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Stages of change

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-25 11:19 PM

Medlemsgruppe drikkeri


What have you learned?

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-19 12:26 AM

Medlemsgruppe rygning


Emergency Happy Questions

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-11 2:42 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression


Questions to challenge negativity

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-03 3:43 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 13 år siden 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Your top 3 - Summer Hobbies

I'm new.  I taught myself to knit and crochet.  It opened up a whole new world of endless patterns.  I like to make toys and donate them to a children's charity toward the end of the year, around the holidays.  I have finally learned to knit, in the round, with four double pointed needles and now I can make even more kinds of toys.   I revisited an old passion I had which is drawing.  I listen to music and paint.  I have 2 Chihuahuas and a one-eyed cat that I rescued.  It is really theraputic knowing you helped them and they give you unconditional love.  They don't care if you have a panic attack and it's relaxing to give them a hug and tell them what you're stressed out about.  They don't judge you and they don't tell anyone.   Before you run out and get a pet, make sure it won't add additional stress to you.  I had to know my limits and I had taken in too many rescues at one time and had to find really good homes for them.  I hope this helps in giving ideas about new things to try.  Shari
for 13 år siden 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Your top 3 - Summer Hobbies

Thank you Samantha and everyone for your support.  I've been using all of the tools available and they are great!  Reading other people's stories is extremely helpful.  I feel connected with other people in similar situations.  I'm having technical trouble with posting my Avatar photo.  No matter how tiny I shrink the photo; it comes back as "too large"  Any suggestions?  Thanks!
for 13 år siden 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Your top 3 - Summer Hobbies

Hi Davit and Cleo,
Thank you so much for your responses.  Mac is the same as PC for opening a new file and shrinking it.  I'm not sure what the correct pixel size is, so maybe that's the problem.  I've been working with technical support and they are trouble shooting as well.  My daughter comes home from her college summer internship in two weeks, so maybe with her insight as well, we'll be able to get the avatar.  It's nice to meet both of you.  The Panic Center is a blessing for me and I appreciate all of the support.  No worries; the worst case scenerio is my avatar has a red x and says "personal image" in red ink.  I bet no one else has that one.   Have a great day!
for 13 år siden 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Situations We Can´t Control

Hi elusivebreath and Cleo,  
I have experienced both situations.  I was a military wife.  When my husband was away, I would stay with my parents for part or all of the time.  It made the time go by faster.  Having a support system of family, friends and other wives (who are going through the same thing) helps.  Getting together to go to lunch or a movie or having people over is great company.  You can plan fun things to do, so you have something to look forward to each day or week.  Also, if you can't get together, there's always the phone and email.  I had a Chihuahua mix that was my constant companion.  She was the one stable factor in an unstable military lifestyle.  She was a comfort and kept me company when we moved which helped me get through until I could meet new friends.  I tried new hobbies.  I took a crochet class and it opened up a world of thousands of patterns to try.  Are there things that you haven't had time to do or have put off?  Like organizing a closet, spring cleaning (even if it's not spring), painting a room, rearranging furniture.  Also, making something for the person you miss, is a way to feel connected and you are doing something for them.  Like making a scrap book of photos or knitting a hat, scarf or sweather (very time consuming). 
     My daughter is away at a college internship for the summer and she will be back for a week, before going away for her Junior year of college.  After she leaves, I buy a gift bag or a care package box.  When I'm out and see something she would like, I put it in her bag or box.  If she's coming home soon, I give her the bag as soon as she arrives.  If I won't see her for awhile, when the box is full, I'll mail it to her.  It allows me to still be a Mom by doing something for her.  I also email and even if I don't get an immediate response, I feel like I've contacted her and I feel better.
for 13 år siden 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The "gag feeling"

Hi Teebs, 

During allergy season, sometimes the post nasal drip wakes me up in the middle of the night and I start choking from it.  Over the counter throat spray, that numbs the back of your throat, works really great.  It stops the gag reflex.  You can still feel the post nasal drip going down, but with out the the gag.  Since I've had it by my bed side.  I recover from the anxiety and panic of it, as soon as the gagging stops which is right away.  In just a few seconds.
for 13 år siden 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Your top 3 - Summer Hobbies

To Ashley & The Technical Support Team, 

Thank you for all of your help in fixing the avatar situation! 
for 13 år siden 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Everyone

Hi peace4all, 

I just began the program six days ago with similar feelings.  I found this is the place to be!  The first session really helped reduce my anxiety by understanding more about it.  The Panic Cycle, in particular really made me feel more in control, because I can identify my triggers instead of being at the mercy of a panic attack.  Reading other people's blogs and forums helps with giving ideas of what other people do (and this program) does to get through a panic attack.  Also, after you complete the first session, the other sessions will open up on your toolbox and if you need to look ahead at a topic, you can.  For me, I looked up Box Breathing and Challenge Negative Thoughts with 10 Questions which gave me some coping skills of what to do when I feel one coming on.  Even with the first sessions homework, I can see a pattern of anxiety regarding when and what can set me off.  Another positive is all of the supportive people who are in this group.  You are not alone and I know this will help you as it is helping me and others as well. 
for 13 år siden 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The "gag feeling"

Yes Davit, 

It's called Chloraseptic Sore Throat Spray.  I recommend the cherry flavor.  I am from the United States (although my profile info. comes up as I'm from Canada).  I imagine Canada would also have this product.
for 13 år siden 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Session 1 Walkthrough

By taking the WB-DAT test, it identified what I have, so I could put a name to it and learn more about it.  Learning about the Panic Cycle identified my triggers. By doing the homework for Session 1, it gave insight into the specific situations that trigger anxiety and the time of day they usually occur, so I can see a pattern.  Knowledge is empowering.  The more I learn, the more in control I feel over anxiety and panic.  I can be proactive in helping myself with the tools given and I'm not at the mercy of anxiety and panic and just let them happen to me.  I can use positive self talk and box breathing and challenge negative thoughts with 10 questions (I skipped ahead for that coping skill :)  The one sentence that really stood out was, "Don't confuse being anxious with 'not coping'."  That was a huge relief and took a lot of self imposed pressure and guilt off of me. 
for 13 år siden 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Positive Thinking

Yes, Jason, I agree, 

Your mood and thoughts (you choose) can set your happiness or sadness for the day.  Sometimes one negative thought is focused on which can ruin the day, if you allow it to.  It's better to say, "Oh well."  and move on and let it go and focus on all the good things that happened during the day.  This is easier said than done if you are hard on yourself and self critical.  Instead of looking at failures, focus on successes and your mood will improve drastically.  Write them down if you have to and replace the negative thought with a positive one.  It really works.  Good topic!