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Dagens vigtigste diskussioner


How to help a loved one with Depression

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-07-03 4:49 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression


Stages of change

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-25 11:19 PM

Medlemsgruppe drikkeri


What have you learned?

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-19 12:26 AM

Medlemsgruppe rygning


Emergency Happy Questions

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-11 2:42 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 18 år siden 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
So glad to be back

Hi, I've been trying to get back into the Depression Center and this support group since June and could not seem to register correctly. It has finally worked. I did not know how much you all were helping me until I couldn't get back on the site following a vacation in May. I am feeling very depressed even though I am on medication. Just being able to tell you that and to read everyone's notes is helpful. I look forward to being part of the group again. Trisha
for 18 år siden 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
So glad to be back

Hello and thanks for your reply! So far I have personally found this new site very confusing and frustrating in that I have to keep keying in the password I've been given several times before I can get in. It keeps coming up invalid. And this after weeks of not being able to get back in at all. There is also way too much information and too many choices I think for someone who is struggling with a major mental illness and low on energy. This is certainly not to say I am not very grateful to those who set up this site. I am. Just a little honest feedback from a community member. Thanks for listening, Trisha
for 18 år siden 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
So glad to be back

I am disappointed to see this site so moribund. I find it too bad because the other support group site was so helpful to me and doing well I thought. There was almost always someone out there answering our responses and beginning new topics. Has everyone gone to a one on one buddy system now? Where are all the responders of a couple of months ago? Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of a support group? I think in trying to do so much (for research purposes?) this site is actually doing less than before in terms of running an anonymous support group for depressed people to help each other and I will look elsewhere. Trisha
for 18 år siden 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
So glad to be back

Dear Kendy, Thank you and thanks to you too Josie from support for answering me. I am still having trouble getting in with my password,which I have to type in at least twice and I have written to support several times about it and not heard back but I wouldn't mind that so much if there were more people here like there used to be. I found this support group so very helpful!! Kendy, you are very kind to respond to me. Sometimes it makes all the difference just to have someone type a few words in reply. It is so hard to be honest with family and friends about your depression once they know you are depressed. Naturally it gets old fast and one must try to keep up some kind of cheerful front at least to some extent. It isn't that they aren't caring but...I'm sure you know what I mean. Anyway, I will write again and thank you to you both. I am here for you too. Trisha
for 18 år siden 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

If depression were something you could reason your way out of perhaps you could follow your husband's advice. I think he is just as frustrated as you are and that is all he knows to say ie. do this and do that and you'll feel better (he is trying to find a solution) and he may be right. The problem is you are unable to follow his advice. If you were, you probably wouldn't be depressed. It takes away all motivation and leaves us feeling paralyzed. Even looking for a therapist can be very hard. Let your husband know you appreciate his attempts to help you and that you know he is in a real catch 22 because there is no answer he can come up with and at the same time you are quite naturally looking to him for help and both of you go to see someone trained in how to help you. This will give him the education about depression he needs and you the tools to fight it. You are not alone!!!! Hang in, Trisha