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for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Boxing Day

Great Idea Samantha,
I am so excited about the upcoming year..Now that Christmas is over I am  planning and starting on my goals for the new year..Actually I started on one of them on Christmas day..I received a new watch as a gift. You can monitor your heart rate with this watch which enables you to exercise in your target heart rate zone..I was so excited about this that I took out my new watch for a spin on Christmas day. I am now able to exercise safely and am looking forward to getting in better shape and loosing a little weight this upcoming new year. I am also looking forward to finishing some of my sewing projects in the new year and starting on some new ones. I am  planning a camping trip for next month and am looking forward to showing engines in our annual tractor and antique engine show next month too..Another goal I am looking forward to and thinking about is planning and planting my little vegetable garden this coming spring..and last but not least I am planning on spending some time relaxing and reading on my kindle too. So all in all it should be a great New year..with lots to looking forward to.
I guess I just couldn't wait to get started..
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Exercise as a Rx for anxiety...

I have done so well with the Cbt program the last two years..I am now able to get out of the house more. I have found out that exercise really helps me manage my anxiety and depression...So this year I am planning on stepping up my exercise a little.
I am working on a goal of walking more and getting stronger..My plan is to walk 5000 steps 3 to 5 days a week with a goal of reaching 8 to 10 thousand steps 3 to 5 days a week this year..I now have a heart monitor and step counter watch that will  help me reach this goal.
Has anyone else noticed that exercise helps them?  If so what kind of exercise do you enjoy?
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Exercise as a Rx for anxiety...

Hi Vincenza,
Thanks for the encouragement! and yes I am proud of myself for not giving up on me!
I made my 5000 steps today..yippee!!! even in a packed mall I had no panic at all..I did have to go outside so I could pick up my speed and reach my goal for today..Yes the heart monitor and pedometer are great motivators and will help me reach my goals..I just love having them...
Yes I have to agree there's nothing like a little exercise to clear the mind and brighten the soul..I also feel stronger and have tons more energy afterwords too..
Well gotta go for now and get some shut eye for tomorrows walk..
Happy running Vincenza!
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Exercise as a Rx for anxiety...

Hi camieslug!
Thanks for responding to this thread..I really enjoyed reading about your experience with exercise this morning..You story is so inspiring. Congratulations on your cholesterol levels and on your success with the roller skating.. I am looking forward to seeing my numbers come down too. I always carry my water bottle, and cell phone too. These are very necessary and smart things to have when out exercising.
The heart rate monitor sounds like a great gift idea to yourself for all your hard work..I have a mio Motion +  strapless  monitor and just love it..It gives me my heart rate so I can stay in the zone I want to be in..This way I can speed up or slow down when I need to..It also has a pedometer which keeps track of the distance you have walked or run and lots of other features on it too..Like a calorie counter..There is both a men and womens version of this watch. They didn't have the womens in the store I got it in so I just got the mens..The only difference is the size of the watch band. I was able to cinch it up small enough to fit my wrist, so it fits and it works just fine..I have to say having this little device has been a great motivator and has also put my mind at ease. I have exercise hyper tension and need to be careful not to over due it so this monitor was just the ticket for me..I can now enjoy my workouts and work out safely..
Well I guess I have talked enough..Gotta go for now and get ready for my morning walk...
Happy Exercising!!!
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Better or Worse?

Now that the holiday are dwindling down..I am much much better..
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I Think I am in Trouble

To Everyone:
I want to thank everyone here for sharing their stories of fear and courage and what works for them..I could really identify with everyones words..Like the flash of fear that Debora mentioned and that it is "just a setback"..Also what Sunny said about taking care of ourselves and resting when we need to and also what she said about having to deal with sad or unpleasant things in life whether we like it or not and how some symptoms visit but the "aren't staying"..What camieslug mentioned her therapist saying to her that you can weaken the power of Anxiety by calling it out for what it is, no more threatening than hiccups..And of course what Davit said about CBT being something YOU do for YOU so that you can get better and how improtant it is to take all the time you need to do this. There will be plenty of time to help others later            
I know I don't always post a lot but I do read here on a regular basis and it helps me so much..  
I find such comfort and strength in all your words and you have helped me to find my way...
I hope I am able to return the favor to you all some day.
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I Think I am in Trouble

Hi Debora,
Yes I have had setbacks too and they have been hard. I had one at night that was brought on by my stress and a sudden change in my life. I shook all over unto the night..I finally had to go lay down and take some xanax to get it under control.
My partner helped me for about two hours until I finally relaxed..I have had this before Cbt but only one since I started working the cbt program here..
I really found what you said in your earlier post about a book your were reading so positive. You said that the author said that setbacks are normal but you have to accept it as just a setback..You also said that you were trying to think positive and that it was so much more comforting than negative..So hold on to that thought..Re read your post from earlier..and I think you will see how positive it really is. It sounds to me like you are on the right track and that you are moving in the right direction. May be you just didn't realize it..
I have to say I am going to see if I can get this book you mentioned I am sure it would help me with the flashes of fear that I get sometimes..
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I Think I am in Trouble

Hi Debora,
I read that you shouldn't exercise for 2 hours after eating and to wait at least 30 minutes after a exercise session to eat..
I wonder if eating a sub sandwich and than going for a walk had anything to do with your becoming ill while out exercising.
I know if I eat right before exercise it makes me ill and causes me to have a stomachache plus my heart rate goes way to high and I get a headache if that happens..They also say it is better if you don't exercise right before going to bed because it can make it hard to fall asleep..I think this may happen because it raises your metabolism for a couple of hours and your body doesn't think it is time to sleep yet..I find that it is hard sometimes for me to exercise in the morning on a empty stomach and I will start feeling sick during my exercise so what I do if I need a little something in my stomach is have a piece of whole wheat or whole grain toast with promise margarine on it or a little box of raisins. I also take a little box of raisins with me that I can munch on after my walk or some mixed nuts to munch on..
Yesterday I decided to ride my stationary bike after eating lunch and didn't wait the 2 hours and my heart rate shoot up to 153 and I felt terrible the rest of the day..So what I learned from this is that I can not exercise right after a meal.
I do not know if any of these things are causing you a problem, we all are different, but experiment with it a little and see if this helps..It sure can't hurt...
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Exercise as a Rx for anxiety...

Hi carmieslug!
Sounds like a beautiful day and a perfect Rx for anxiety.."a happy, smiling boy" how precious.
I remember my son and I riding skateboards and boogie boards together when he was small..We had such get fun..
Thanks for posting and sharing and bringing back such a special memory..
Now this is what I call a Rx for anxiety..
for 12 år siden 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Vacuum Felt After Christmas?

Hi Hugs!
So sorry to hear about your fall but glad to hear that you didn't break anything.
I am looking forward to hearing all about your trip out to a historic park tomorrow..It should be beautiful..May be you can take a picture or two to show us when you get back. I would sure love to see it through your eyes and the eye of your camera.
I have to say I am inspired by your ability to look at and for the positives in life  in spite of your recent fall and aches and pains..