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Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 18 år siden 0 207 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
No Panic Attacks

Thats fantastic Sharon i am so happy for you when you are down so low the only way is up :)therapy is hard at times but its there to help you when you need it most.Im glad your feeling better.Gabbi.
for 18 år siden 0 207 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
No Panic Attacks

Must be the day for it i am having a shocker too i feel so sad and angry and i have even found myself snapping at the kids which i feel so guilty about afterwards its not their fault their mothers a basket case.Things just go from bad to worse with my husband he has been sleeping in the spare room for the past few nights i know things arnt going to change unless i make a change but im so scared to leave i cant imagine how i would survive with the kids i am agoraphobic so i cant go anywhere so how would i get them to school get to the supermarket and things like that i just couldnt do it.Sorry for rambling just needed to vent i suppose.Hope your feeling a little better now.Gabbi.
for 18 år siden 0 207 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Kendy sorry your not having a good time at the moment must be something in the air this moment will pass you have felt better before and it will come again thats what i keep telling myself anyway perhaps i'll believe it soon its the worst feeling when you feel so tired but you cant get rested properly through bad dreams and tossing and turning and worrying about everything try and get to your psychiatrist sooner maybe he can help.Gabbi.
for 18 år siden 0 207 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
bi polar

Does anyone in this group have bipolar and what were/are your symptoms.Gabbi.
for 18 år siden 0 207 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
No Panic Attacks

hi Sharon how are you?I hope you are doing better.The past couple of days have been a bit rough my husband took me to hospital cause i was feeling suicidal again i hate when i get like that its very scary but then the next day i feel a little better then better again the next i usually feel like that once a month i have made that connection by monitering my moods quite scary but now i made that connection i can work on it.My doctor is going away for 8 weeks and my psychologist has been away for the past month but he returns this week so i get to see him thank god.I usually see them both weekly.I hate change i know they cant revolve their lives around me and how im feeling but i just feel like a trainwreck at times.Things are still a mess with my husband i truly dont even feel like i love him anymore but then i dont know if thats the depression talking or not we dont get along at all anymore we cant even agree to disagree which naturally makes me feel worse but hey if you choose to do nothing nothing will be done.sorry for rambling on again just feeling very alone right now.Gabbi.
for 18 år siden 0 207 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Kendy we are all here for you.You will recover from this illness and be ok again.I hate having to pretend everything is fine my brother and his girlfriend are coming to my house tomorrow for a few days and i know i will have to pretend everything is fine i dont want to but i will i just want to hide in my room and see no one.Gabbi.
for 18 år siden 0 207 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hey everybody im new here

Hi kat welcome aboard hope you find what your looking for here.I hate having to pretend everything is ok when its not i wish i could just be comfortable with myself im sure you know the feeling.Gabbi.
for 18 år siden 0 207 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Welcome vero i guess we all know how you feel in our own depressing ways i hope you start to feel better soon.Your in a tough situation so look after yourself.Gabbi.
for 18 år siden 0 207 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
bi polar

Thanks for your reply Batty i am sure thats what i have but im too scared to tell my doctor i have noticed my moods go from feeling like i could conquer the world to being quite suicidal i have taken a few online tests and they have all said the same about having it but im too scared because i mentioned it to my mother a few weeks ago and as she works in the health industry i thought she would help but she got all weird and said dont be stupid its just your hormones if i found out i had bipolar i would kill myself they have a horrible time.So hence why i dont want to see the doctor about it.Gabbi.
for 18 år siden 0 207 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
No Panic Attacks

Thanks for caring Sharon i am having an ok day today quite anxious but i'll get there.I would love to just run and hide away from everything and that makes me feel so guilty because my kids need me more than ever with their father being the way he is at the moment i dont see how i could get away i wouldnt trust him to care for them properly and he clashes something fierce with my eldest son who has behavioral problems.its a catch22.But i know i can feel stronger again i have been ok before i will be ok again(im trying to convince myself anyway)How have you been going with the therapy is it getting a bit easier for you?I hope so i love seeing my psychologist he makes everything feel like it will be ok again even if its only for an hour. :)Gabbi.