how or where to start. I am so overhwlemed! Most things in my life are a mess at the moment! I just want to crawl under the blnkets and hide.
Keep having to remind myself of the truth: This too shall pass!
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Session one

Btw, my mood tracker seems to be fine now. thanks
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
passion for work...

Wow Stardust. I admire you following your dream. Good for you!
Sheba, I think you would be good as a dog trainer. You seem so good with animals!
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Let me know how the aquagym goes!
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My latest successes...

Thanks guys!!! I really appreciate it!
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Diva news...

Hey Rose.
Thanks for the replies. It means a lot. I teach. I teach French to governement worker who need it for work. I thus teach to adults, mostly on an individual basis. I only have one student for now. i might get more as time goes. Not sure. It pays well per hour and I have done it before. It is a good job for me for now. What i really want is to manage to get into the doctorate's program.As for my mom, yes I am super lucky to have her, she is the best! I love her! I know I am tired and not lazy or lame but I feel as if I am...But you are right. And yes, I graduated. That is something nobody can ever take away from me. As for my graduation. I did not stay to socialize not mostly because I was anxious so much as I was exhausted. The ceremony was so long. I just couldn't wait to get home to my pyjamas! lol. But I did socialize some while I was there. I doubt I will every agree to take the anxiety meds on a daily basis but I am taking it as needed at the moment until I get to my meeting. For me that is a lot. But I intend to cut back as my life calms down. But I do agree the meds can help so thanks for reminding me .
Hey Breanne,
I am feeling a bit better today. I am trying to focus on one thing at a time as Rose had suggested! I do have a lot on my plate. I feel like I have the to-do list from H**l in my head running at all times! It is exhausted and stressful. But I am trying to take some deep breaths and take it one goal at a time. So I am trying to prioritize and organize. Being so tired and overwhelmed makes it tough though. I just don't feel normal. I am less focused, more emotional, I have less concentration, less energy, more tired, more anxious, less productive, more clumsy, well you get the point. And I HATE it! I want ME back!!!But you are right I cand do this. One thing at a time!
Hey Wildcat,
Thank you for giving me a new perspective . You are right, if I could get that hug now, it would be great!
Today went well up to now. I got up, got ready. I even put some good music on as I got ready. I also bothered to dress pretty. My class went well. My student seems nice. It was our first class together. I think it will go well. I felt relatively at ease which is nice. Now I am home and I will prepare for tomorrows meeting, I wish I had more energy for it and less stress. I might have to take an anxiety pill.I feel like a pressure cooker that is about to blow. My mind is racing with the to-do list from h**l and it is hard for me to focus. I just really want this meeting to go well. But I hate taking the pills. I know how bad it is to abuse those. I also know they create adiction. Bleh!  But hey my day went well and now I will go prepare for tomorrow! Focus on the positive!