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How to help a loved one with Depression

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-07-03 4:49 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression


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2024-06-25 11:19 PM

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What have you learned?

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-19 12:26 AM

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Emergency Happy Questions

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-11 2:42 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 16 år siden 0 172 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
rock bottom

Today has been the worst of my life. after the withdrawel from clonazepam and 2 days off meds it was my 1st day on effexor. Unfortunately had a very severe reaction. Horrific, i was terrified, I really thought that i was going to die and afraid it would get worse. My partner helpfully told me to pull myself together. If only. Phoned my consultant who suggested i go to the hospital. I did. They wanted me to become an inpatient, but have declined. they watched over me carefully, gave again some clonazepam which seems to have brought a little calm. must take more before bed and go back to hospital in the morning. No more effexor. Back to square 1. I feel a failure. have spent the past week going through hell to get off the clonazepam only to have to take it again. Feel its like an alcoholic not drinking for a week only to be told by his sponser he would feel better if he had a drink. Dont know what to do or think. Tears just keep rolling on. I just want it all to go away.
for 16 år siden 0 172 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Here Again,

I am also doing the mood tracker. Had a v. rough day so not done it today but think it will be helpful long term. used to be able to keep all the balls in the air but now cant even juggle myself.
for 16 år siden 0 172 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hi lady, i am new to the site but although lack of activity, after a really desperate day if i hadnt of stopped to post on this site, i promise you I wouldnt be here now. Danielle answered me and managed to make me feel that someone was out there. It stopped me short. I have been up out of my bed for only 1 hour today and have to go to the hospital tomorrow in the hope that they dont keep me in. Please be brave. I know its hard but I read your story on another post and you inspired me. You are a good person and will do what is right for you and your family, even if it doesnt feel like it now. Try to focus on yourself and spend time trying to get your head in a good place even if only for 10 mins. This is the time to then think what you should do for your family. You have a man that you love and who loves you. How many people can say that? Not enough. hang on in there, hold on tight, its a hell of a roller coaster ride that we're on. People do care, I care and I only know you from your postings. Look afteryourself. hope I can keep posting, if not you know they have addmitted me.x
for 16 år siden 0 172 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Thanks patrick, Good luck with the move. unfortunately the 5 or 10 mins that im o.k.ish, right now are being stolen from me by the effects of the drugs, I am doing all I can to hang on in there but am alone, even though my husband is in the house. My Children are grown and I honestly, really think they would be better off without me. They can do without a crazy for a mother. They look at me as though I'm hard work which i am and of course the worst thing for young people, I'm certainly no fun. Everyone could get on with happy fullfilling lives if I wasnt in the way. Saying this makes me feel disgusted with myself. I am my disabled father's primary carer. Wot would happen to him. I cant check out. I wont. I will keep doing the programe and with the encouragement from the group hope hat we can all pull through. Sorry for spelling, cant see, the tears, oh my, the tears, will they ever stop. Lady, dumpling, hope you are ok. sign back in lady so we know ur o.k
for 16 år siden 0 172 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
whats the point

My husband just dropped the bombshell. He cant cope with this crazy woman and wants out. Who can blame him. I have shut myself in the bedroom today as the reaction of the medication and the stopping of it have been so traumatic. cant stop the shakes and sweats. crying and my head wants to explode. I have tried to sheild him from this terrible sight. Problem partly, no lunch pepared, financially things are in a worst state than i thought without my income and it looks like we may loose the house. Think his outburts is through the worry and frustration and not understanding how i cant pull myself together. Hospital appointment tomorrow and i dont even know how i will be able to drive myself there. My disabled father has been on the phone wondering why i havent taken him his food round this weekend. I forgot I was just too ill. What kind of daughter does that make me? How can i tell an old man of 86. I just cant do this anymore, i feel my body is shutting down on me. even a cup seems too heavy. to tired to cry. the tears have stopped replaced only by despair and hopelessness. I dont know what to do. x
for 16 år siden 0 172 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
whats the point

lady, thank you for being there, well the tears are back, you do have answers. Unfortunately there is no one else for my Dad but I can organise someone to take him some food. I also dont want him to worry about me. The only person who loves me unconditionally, he would feel the need to try to help me but it would be too distressing for him that he cant. I do pray to God but wonder if he's hearing me. maybe my faith hasnt been so strong of late and i must attend to that. I feel as if i have scrambled egg for brains. Nothing is working properly. It seems that all my intelligence has left me. Cant concentrate on anything. I cant see the point of being here. I will make the appointment tomorrow and hopefully they can sort out the meds. Just unlucky with the effexor but Cant help thinking its just another thing thats gone wrong.
for 16 år siden 0 172 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
whats the point

Hi All and thanks for the advice. I cant tell you how much help you guys have given me. Just being there and bothering to answer. The loneliness is terrible. Its nice and comforting to know that there are people out there somewhere. Had one hell of a day. The hospital couldn't see me till I sorted out with my insurance. Just what i needed. Came home very deflated and you all know what crossed my mind. However, I paced up and down, cried a lot, twitched like a demented sparrow but did not give in. I did give in to the duvet though and basically acheived zip. Just went to bed and only got up now just because I feel sick and the anxiety is overwhelming. I have to go back to the hospital at 8am. its now 10.40pm uk. i need to take something to help me through the night but not sure what. Havent taken another effexor, am hoping that i may still be able to take it, maybe it was a blip? maybe the dose for a 1st tab too high 75? thought I'd wait till i see the consultant in the morning. The withdrawal of meds is terrifying, or maybe its not that just the depression. Having had quite a few days now of "being out of it" for most of the time, i realised that i havent changed my Butran pain patch so have been having morphine withdrawel also. what a mess. I just want someone to take control, look after me for a few days and give me the meds so I dont have to think about it. Not very good C.B.T i admit, but finding it especially tough just now. Still filling in the daily mood sheet. I know I need to act without the motivation but I just dont have the strength am totally exhausted. Has anyone sat for 2 mins to have some tea/water only for it to be an hour+ later? even my skin feels sore, Funny, my son popped in, literally walked in the door, said high mum, just come to collect a letter I need, catch you later, and went, didnt look at me or even notice my distress. I really am invisible. Hang in there all, I will and hope tomorrow brings a better day. x
for 16 år siden 0 172 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
whats the point

Hi again, I have been reading over the posts again and again, Maybe part of my problem is my unsupporive husband but we have been married for 29 years and has always been that way. I haven't the strength just now to do anything about it, on a more practical note, my health insurance is attached to his. In fact everything is. You know how things happened years ago, the car in his name, the house just about everything. In those days I guess I was his handbag, something to look good on his arm, It was all about his career, his life, if the children did well they were his if they were naughty they were mine. I stayed even through the affairs i knew were happening, they were so painful. I did everything because I wanted my children to have a loving family life with both parents. I guess I also love? loved him. All i have ever wanted was for him to love me as much. I have watched my weight, not 'let myself go' but now whoosh. with a huge crash bang I've lost control, cant eat, sleep, string a sentance together. he rightly sees a nut case. or a psyco as he calls me. He doesnt understand and just shakes his head. havent worn make up for days, whats the point keep crying it off. I stand in the shower till the water runs cold just wishing i could was it all away, I cant. I am scared. I never realised that your mind could cause you such real phsical pain. my heart pounds, my breathing fast and shallow, can the tablets really take these awful feelings away? I know the wont sort out my problems, only i can do that but i cant do it if i cant function! Arrrrrgggggg. Ha, just looked down and have put odd socks on. very odd, 1 pink 1 black. havent noticed all day, how attractive. Still no one here so does it matter? not a jot. oh, just a thought, Patrick, how did you get to be so wise. you seem to be able to read between the lines, Well thanks guys, seem to have had an ok couple of mins writing this. am off to bed and hope the tears stay away. keep strong you fellow sufferer's and keep posting.x
for 16 år siden 0 172 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
rock bottom

Thanks josie but our pharmacists work different here or seem to. You just give your prescription in at the counter in the supermarket, go do your shopping then collect the tabs. If you were to speak to a pharmasist its in front of the whole shop and chances are you would never see the sane person twice. We have unfortunately lost our little independant chemists that used to offer a service. Now its all taken over by the big supermarkets. Our Drs are also only allowed 5 mins each patient to meet goverment targets. Thankfully I have some medical insurance and have a phsychiatrist who I am able to see, usually monthly but tomorrow as an emergency. I will pray hard, and try to write down the things i want to cover with him or i'll just waste the time in tears.
for 16 år siden 0 172 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

lady, what a wonderful mantra, mind if i use it? you sound in a good place just now, whatever your doing keep at it. Been on my knees a lot today, does he hear? I think so, I just had a text from a very old friend from another country, out of the blue really saying, hi remember God loves you and we do too. Is that a sign?x