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for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hi ~m
Long time no see..Starting a thread titled Anger sounds like a good idea...Anger is something I have a problem with except in my case I express it..and my partner says I have a anger problem..The dilemma is that a Dr. told me like 30 years ago that my depression and suicide attempts were in part caused by not expressing my anger. That I was self destructing..So the problem seems to be that when I express myself people complain and when I say nothing and take it I self destruct..My anger seems to be brought on by triggers, like my neighbors using me as a human target in my front yard again last weekend. People having no boundaries. People saying mean and hateful things and ptsd traumatic events from my past. I don't see why we have to feel bad because we get angry sometimes. Its seems better to assert and express ourselves instead of self destruct..I don't know..Just talking out loud again..

for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hi Davit,

Still hanging in here..Just hit a bit of a rough patch lately..It sure isn't good when the other guy has a bigger stick that for sure..

I have been coming here and reading posts pretty regularly..Sound like you are getting a lot done here and around your place.


Talk to you again soon,


for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I am going to go read some sessions in the depression center again..I think a refresher would be a good idea at this point before it gets out of hand..Depression and anger seem to bed fellows for me at the moment..
See ya later...
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Will do...Thanks for the support..
I would love to see some pics of the fall colors where you are too..
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

In the past I used to work off my anger or depressed moods by trimming trees and digging in the yard etc etc.,any thing really physical hard.Which I have been doing a lot of lately. Now I am finding out because of health reasons and the aging process that I can't get rid of my anger in this way any more. This makes me feel sad and angry too. I guess I beat myself up physically getting rid of all my anger..So may be it wasn't such a good idea over the long term. It sure worked well though while I was able to do it. Turning anger it into sad just doesn't work well for me, kind of scary really. Even though there seems to always be some sad feeling involved with the anger. I think that sometimes it starts out as sad and then turns into anger and vice versa for me. I can't afford to let myself get really depressed so maybe the anger is a self preservation thing for me.. 
One thing I did try today was to get busy doing some lite work around the house today, not the kind where I am beating myself up or hurting myself and it seems to be helping..Kind of a positive release....
I wish I knew all the answers to the anger problem or the depression problem or what ever it is and what to do with it..These things are hard to figure out and it is a slow process..I am finding as I age I need to find different outlets for my emotions...
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Now that you mention it I have noticed that my anger has moved into sad and yes this is easier to dissipate than anger..and a lot easier on the nervous system..One of the situations I was in this week was a panic situation, a justified fight or flight response and yes it was a sad situation because I wanted to defend myself  but the other person was stronger and had a bigger stick. So yes I have had to accept that the situation is a Sad one and one I will have to live with or move. Its seems that as the world gets more violent, that might is right and sometimes we have to turn the other cheek in order to save ourselves. I will put it in Gods hands for now..
I also think there may be something to the theory that anger is hereditary and it may also be in part a product of our society as it is today....
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

You are a very compassionate and understanding person and I am glad you are here..
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Right on.  I agree totally cbt does work and like you I came here to get help and to change for the better. This program has helped me in so many way I could not list them all here..I started having issues with depression and anger again plus anxiety and panic not to mention the ptsd..Thats why I came back for help..I would like to discuss the reasons for the anger too and include the depression or sad thoughts also if need be. I know I work in the depression center also but for me these things are intertwined in some way. You are so right we have to want to change and talk things out and with that in mind anything is possible..Thanks for your thought provoking post as always..
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hi Davit,,
Just got back had a country breakfast waiting for me...I was writing my last post while you were posting yours and hadn't read yours yet before posting mine..Anyway it sounds like you may have read my post in the depression center from yesterday.Or maybe you are picking up on my thoughts..One thing I know for sure is that it has really helped me having someone to talk to who understands because they have been there themselves and Know what it means when someone says " The easy way out" and that even though live is hard sometimes because of our disabilities or circumstances, life is still worth living..Things usually get better the next day or even in the same day..For instance having a friend to talk to who cares and understands like you, or little things like having a great cup of coffee or a warm cup of tea or a big country breakfast..Or may be just watching the birds and listening to them sing..This are all great reasons to want to be here and enjoy our life's..Because we really do want to live and we really are enjoying our life's...We may have a bad day but thats all it is a bad day. It will get better as long as we keep trying and look for the positive in our lives that are right in front of us..
Well go to get another cup of coffee..
Your friend,
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

This thread topic reminds me of post traumatic stress disorder..It also reminds of memories that are to painful to remember. I think the mind is marvelous thing and protects us from some of these memories. It puts a lid on them and locks the monsters in the box where they belong..There are things and details that I don't want to remember about my past and in My case I plan on leaving them alone. I find that association can be triggered by many things for me..So for now I am trying to concentrate on the positive memories and working on adding more positives to my life and mind to replace the negative ones with. Of course this is just me remember..
Pleasant activities helped me a lot before and I have been neglecting this aspect of my life lately. It's time to start doing them again...I came back to the site not knowing why I was feeling so bad lately...Being here again has refreshed my memory and I think I am starting to figure it out again...I guess I did need a tune up..I am really glad I logged in again...