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for 6 år siden 0 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Anxiety and breathign obsession

I just started this program a week ago and so far it has been okay. I'm 26 and have always had anxiety and depression but have been able to manage it. The past few months have been extremely difficult for me to the point where I had to take a month off work and begin taking medication (ciprolax). It started with me getting a bad panic attack at work and I felt I couldn't breathe. For the first month I was getting panic attacks multiple times a day and always having a feeling like I couldn't breathe properly or wasn't getting enough air. This made me so depressed that all I wanted to do was sleep and couldn't bring myself to go outside. I finally had to pull myself out of it because I got offered a new job somewhere else. The medication at this point began to start helping. The past four weeks I have still been struggling with a lot of crying and feeling overwhelmed with my anxiety. I have moments throughout the day where I feel like I get sensations that I will stop breathing or that I am not breathing right. This sometimes causes a panic attack (I get them every few days now). It has become so frustrating that I had to take two days off because I couldn't stop crying and didn't want to leave my bed. I constantly think about my breathing and it has become an obsession that I can't seem to break. I was hoping someone could give me some advice if they have been through this before. I get moments where I feel like I can't do this anymore and I can't live my life like this or I'll just go insane. I can't enjoy things I used to do because my mind is always racing.
for 6 år siden 0 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Anxiety and breathign obsession

Hi Courage1984, Thank you so much for that reply. It really made me feel better. I'm definitely not happy that you experienced this because it sucks! but I am glad I am not the only one and it is possible to get passed this. I kept worrying thinking OMG no the doctors for sure missed something and this time is it I'm going to stop breathing but I keep reminding myself it has been two months if it was going to happen for any medical reason it would have happened by now! And so clearly that is my proof that it is anxiety and nothing more.
for 6 år siden 0 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Anxiety and breathign obsession

Thank you so much for that! It feels so reassuring to know people have gotten through this. I am so sorry you went through that and are experiencing it again. I know how hard it is and how frustrating it can be. I've been in and out of feeling depressed and having to push myself to leave the house. Anxiety is honestly such a struggle but I am so glad I found this support group so I know I am not alone in what I am feeling. I know a lot of people who experience anxiety but not to the extent where they obsess so much over their breathing so I am glad to hear that this is a normal process. Although I am not happy someone else experienced it cause it is so terrible. I just started the program so I am hoping it helps along with seeing a therapist. I am always here if you need to talk! It helps going through it with other people. I was finally feeling a bit of relief but then had a bad panic attack last night. I noticed I start to hyperventilate without even being aware of it. I was driving and felt out of nowhere my hands and legs all tingling and numb and then of course started to panic about my breathing and had a panic attack. I finally convinced myself it's fine and I am okay. Even today I woke up a bit anxious but I thought to myself clearly you are still breathing if you slept through the night and are still alive lol!
for 6 år siden 0 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ups and downs

Hello everyone, Just wanted to know how everyone deals with their ups and downs with panic. My panic attacks triggered an obsession with my breathing and worrying that I will stop breathing. Some days or even a week I will have a good week and I Won't worry as much and I feel strong, but then other days I feel so weak and scared that I will stop breathing or worrying that something is wrong. It's like some days I believe myself when I say it's just anxiety and it'll be okay but some days my mind is like nope that isn't true it has to be something more!
for 6 år siden 0 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ups and downs

Thanks so much that helped a tonne. I'm definitely not having a great day today. I had a panic attack on way home and thought I can't breathe this time it's for real and felt this overwhelming heat in my throat and chest and of course have not stopped focusing on my breathing since although that's a regular thing that I'm in and out of eberyday. When I have days like this it makes me feel hopeless like I'll never get to a life that I can stop focusing on my breathing and stop worrying about panic attacks. 
for 6 år siden 0 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ups and downs

You are so great. Thank you so much for that. I really needed that. Its been a rollercoaster these last few weeks and it has been so helpful to come on here and see these messages.
for 6 år siden 0 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ups and downs

To be honest not the greatest. He has given me a few strategies but it isn't helping so much. I find that sometimes he seems stuck on what to do with me or at least that's how it seems. Like he feels he has run out of things to say to me I guess. So I am going to start seeing someone else next Friday and hoping she helps.
for 6 år siden 0 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ups and downs

Lol. Thank you! I had a panic attack tonight and cried I got frustrated. I've been getting this insane heat feeling in my chest while having an attack. It feels like my chest is on fire and then my throat feels tight which of course leads to the oh no I can't breathe feeling. Did you ever experience this? 
It sucks because sometimes I feel it coming on and I'm like nope I'm fine and it goes away and then sometimes I get them and I'm like nope this is the one that's going to send me to emergency! 

for 6 år siden 0 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ups and downs

And no he doesn't specialize in Cbt. he's actually a gp psychotherapist so a MEd doctor with psychotherapy training so he's covered by ohip. He's okay he's helped a bit. The one I'm going to start seeing says she does a bit more talk therapy and incorporates other stuff so well see. I'm also hopefully starting a cbt group therapy so hoping that helps.
for 6 år siden 0 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ups and downs

Yes I'm in Toronto. They can get so expensive. This one is a registered psychotherapist and she's willing to lower her cost to help me out which is great. I hope she helps. I do like exercising and used too at least two three times a week but since this happened I cannot find the energy or motivation to exercise. I try and go for walks here and there to do a bit of exercise.