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How to help a loved one with Depression

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-07-03 4:49 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression


Stages of change

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-25 11:19 PM

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What have you learned?

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-19 12:26 AM

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Emergency Happy Questions

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-11 2:42 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 16 år siden 0 1890 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am a major depression/anxiety patient new to support groups

MAT, Thanks for joining and posting such a succint introduction to yourself and the pain you're feeling right now. I'd just like to say that you're on the right track with taking the meds and not fearing the so called stigma of "having to take something to cope with this depression I'm feeling. Jeez, I must be weak..." I still marvel at the fact that there are psycho-tropics on the market to deal with chemical imbalances over which we have not much control. It doesn't end there, of course, we have to change our life-habits to avoid behaviours and thinking which slams us into that black hole of depression. Cognitive behaviour therapy is the way to fight back. And, this programme here is a great way to get going AND it lets you yak away at your fellow members who really understand what it is you're feeling and suffering. When a member here says that they "feel crushed today" I know that they're not talking about feeling a bit blue - the consequences of that slide beginning with feeling crushed can lead right into a deep black hole that family and friends can only guess at where we can hear the alarm bells going off right away. Getting hammered doesn't deal with the pain; mornings after are even worse and god only knows who you devastated the previous night. That kind of self-medication only leads to re-hab in 10 yrs time. If you're crying on and off you should be talking to a grief counsellor or trying to read up on depression and grief; do you even see what it is you're grieving over? Is it you and perceived 'failure' of the Self? Have you lost loved ones or even 'hated ones'? Is it a generalised 'hopelessness' which feeds on hopelessness? If your boyfriend himself isn't capable of manning-up to your distress then he is leaving you alone in a desert without shade, isn't he? Does he have a clue where your pain lies? Does he care? Maybe his job is to 'party-on' while yours now is to make yourself the only important thing you have to deal with. Make yourself and your health what's most important in your life; make it your sole job, hobby, goal. Mind doesn't exist without body; mens sana in corpore sano and all that... if your body is unhealthy then your spirit will sag accordingly. If your spirit wants stuff which the life you're leading now can't provide, then find out where you can get what your spirit needs. First off, let the SSRIs or whatever you're taking do their job and then ride that wave into areas where you will get support and understanding. Just because you're a swan with pure black feathers doesn't make you NOT A SWAN; you are completely a swan, just coloured differently. Make yourself swan-up. By the way, you're never 'tripping' or 'rambling' here on this site, and the acid-days are finished and you don't have to be even a little bit Messiah-like to live here or in your head. You're already living in mine right now. What's wrong with that? You're so smart I really hope that you come back here and talk some more. Patrick
for 16 år siden 0 1890 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi - I'm new to the group, but not new to depression.

Suzy, How did the seminar course on public speaking go? Are the meds okay? Patrick
for 16 år siden 0 1890 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Members, don't fade away from the Support Group

Beautiful Members, Nomatter how crappy you are feeling please stay with the support group and post anything. I need to hear from all those whose Introductions I added to. This site makes me feel better even if I only spend a few minutes a day logging in and reading. I CAN read and feel the pain you all have and I know you can see mine; that makes me feel more secure in the world - to have been without contact with people who may understand my disorder for so long and then to find a forum to speak in like this is a gift. I need you and I hope that you need us. Patrick
for 16 år siden 0 1890 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
new, with no clue

Anne, Good luck with the therapist this week. Patrick
for 16 år siden 0 1890 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am a major depression/anxiety patient new to support groups

Dear MAT, I've just reread your introduction for the Nth time trying to read between the lines. You're 'nervous', shy, long time depressive and you have a diagnosis, your quality of life has diminished, you're in a little bit of denial about having depression(MDD?, you're angry because you feel blighted in your 'youth'(who says it can't happen to you when you're young?),you cry a lot (we cry for happiness and for sadness - yours is for 'sadness' but you can't 'see' what you're 'sad' about, your thoughts are scarey and you find it hard to stop them coming in (maybe you drink to shut them up?),your lover doesn't see why you're 'sad' and depressed,people are being brief and unhelpful with you telling you to, essentially, "pull your socks up" when you know that it's not about pulling socks up at all. There are no socks to pull up and there are no 'stiff upper lips' about what is a Holocaust of the mind. You want this crappy life/sadness to go away so much that you dumped the pills and pretended that it was 'all a mistake', being 'abroad' should be fabulous enough to warrant dropping the "crutch", right? You went back to the doctor and got some more pills from his willingness to help you but you're still waiting for them to kick-in so you've been turning to booze to ease the pain of being a depressive. You want to 'get better' (not be depressed). You're stunned that this thing is, maybe, CHRONIC, and that that notion panics you and nobody around you socially "gets it" and sympathises or empathises with you to make you feel that you're not alone. Did I read you right?? Let me just ask you about what you DID in this other non-depressed life that this new depression won't let you do? Is it partying big time? Maybe the partying turned out to be repetitive and finally a bust for you? That's depressing. I don't know if that is a real factor with you but I'd like to tell you how I felt at your age when I was a bonne viveur. That made me depressed when I was 25 yrs old. I was doing the same thing over and over again. I went out in great clothes, in a good car, with a good education, to good restaurants, with great women and then from the dining table to the dance floor in London, Bruxelles, Paris and then either back to my place or her place or to another woman's place and talked for hours about God, love and war and spent the rest of the early hours in bed making what I imagined was love. Next time on to a new restaurant, new gir, new club, new topics of 'deep' convervations, new capacity for Cognac and Burgundy and Kleftiko and salad and I was thin and had a huge capacity for food and drink and stayed slim. I worked out for an hour after work and slept for an hour before going out to party. Then I hit thirty. I was still living like a graduate student with a huge scholarship and the essays and treatises dropped from my pen like flowing water. I began to feel the hangovers. I began to wonder why I was feeling 'blue' and uninterested in the Good Life. I fell in love once, twice, three times. The saying goodbye got harder and harder. I was thirty, tired, not exercising, overeating, hungover at work, my performance (mostly personal relations with other colleagues) dipped and it was noticed. That was depressing. Sorry if all the above seems trite and obvious but I didn't get it until I was a further ten year on from that point. During those ten years of denial I didn't get my depression diagnosed. I 'coasted' at work, I stopped exercising, I smoked and drank in cute bars and stopped dancing; I met women at the bar. No more quasi-deep conversations, just simple patters and lines that other depressives like to hear from each other. Have you ever seen a "player" deteriorate into a shadow of him/herself? It doesn't take m
for 16 år siden 0 1890 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I always feel as though telling about anything good will jinx it, but...

Mysteriosa, Great news about the job - good start to getting at your debts and easing the strain of living. Hope that your daughter's party was a success and that you sailed through it without anxiety. Just a little bit of stretching and bending will help your physical aches and pains. I do it while standing around waiting for the food to cook in the kitchen, or the kettle to boil. Try to ease up on your coffee intake - it's a little like sugar, it gives you a rush for a half hour and then drops you into fatigue and nervousness. It's a shame because I love coffee so thick you can stand a spoon vertically in the middle of the mug...damn.Bad habits... I spoke to my son in the States (by another marriage) and he's delighted that I'm moving back to Canada and he volunteered ("Hey, you're my Dad, man"!?)to come up and help me do all the bureaucratic stuff I have to do to settle back into my home province again. I didn't even have to ask! All this reaching out, both on this site and to my extended family, is doing me a lot of good. This posting of feelings and thoughts is getting to be an essential part of my recent struggle out of the quagmire of hopelessness... thanks everybody. Patrick
for 16 år siden 0 1890 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Books on depression and anxiety...what do you suggest?

Hey people, I just read a review of a book by Barbara Ehrenreich (Dancing in the Streets: A History of Collective Joy) published by Henry Holt, New York, 2007, at $26, new. It seems to have a large section dealing with the loss of a community way to ease collective depression and wellbeing in the form of collective dancing (I guess dancing in general.) She talks about "festive ecstasy" and that we've lost it as a tool for mental health. She wrote that book "Nickled and Dimed in America" and many other social commentaries. I'm going to buy a copy right away... Patrick
for 16 år siden 0 1890 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi - I'm new to the group, but not new to depression.

Alright, Suzy! You're either doing great on your meds and busy as hell or you're in a mental dumpster trying to sleep on a cardboard box. Which is it? Last week you had Thanksgiving and and the Provincial elections and Public Speaking and this week you're doing your imitation of Henry Fonda in Twelve Angry (People) Men. I hope all the schedule-thing is what's keeping you busy and not the depression. Miss your posts. Patrick
for 16 år siden 0 1890 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Here Again,

Lady, Very glad you have joined in here after having such a 'blank' response when you first started. There are great people on this site and they have made me feel at home and comfortable since a joined in discussions only a few weeks ago. I suppose that you just hit a period when people were exhausted and not so committed to getting and giving help to others here. This crew is much different; there are some terrific women who are fighters and very wise and experienced and who want to get all they can out of life. It's so good that we have this forum to talk to each other about what concerns us at any given moment in our lives. It's great that you won the battle with the smoking; I still have to face that problem. I've been smoking for 40 yrs - terrible. I really have a problem with despair when I try to stop smoking. It makes me sick to sit there all depressed with yet another ashtray full of butts beside me stinking up the house. It's also great that you're in a new location, away from the old memories and strifes. I am taking my family back to Canada from South Africa - I am going ahead first to set up the home for us. This is what I need and what my wife needs and her two boys need. We can't handle the violence/stress of living in this beautiful country any longer. The boys (20&18) need to have a chance at careers which is very hard for them to do here politically. The money is going to be a problem in Canada after the big move but I'd rather eat mincemeat there than shrimp here. And I am dedicated to eating crustaceans... I wish that I could still take Effexor and I envy you. I had a wonderful time on the extra bonus of the Nor-Epinephrin reuptake inhibitor but I had to let it go and return to Prozac since I have High Blood Pressure. I miss the energy I got from Effexor. I'll have to Google Klonipin - what's that for in your case?? I really think that you need to take full advantage of the higher doses of your meds for the time being as this is a heavy time for you with all the srious changes in your life of late. Don't worry about it; can't do you harm and you can feel the extra support from the higher doses, yes? Keep it up. Lovely to hear from you, Lady. I hope that you'll say whatever you feel you need to say here and enjoy the support of all the group who are so loyal and smart here. Patrick
for 16 år siden 0 1890 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm Back. Should I take Effexor?

Hi people, I don't have that much experience with meds in particular but I do want to say that I felt great when I was taking 150mg Effexor a few years back. I loved the energy I got from the Nor-Epinephrin R.I. but I could only stay on the stuff for a few months when I started getting high blood pressure readings (I have had HBP for years) so my doctor took me off it and put me back on Prozac which I can vary at will from 20mg to 60mg per day as I need. I really miss the 'alertness' I got on Effexor but I'm reasonably happy with the medium sine wave effect of the Prozac overall. My feeling about meds is that if you are really losing capacity to function daily then you should not fear your doctor raising your dosage. The 'learned' effect from being more stable on the higher doses will help you to be more confident when you ease back on the higher amounts as you come out of the extra-depression that warranted the higher dose! Do you agree? Mind you, there are all kinds of physiological responses particular to the individual but your doctor knows your state of being, no? Find a good doctor and stick with his/her treatments. Know the difference between an interested/caring doctor and a 'plumber'!! Patrick