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How to help a loved one with Depression

Ashley -> Health Educator

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for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I gotta get this done

Wow Goofy,
Sending you big hugs hun. I feel for you I really do. And I understand the fear...The fear of going back, of falling backwards. but you have tools now that you did not have before which will enable you not to sink. Plus as you said, set your boundaries. Help your dad the way you can but don't go down with the ship it won't help you or him. Work on yourself first, set your boundaries, take good care of yourself first and then for the rest, do what you can. Please be good and kind to yourself in this diffcult time, and remember that we are here for you. You are in my thoughts.
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Diva news...

Hiya Wildcat,
 Well I have taken many medications in the past and have wheened myself off. This particular drug I am taking for the anxiety is what they usually prescribe me. It is Clonazepam. I am very familiar with it as I have done research for school on it and have taken it often.I have wheened myself off several times before. I deal with the withdrawal well enough as I do things gradually. as for the sleeping pills. It is Zopiclone. I have done research on those too. But I have not taken them before and as such have no idea what to expect for the withdrawl effects. As such I know I will do gradual wheening when the time comes but it feels scarier to say the least.
I am allergic to SSRIs as such cannot take those. I have tried other medications but have had major side effects. My psychiatrist prefers to stick with what is tested and true for my anxiety. the Zopiclone is newer but we tried it for my sleep. I do not take anti-depressants. SSRIs are a no go and other I have tried had too many side effects to be worth it.
Thanks for saying I am not a whiner lol.
I study psychology. The Ph.D. in psychology here is a very select program. If you have the grades you can apply but then a teacher must choose to sponsor you as your thesis adviser or you do not get in. As such, it becomes a popularity contest as to who get a thesis advisor and who does not. As such, even with good grades I might not get in out of not being popular enough with the teachers. Only a very small percentage of applicants get in...
Ans yes I teach French. I teach french to government worker who need to be bilingual for their jobs or for promotions etc. Teaching French is a job. It is a career for some but not for me. I guess I do not have the calling as one might say. For me it is a job and a way to get teaching experience and to pay the bills. I am studying psychology. As such anxiety and anxiety meds are part of my studies. I want to get into the Ph,D program in psychology so I can teach university and do research and do therapy. Yes, one program opens all those doors for me. and all those doors enable me to make a difference and help people. That is what I want. And that is why I am so frustrated.
And yes, I am in a stressful situation. I am in many stressful situations (relationships, school, work, house, finances, etc...). And yes, I do not feel as if I have the energy to deal with is all you are very perceptive.
As for making  sense, you make sense to me 
And thanks for not making light of what i am going through. I appreciate you not giving me non-sense . And yes I want to deal with 200 things at a time and succeed at all of them and manage to do it yesterday lol
And you are right. I will need to be kind to myself and be patient and take things one at a time. and yes, I will take care of myself.
Thanks for your very caring reply wildcat. It means so much to me . 
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Diva news...

Hi Rose,
You are right, no one is superwoman. but I do try LOL! As for being ok with meds for others and not for me, who knows lol. I guess that is part of my basic thinking patterns that need to be reevaluated. I can truely understand others needed meds but do not understand it of myself lol. Maybe I have a big ego? I mean I must have a big ego to think I should be superwoman and capable of doing it all by myself lol! I don't know, I am working on this issue. It is on of my neurosis I guess . As for withdrawal and addiction, I don't think I am scared. I have wheened myself off enough meds to know I can do this. I guess I am against the idea of being dependant on a substance, I am against the idea of addiction. I know, my neurosis again. Working on it!
As for wheening myself off, I do it with the help of my therapist and my doctor. But in the past I have had to insist to get off the meds, to get help to do it and that frustrated me. at one point a psychiatrist refused to give me a tapering off protocol. He said I was so cscrewed up I would need meds forever. That really revolted me. I got better and got off all my meds and have kept off meds as much as I possibly can since.
As for shool and them taking me or not, well yeah, bugger them, numbskulls if they don't take me. I am smart and hardworking and worth it! To bad for them!
As for the file thing, I hear you. You would think hard work would be enough but it isn't is it? Too busy covering their own a**es. I love that. Willl have to remember that!
As for now, I intend to take the sleeping pillls for a little while still, but I am starting to taper off the anxiety meds tonight. I will see how it goes. I know I am being silly about this. I know. I hear you. I just, I can't explain. I have no words to explain my neurosis to you. As for trusting the doctors to tell me when to get off, well since the incident before, I do not trust doctors to take me off meds anymore, I just don't. I trust myself more. I don't ever want to be told what I am capable of acheiving or not by others ever again. I can do this, I can get better and I don't always need meds!
But I am taking my sleeping pills. and I will taper off the anxiety meds very slowly and gently. And hey, if in the furture I feel the need to take them again, well then I will! That is why I always keep a prescription PRN!
Thanks Rose. This discussion on meds with you is really helping me discover things about myself and how I think about meds and recovery and past events. so thank you. This has been a super great exchange for me! I really am grateful.
And you kindness, support and good advice mean a lot to me!
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Diva news...

Hello Sheba,
Thanks for the very nice reply! I figured with you being in school you would understand how it goes lol. I am glad that you feel you are doing what is right for you and that you know who you are and what you want. I am sorry if you feel like an outsider though. And yes, being appreciated by people you appreciate is the best . I envy you not needing recognition from people you don't like. I spent a lot of my life in the past seeking approval from others whether I liked them or not. I don't do it so much now. Now I tell myself: "bugger them, numbskulls!. I tell myself I don't need their approval. But it took me sooooooooo many years to figure that one out. What freed me of this is I was told by someone I trust and respect that for every 10 people I meet, 4 people will like me no matter what, 4 people will hate me no matter what and 2 will be indifferent. So stop trying to impress people so much. Because the ones who like you, like you, the ones who don't like you still won't like you and the rest don't care! For some odd reason, that was one of the most freeing pieces of info I ever got. So now when I get distressed about not having approval from someone, I remind myself 4-4-2!
As for meds, I really am not against them. and taking them 3-4 times a moth to calm down when in deep waters, well I see no harm in that. As I said, I am neurotic about this issue and it makes no sense. I am working on it lol! I really am not anti-medication!
Anyway, thank you for your support it mean a lot. And it is nice to know you understand!
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Diva news...

Hi Jaded Jewel,
Thanks for the reply.And no need to apologise for anything. We all feel tired and out of the looop sometimes. So I do appreciate you taking time to drop in and reply to me!  Thank you for letting me know you understand how I feel. I am sad that you are having to go through similar things but it is nice to be understood and makes me feel less alone. so thank you very much .. and yes, I am reading everyone's advice and feel very touched by how much they care! Aren't the people here great?
Anyway, thanks again for your reply!
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Diva news...

Hi guys,
Sorry for all the very long replies. I am writting my memoirs it seems...So sorry! I guess I am in a bit of a state. This happens to me once in a blue moon. I feel like I have got my finger stuck in an electric plus or something. My brain is just going so fast. And it does not matter how tired I get my brain just won't stop! So fast! At first I don't feel anxious. But if I try to stop or slow down I get very high anxiety! In this state I talk loud and talk fast and too much. I guess I do the same in writting too! I can't seem to stop. Sometimes I feel very happy and energetic. But them as I get tired I get irritable and cranky. Then I just get even more tired and I get anxious.Very very anxous. I am so highstrung inside. My body can be calm and look calm but inside I am going fast and vibrating and my mind is racing. I am tired and everything races and it won't stop.
My psychiatrist once told me this state I am n right now is Hypomanic I think he called it.  Says I have tendencies to get into hypomanic states. Then again psychiatrists have said so many things to me over the years I have stopped listening to the names and diagnostics. I now listen only to what I can do to feel better lol. This does not happen to me very often, this state.  I am not sure what is causing it now. So I am super sorry for the pages upon pages of writting. I am crying now. I am writting this as if I can keep typing it will save my life or sanity or something. Anyway, I will stop now. I guess I won't taper off my meds tonight after all. I guess one more night at full dose till I come out of this state can't hurt.
Sorry again! signing off now! Sorry.
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hya, I am new and sad.

HEllo Julie,
Welcome to the forums!
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My father... was diegnosed with heart failure

Hello Sheba,
I am so sorry to hear about your father's heart. I want to echo the others in saying that you are not at fault here. His heart condition is not of your doing and not because of you or anything you have done. I know how hard it is to deal with a parents ill health. Since my dad was diagnosed with cancer we have had a lot of ups and downs together as a family. I am here for you if you need to chat (type). . Please keep us posted on what you find out. In the meantime know that you and your father are in my thoughts and prayers.
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Struggling to keep afloat

Hey JadedJewel,
As we both identified we are not in a position to be a great help to each other. But I did want to ask, did you ask him to go to couple's therapy? It took doing but now my hubby is up to it. And I even managed to find (finally!) a therapist we could afford. We have an appointment in a few weeks. I figure it might help me and my hubby, it could help you and yours! Anyway, hang in there, you are in my thoughts. And do be kind to yourself!
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I gotta get this done

Hey Goofy,
Oh my! What you said about how you act in therapy is so like what I used to do! I also knew that for statement AAA the answer was BBB. So I did the same thing. Hiding behind my brain! You put it in better words then I had before! I stopped doing that now, I think. I think I do slip up though, old habits die hard. Luckily for me though I have found a great therapist who sees right through me and helps me cut through the b**ls**t. But when you wrote that I could so identify with it.!
As for your dad, well, boundaries are hard to set and hard to maintain. I am glad you have read litterature on it. Am glad also that you are not so frantic atm. You are a smart, strong, kind woman and you will manage to get through this. You will. I have faith in you. But remember, take care of YOU first, be kind to yourself and please lean on us as often as needed. We are here for you. And this too shall pass!