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Dagens vigtigste diskussioner


Stages of change

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-25 11:19 PM

Medlemsgruppe drikkeri


What have you learned?

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-19 12:26 AM

Medlemsgruppe rygning


Emergency Happy Questions

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-11 2:42 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression


Questions to challenge negativity

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-03 3:43 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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Velkommen til vores nye medlemmer: mandie1991, AGAMBOA, BMARCOS, KLIGO, LBUELA

for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Accomplishments and other Postive Things

Today has been a Very Very Good day!!
We added a member to our family today. I just put up a pic of her for everyone to see. She is 7 months old and she is so cute, loving and full of energy. When I saw her I just had to have her and bring her home with me. We got her from a Animal Rescue. She has adjusted to the house already..Its like she was born to be here with us. I am looking forward to spoiling her rotten..Of courseyou know I have a jump start on that one already..

for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Making adjustments

It sure is a believably good feeling..I just love that word..
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Making adjustments

~m ,
Thanks for posting and sharing your experience too..I am so happy to hear you had a great time at the wedding..I know what you mean about it not being forced..Isn't it great..I wouldn't worry about mild depression I also get this after having things go so right. The exposure and anticipation about doing the actual exposure can be a little tiring. I think that my be why we are a little down after..I rest for a day or two and then I am fine again..It used to take days if not weeks or months, now it's only a day or two..We both have come so far...I am so proud of us..
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Making adjustments

Thanks Davit..She is such a sweetie..
I have been thinking about getting another pet for a long time..My little dog maggie passed away 6 yrs ago. I had so much anxiety over the idea of a new pet but not yesterday it just seemed like the right time and the right kitty..I can not believe how much working the cbt program here, having the support group and Educators has helped me...Ashley mentioned rewards and like I said before, being able to enjoy my life without panic and fear is the reward..I was able to get this beautiful kitty and I am enjoying her so much.. This is my reward..Living and enjoying the simple things in life again...This is living....
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Accomplishments and other Postive Things

Good morning!  ~m and Samantha,
Thank you for saying so!!!
Getting her was a Huge step for me and a Very Positive one indeed...
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Drop in and say hello

I am sorry to you are having trouble walking and are in so much pain..Hopefully your Doc can figure out what the injuries are and take some x rays today..As for that nurse I would follow up with that complaint when you are feeling better..Some people should never be allowed to work with living people in the health care field. They are better suited to working in a lab testing  urine specimens where the have no direct humane contact..
Let us know how it goes today...
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Taking Action/Changing your environment or situation

I have made some changes lately and it has helped me a great deal..The first one was establishing some boundaries at my home by putting up fence along the North side of my front yard..What a relief this has been..I now have some peace and quiet and a safe yard to enjoy..Secondly I finally decided to take the plunge and bring a pet into my life. I am enjoying and learning something new about her every day..One question though does anyone know how to keep a cat from tearing up your screens?? This is the first time I have had a indoor cat..My other cats were always allowed to roam in and out of the house..Everyone seems to keep there cats indoors in the city now...
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Drop in and say hello

Thanks Ashley,
She's a Lynx Point Siamese...with a little bit of Angel and Devil mixed in...
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Taking Action/Changing your environment or situation

Ashley and Davit...
Thanks for the advice and tips..I need all the help I can get..I guess you can teach a old dog new tricks..Meaning me, and the new kitty..We both have a lot to learn..It's been about 18 years now since I've had a cat in my life. It going to be a real adventure learning this all over again..She is really very sweet. Angel one minute Devil the next but mostly a real Angel..
I still need to come up with a name for her after I find out more about her personality..Rascal, Angel, Sheba, Sweetie etc. etc.
She came with the name Lucy maybe I'll keep that one. She does seem to get into a lot of mischief..Kind of like I Love Lucy.
I am just rambling here now..so I should go for now I have cut some fabric today for the fabric exchange in class tomorrow.. That when my partner get back to babysit the new kitty...
Talk to you all later,
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Taking Action/Changing your environment or situation

Sorry for the brain lag or brain freeze in my last post..Just getting older I guess..I know you can read between the lines though..lol...