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Stages of change

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-25 11:19 PM

Medlemsgruppe drikkeri


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Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-19 12:26 AM

Medlemsgruppe rygning


Emergency Happy Questions

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-11 2:42 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression


Questions to challenge negativity

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-03 3:43 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 10 år siden 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

My name is Gailerina and I am trying to find help for myself. I'm not sure what is wrong, but I am seeing a therapist tomorrow. I am just down and nervous a lot. I think the worst in a lot of situations. I have been tired and sore and sleep for the past few weeks. I am not eating a lot lately, as I feel sick or just not hungry. I'm hoping I can start to feel better soon, I hate this feeling.
for 10 år siden 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Herbal supplements

I have slowly cut caffeine out of my diet and realize that means I need to change the type of tea I drink.
Are caffeine free sodas bad? Mainly, ginger ale. I sometimes drink it if I have an upset stomach.
for 10 år siden 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

It all started a couple of weeks ago.
I'm currently living in an apartment and looking for a house. We got a new leasing manager who is quite mean and was picking on us. We live in one of the few 3 bedroom apartments and she knows it can be rented for more money. She also hates animals.
She kept wanting to inspect the apartment and one time came in unannounced (yes I know illegal) and gave my 65 year old mom a scare.
While she has not been back in a couple of weeks, I just feel as if she is going to keep coming up with excuses to start trouble, especially since majority of people in the buildings have complained about her behaviors.
As I look for homes in my area, I am just wondering if I am in the wrong area and need to make major changes, so move far away. I'm doubting myself a lot.
for 10 år siden 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Herbal supplements

It would have been regular caffeine free, but that does not seem like a great idea.
I am going to try the teas though.
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So I went to the therapist and did mention this site. She thinks I should make an appointment with a psychiatrist to get evaluated and maybe I need to be on medication.
I did buy one of the herbal remedies someone mentioned here to try and give that a try. I am not sure how easy it will be to get an appointment with a psychiatrist in this area.
I'm hoping a combination of things will eventually help me.
With our leasing manager, who knows what her issue is. We have someone who lives across the hall and she has been there for well over 10 years and she said she has never dealt with some an awful manager before. As soon as the woman came to harass her, she was on the phone with the district manager. The other person across the hall has been there for over 5 years and she said the same thing.
I really want to move at the end of my lease, but it is not until August. I may try to break it before then. I was thinking of buying a house, but I am starting to think that would not be a wise idea. I am not sure what area I want to live in or if I want to stay with my job. I know my head is too confuse to make any real decisions.
for 10 år siden 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Herbal supplements

It looks like cutting out the drinks would be a good idea.
I love tea and will be looking at more herbal caffeine free teas.
Any suggestions on a good natural sweetener?
for 10 år siden 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Herbal supplements

Would you say Brahmi is better then the Valerian root that others have mentioned?
for 10 år siden 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Small Steps Equal Success

I'm new here and feel that people are welcoming.
I think even in a society where we are more open to discuss problems, people still like to keep things to themselves.
When I first saw a counselor in college after I almost went off the road in my car, I told no one for months. I did not want anyone to think I was crazy or something. Only one friend knew, because he was also seeing a counselor.
Today, I try to be more open my family and my 2 closest friends. I told them I was seeing a therapist and after I did, how they wanted me to see someone about being diagnosed and if I needed medication or not.
I'm also trying to make changes in my own life, such as eating better. I was working out 3 to 5 times a week until a couple weeks ago when I started going downhill. I'm hoping to get back into a routine. I was tracking my calories and keeping an eye on what I was eating, but I feel the need to go more organic now or slowly cut some of the bad foods out. I am thinking that at times the preservatives and other things in food are not meant for us to really consume.  My therapist suggested walking after work. Even if it means just getting out of my car and walking for a few minutes. I might try it today, depending if it is raining. I just been so tired lately, that I go home and lay down and don't get up. I know it is because I have not been eating a lot, therapist said to try and force myself to eat several small meals through out the day. I'm trying to remember to track my calories again, just to make sure I am getting at least 1200 a day.
I want to start feeling better and I know it will take time. I am not as patient as I used to be. I know I need to take small steps to get myself out of my mood and this cycle I am in.
This site is like group therapy and some people may feel better talking on here then in a real group. It's too bad we do not have a chat room. I think having a thread where we can talk is good though.
for 10 år siden 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Herbal supplements

I think I will try the valerian root for a few days, I was able to finally find a place to make an appointment to get an eval and see if I do medication (extremely hard apparently) but my insurance covers everything. I am hoping between the doctor and my therapist, things will slowly get better.
Valerian also smells weird.
I also got a nice calming tea from the vitamin shoppe, it's organic, which is the direction I want to slowly go into.
for 10 år siden 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
One fumble and downhill I go

Over the years, I have had something happen, something small by most accounts and I will go downhill. Normally is lasts a week or so, but this time, it has been going on for a couple of weeks. I have not had this issue since one time in college and I went and saw a therapist for the rest of my time in college. I believed it help, but as I have gotten older, I am wonder if it still enough.
I know depression runs in my family, because I know my father suffered at times but never sought treatment.
I also believe a part of my mood lately has been the fact I am missing my dad more and more. He died in November 2011, so the 2nd anniversary and is coming up. I used to love November, because my birthday is then and I actually liked Thanksgiving dinner. But nothing is the same anymore, since my dad is the one who cooked dinner. My therapist wonders if I ever grieved his death, as I became responsible for my mom.
My life is not where I thought it would be, but God has different plans then we go. Sometimes we have to learn to accept that.