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Ashley -> Health Educator

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Medlemsgruppe depression


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for 15 år siden 0 185 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My cat

Hi Diva! I'm so sorry to read about Oscar.... I was off Internet for the last month but kept thinking of you and your friend.
I know like you feel... Every time I go back to my dogs and Puffy isn't there to say hello... But hen I remember her and I remember how sick she was and I also remember every moment we spent toghether. I know that she will be for ever with me and so does Oscar. And when you will feel like to open your hart to another feline friend Oscar can teach him trough you what means to enjoy life and to have such a great human friend like you.
I know that it is only a virtual one but I give you a really big hug!
for 15 år siden 0 185 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
paroxetine redrawal

Ok some updates. I'm off meds for a month and a half now and I'm doing a little worse. The paroxetine was helping but to feel beter it is obvious that I needed a higher dose. But I couldn't take more because of the side effects. Especially the blood coagulation problem. I give myself another month to reassess the situation and then I would like to have a serious talk with my doc maybe to switch meds I don't know.
for 15 år siden 0 185 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi all

I spent 10 days with my boyfriend. Almost beautiful days. But since we are living far away it is difficult to say good bye every time. (he also had a little fight with one of my dogs and I got upset... but I still hope that they became friends again)
Sheba is a little out of her mind and decided that she suoldn't let him out of the house. He used a very hush tone with her and she got scared and so I got mad with him and I spent almost half an hour trying to calm the dog and myself. I was outside with the dog and him inside.... and he got a little gelous of the dog... Now I'm loughing thinking at the incident :)
Then he also got depressed thinking that he would have to return to work... Appart this it were really beautiful days.
We visited Sibiu that was the European Cultural Capital in 2007. It is a very nice edieval town and also spent 5 days in the hills with the dogs doing traking.
Then the "nice" trip with my parents... if you can immagine my father wanted to drive me to Rome where I had a meeting with two of my prof. We also visited some places in Europe but was not vacantion. It was almost a head washing for me. Trying to convince me of what I should be doing that I should work in university or in a big copany etc etc.
And not to mention a really bad and when they told me that they are supporting me and that I'm acting strange and that I'm not being respectful etc....

for 15 år siden 0 185 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hello - new - not sure i'm doing this right

Hi rose! Welcome! I love roses too. I have maybe 20 roses at my house in the hills. I like very much the colors and smell and also the dogs wouldn't touch them :D

for 15 år siden 0 185 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Tired and Out of Hope

Hi Mom of 3! I know to well how are you feeling.  Anger and sadness and desire to feel better, to feel alive.
It is not easy to start getting a grep of our own lives but i beleve that is wort it. You must remember that you are not alone. And you are not the only not feelling comfortable to share with others. I can't even speak with my best friend that is also a doctor. Not a psy but anyway she could help. But I don't feel to share everything with her. She knows that I was on meds but without knowing all the story she couldn't understand why I needed them. But I'm afraid to open with her. Maybe afraid of beeing juded...

for 15 år siden 0 185 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
paroxetine redrawal

I just told my doc that I would like to have another assesment at the begining of october. Right now I feel I need a little more time off meds.
for 15 år siden 0 185 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My cat

Nearly 7 years ago I lost Jacky... the first dog that lived till the end in my family. 
The other dog I had when I woas a small children. We were just fostering him. He was a show german scheperd. So when he ended his showing years he returned to his owner. We werw fostering him just because his owner was really far away and for the dog was to stressful to travel several hours for every show. He realy liked showing. Even on the street if someone was looking at him he started showing all by himself :D
Then some years later we bought the home in the hills and a little dog just came from nowere. He was Jacky. He just decided to have us as his human companions.
It was a special bond. He was a real friend. Wher he was gone I spent more than a month going ariund my city crying. I even stopped going to classes...
but Jack was not alone I also had Puffy and their two puppies. At the time he left us ther were not not puppies anymore.
I remember a day when Puffy came to me, put her head in my lap and just looked into my eyes. And thaen I understood that I was unfair to them... I was so upsed for Jacky that I found difficult to care for them.
Them I took the leashes and took them to a walk and life just started again.
Now in june Puffy is gone too.... she was old and very sick. But I knew that the other two needed me. This not means that I was not crying and that I didn't feel like a part of me was gone. But they needed me.
It's not a happy story but the way a fury friend is there for you and makes you smile and all the great memories I have of all my dogs.... 
I can say that this love and frienship saved my life and keeps me alive.
I told you all this to remember you that your other feline friend need you especially now when Oscar left you.

for 15 år siden 0 185 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Absolute blank in my mind....

I know is strange but when I'm not relaxed my brain seems just switched off. I should try to write two papers this month but I really can't start. I feel like my head is simply refusing to think. It is like all the work I've done in the past year is completely lost or never existed.
for 15 år siden 0 185 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
A really bad day.....

I really had a bad day. Nothing special happened but I've just accumulated all the little things from the last days plus in the office is really hot because my mother doesn't want the a/c.
And on top of all my parents just aren't letting me to go to my home.
It's enough for me staying all day with them in the office and in the evening too....
I'm just getting crazy.
At least tomorrow I'm going to spend the we with my dogs (and my father too). But there is enough spece for all and I have a lot of work to do.
Furthermore those days in the office I had to do only stupid things like burning 400 dvd's and doing a lot of publishing work. Things that even an ungraduate can do... I have two papers to write, professors that are pressing me and I just lost 2 days burning DVDs.
This evening I'l try to go to meet my bestfriend and have I hope a nice evening.
Two hours ago I just had to go to the bathroom and cry... I'm feeling really low...
And no one is supporting my ideas. Even my boyfriend thinks that I should get a regular job. Anyway I can't work with my parents anymore. In oct I will return to Rome and hopefully I should finish my PhD. and then.. what...
My parents are trying to impose to me their ideas: to work in a big company or at the university. And none of this is like me...
for 15 år siden 0 185 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
A really bad day.....

Thank you all for your support! Now I started feeling better. Tomorrow I will go in the hills for the we. I have a lot of work to do for my papers. Bt first of all i want to spent some time with my dogs and do some traking. I need to walk. To let out all my negative energy.