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How to help a loved one with Depression

Ashley -> Health Educator

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Medlemsgruppe depression


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Ashley -> Health Educator

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Ashley -> Health Educator

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Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-11 2:42 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 15 år siden 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
An interesting success

Hey Jay,

Well I think that is wonderful and quite interesting. I think it just goes to show, although the medication does work, our mind can work too! I still take my anxiety meds when I really feel I need it. But isn't it great to know you have that ability in you, the ability to feel well on your own?

Well congratulations! Please keep us posted!
for 15 år siden 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
New and Glad I found this site!!

Hi Labsims,

First off I would like to say I am sorry for your losses and offer you my most sincere condoleances. I am sorry to hear you have been through so much. I think going to see the GP is a good idea. Peace of mind is important. I am glad to see you are up to the challenge of taking on the program here, it is Great! Welcome to the forums and please keep us posted!
for 15 år siden 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Diva news...

Last time I saw my therapist he gave me some psychometric tests to fill out. Today we discussed what came out of it. It was hard to hear and at the same time fascinating and interesting. It will give me lots to think about. I won't share all of it with you here as it would take too long lol.

But what came out, is that I have several symptoms of anxiety and depression, that it would seem I am in an anxious state and a depressive state. I am a a perfectionist and very very hard on myself, if not down right mean to myself. I have a lot of inner conflict. Finally, I am slow to change, kind of afraid of change and stubborn and like to be in control.

So basically, I am anxious and depressed.  I need to make a lot of changes in my lifestyle and my thinking. Except that I hate change, am stubborn and only like things to happen my way lol! 

Seriously, I am glad we did this. It gives me things to think about and an idea of what is going on with me and what needs to get done and what needs changing. 

We discussed medication. We came to the conclusion adding and anti-depressant to my anxiety meds would be the best way to go. I have cut out my sleeping meds as my insomnia doesn't really go away lol. Tomorrow I see my doctor so I can discuss it with her too, so that is good. 

So that is what is up with me today. All in all though, I still feel oddly well despite being anxious, depressed  and tired. I know it doesn't make much sense. But I feel hopeful that things are on the mend and that I will get better.

And hey, compared to where I was and where my life was say 5 years ago, atm I am feeling stellar! Life just goes on improving for me despite the ups and downs. I just know it will keep getting better and this is just a rough phase.

This too shall pass!
for 15 år siden 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Diva news...

Hiya Cm,

I completely agree about what you said about outlook, hope and resiliency! So true! Thanks for dropping in and taking time to reply to me.

Yesterday I went to my GP. She prescribed and anti-depressant but at the lowest dose which is all I can deal with atm. She prescribed new sleeping pills, she wants me to sleep. I am not sure I will take them...I will speak to my therapist. I have control and fear issues when it comes to medication. Lol that is an understatement!

So I will go see my therapist again next week, and after that I will most likely start on anti-depressants. I hear those AD (anti-depressants) are also good to help control anxiety. So that would be a nice little bonus lol. Not sure how long I will have to go on the AD so that freaks me out... But I will speak to my therapist and we will figure all this out together.

It is hard for me to go back on meds. When I was meds free I was very proud of myself. I keep having to remind myself that although pills don't teach skills they can help get you and even keel so you can learn the skills and make the changes you need. I also have to remind myself that it does not diminish me or my accomplishments, it does not make me lesser. The worse part is I totally agree with others taking their medication I just don't agree with me taking any lol. 

Anyway, today, I am resting. I had a big week and I got through it and am very proud of myself. But I am also exhausted! So here I go being decadent and just relaxing today!

Have a great day guys!
for 15 år siden 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Changing your Behaviour

Changins is tough! And I find it scary too. It brings about the unknown! But it is worth it. Getting healthier and happier is worth the efforts however great it is.

So antecedent: Any situation that has to many unknown factors scares me. I have fear of the unknown. 

So then I avoid....

Consequences: I feel lame and beat myself over the head for being such a chicken.

Is this what you meant Breanne? Am trying to understand by doing lol!
for 15 år siden 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good Days

Hey CM,

Congratulations on all your great usccesses (80% wow, school) and realization (you are not your disorder)! Those are some major successes and steps in the right direction. 

You should definetely pat yourself on the back and reward yourself. You deserve it! As for not rewarding yourself till you are all better...Would you do that to someone you love, refuse to reward them because they don't have it perfect yet?
Plus, think of it this way, managing to do what you are doing when you are well and unafraid is already a great accomplishment, but managind to do what you are doing when you don't feel great and are scared is an AMAZING accomplishment and deserves a great reward. So please, please, please be kind to yourself and reward yourself a little! You deserve it!

Once again congratulations!
for 15 år siden 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hey guys!

Hey Magin!

Welcome to the forums!
for 15 år siden 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Lousy Day

Hey CM,

I agree with the others in that you will adjust and then do great yet again. You go girl! Woohoo! 

I do agree with Joe in that if you only focus on the negative, your life will seem negative. You should get back to those lists of your where you have to write down three good things a day! It is a great way to get started. Plus, challenge those negative thoughts! If you seek beuty in the world you would be surprised how much of it your find!

As for you thinking you can't do it when you can, well I guess with enough successes, eventually you will realize that you can do this and the sky is the limit. So hang in there, you will adjust! We are all proud of you and here for you!
for 15 år siden 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
stressful days :(

Hiya Karla,

Wow you have a lot on your plate! As the others have pointed out, remember that we are here for you. 

I am sorry to hear people are unsupportive where you are from. Glad to hear though that you have good friends around you.

As for goals, I think, in a way, we have to figure those out for ourselves. We are the only ones to know where we are at. I think we should make small attainable goals and split them into baby steps. And then reward yourself for evey little bit of progress made!

As for you not panicking, I am impressed. You handled this really well and you should congratulate yourself for it!

Hang in there, we are here for you.
for 15 år siden 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Avoidance Strategies

Yeah, I have to admit I am a master avoider. It is something I am still working on. I am getting better though and that is what count.