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Medlemsgruppe depression


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Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 8 år siden 0 38 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I too wonder this same question. I has been doing pretty well and getting on in life, then last fall I had a bad attack. Since then, I've had more daily anxiety than usual, the fear of another attack. Which in turn, causes me to go into panic attacks more frequently. It's like my mind's always thinking about my anxiety. I want it to stop so I can relax a little, very frustrating.
for 8 år siden 0 38 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Uggh, I had a panic attack while driving to my daughters game last night. Had to pull over and get a friend to drive me. Then had another a few minutes later. Now, I woke up first thing this morning thinking about the fact that I have another game to go to and will be driving alone. The fear of panic is the worst. I really don't want to fall into this pattern again. Trying to see my counselor ASAP, she tends to help me see how strong I've been in the past and reassures me I can do it again.
for 8 år siden 0 38 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Uggh, I had a panic attack while driving to my daughters game last night. Had to pull over and get a friend to drive me. Then had another a few minutes later. Now, I woke up first thing this morning thinking about the fact that I have another game to go to and will be driving alone. The fear of panic is the worst. I really don't want to fall into this pattern again. Trying to see my counselor ASAP, she tends to help me see how strong I've been in the past and reassures me I can do it again.
for 8 år siden 0 38 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I do some of the same things. I travel the same route to work everyday. I'm my mind, I think of who lives in certain areas between home and work that if I need to stop for help, I can. The route I take is closest to a good friends home and it puts me at ease knowing I can call her to come if I get panicky. Which I've only had to do once. I overthink it, that's my problem. Wish I could just drive, without worrying what if. Drains me before I even get to work. I also find, that when I'm halfway between work and home, that's when my panic generally hits.
for 8 år siden 0 38 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I wonder if that's part of my problem, staying on these sites, reading and thinking about panic so much. I think it helps to see that others go through exactly the same stuff as me, but I may be overkilling it. I'm finding myself lately, constantly looking at anxiety support groups, but feeling more daily anxiety. I wish it were something I could just stop thinking about. Trying to get in with my counselor this week, think I'll let her work her magic instead of all the online research I've been doing lol.
for 8 år siden 0 38 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I feel like ever since I've had a couple of attacks while driving lately, that I'm slipping back into that pattern of the constant worry which is making me feel terrible. I'm tense all over, joints ache, want to do nothing but lay around. Yesterday I did get out and take my kids to the playground and noticed I felt a little better after. I'm up this morning, and so far, no dread about going to work. I too take medicine to sleep, .50 Xanax every night, have been doing so for several years now. I'm wondering if my body has worked a tolerance for this dose and maybe I'm getting some rebound anxiety. I hate to up the dose though, I've been on that journey in the past, their are very hard to get off of. It's just very depressing to think that I may ever get back to that point I was once in, of agoraphobia, constant panic, depression etc. I'm hoping to see my counselor ASAP, maybe start seeing her weekly instead of in an as needed basis. If that doesn't help, might be time to switch meds. I've been on lexapro for ten years now. I'm not sure how long SSRI generally work. Frustrating that I know I'll have this all my life.
for 8 år siden 0 38 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Newbie from AZ here

Hi newbie, I was just wondering how you are feeling. I've been in your position. The feelings of  guilt were horrible, I felt like I  ran my husband to death. I found a good counselor and started feeling better, with the help of medicine as well. But lately, I've had a couple of attacks while driving and it's put me back to dwelling on the fear of another one. I try to think back to how many times I've overcome this and functioned well. That helps me a lot. Hope you are starting to feel better.
for 8 år siden 0 38 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
New here and looking for friends

Marisa, I know exactly how you feel. I've had gad, panic disorder and agoraphobia since I was 20, I'm now 40. Thankfully you have support, I did as well, but sometimes too much can lead to enabling us from pushing ourselves to work through the anxiety. It's great that you are able to work. Its funny, I work in a very fast pace job as a bartender. I find that the busier I am at work, the better I feel. Then as soon as I slow down, the anxious thoughts hit me. If u need someone to talk to who's dealt with the same as u r going through, don't hesitate to message me. It really helps talking to someone who has first hand experience lol.