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How to help a loved one with Depression

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-07-03 4:49 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression


Stages of change

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-25 11:19 PM

Medlemsgruppe drikkeri


What have you learned?

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-19 12:26 AM

Medlemsgruppe rygning


Emergency Happy Questions

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-11 2:42 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 15 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Starting taking lamictal for nerve pain???

I've never taken lamictal for nerve pain, but I do take 400 mg of lamictal for treatment resistant depression.  the good news- the dizziness does subside.  the bad news, it does cause me problems with sleep and having dreams, so I do take medication to get to the right stages of sleep so that I feel rested (not transition can cause you to be tired all the time).  I've been on this medication for about 2 years (my memory is not too good, so bear with me).  It has minimal side effects for me compared to other things I take. 
I have taken lamictal in combination with other types of anti-depressants though wellbutrin wasn't one of them, so I don't know about that.  
Of course, you know to watch for the rash and go to the doctor immediately if you see signs of it!!!!

for 15 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Psychiatrist visit

Sheba, I hope you have good results and you get your needs met for your health issue!  Keep us posted on how it goes.

for 15 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I gotta get this done

Thanks to you all,
The doctor said that his cholesterol was 66 which means he is malnourished.  I cook for him every two weeks, I take him meals periodically in between because the meals I cook only last a week (three or four different meats, vegetables, etc).  His Thyroid is not working properly and they said this could contribute to his metabolic system malfunctioning.  also his bilirubin (sp?) is elevated, his AST and ALT are out of whack.  And they wanted to put him in the hospital tomorrow if he didn't appear improved. 
I went out there today and started the conversation like this....Dad you are going to be mad at me AND my brother.  he said, you are going to call the doctor.  I said no we already did.  I told him what they said, to drink Boost or Ensure, a new med, double his other meds and if he wasn't better by Wednesday to call and they would admit him to the hospital.  I told him I thought he ought to go today and after much discussion (convincing) and calling my brother to get his opinion(he reluctantly agreed).  We have an appointment this afternoon.  He wanted me to know what bills he had paid and where the check book is/was.  He was still mad, upset and I believe scared, but he is going.  I think, he thinks he isn't coming home.  I am taking one day at a time.  No offense to anyone, but I am praying for the strength  to handle what ever comes my way TODAY.  I also called my psych yesterday and he said I could take the Klonopin more frequently (during the day) if needed.  I have only been taking it on a prn basis in the day(occasionally) and for sleep at night (so to not have the side effects from the lamictal dreams.  When I sleep during the day, I don't take it.  It's like I never slept and go to bed at the right time. 
I'm caught between wanting to sleep and anxiety.  I am drinking coffee( I had quit) to stay awake, but that only increases my anxiety.  But with stress, I just want to sleep, and do, it is my escape mechanism.  I wish I could think of something else to help with the sleep besides something that increases anxiety.....but I do have the klonopin 3x a day now. I would ask for suggestions, but we are going to the hospital shortly and I doubt that I am able to get a response while we are there.  If you are a spiritual person, please pray for strength for me and for dad!  I'll be back!  
In the meantime, you all hang in there and I'll catch up on your posts when I return.  I will definitely miss this as an outlet.  I have the sessions printed out, so I can continue to work on them!  thanks again!!!!

for 15 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I gotta get this done

Thanks so much!
I was planning on staying with dad at the hospital but he and my brother insisted I come home, rest and go back tomorrow.  I know i feel as if 1000 lbs. have been lifted from my shoulders.  Dad seems to be less anxious or more relaxed too.  I think he was scared.  On the way over there, he said I've known I needed to do this but was putting it off.  I told him I was glad he realized this and glad he decided to go.
The Gastroenterologist, nephrologist and cardiologist are all running tests (yesterday, today and I guess tomorrow).  I guess I'll be checking in here each night (which is better for me - health wise) to come home and have some way to "unwind".  
Faryal, I will do my best to quit the coffee again as I only started back this week.  My eyes get sooooo heavy when I am stressed/depressed.  I wish there were something I could do to make myself stay awake during these times.   At work it isn't to the same degree of stress but I can shut the door and just rest for a few moments, but hustle and bustle at a hospital doesn't allow for that very well.  At one point, they had prescribed provigil, it worked well, got me out of bed initially in my recovery.  I don't think I am to that point yet.  It's not too far away, but I'm fighting it!
Anyway, I'm going to see how I do today with the sleepiness, since he is there and I feel so relieved that he will get treatment and we will get definitive answers on what's wrong, what we need to do and what the progression is.  I'm scared, but I am trying not to predict the future - know what I mean - all these scenario's want to run through my head and I say "stop" - we'll know soon enough!  I continue to pray for strength and for my dad!  
Thanks for all your support and I may not be gone but get to check in occasionally.  I have a therapist appointment tomorrow and am going to try to make it!

for 15 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I gotta get this done

Rose306,  Thanks for the prayer.  It is a great one....will put in my collection of great prayers. Also, thanks for the recipe, I'll see if that helps!  Of course, I will have to buy some decaf cause an idea like that would never cross this mind!  lol
Dad had 8 pints of fluid drawn off his stomach today.  It isn't all of it, but he went from weighing 206 lbs yesterday to 189 lbs today.  They are giving him medications to remove the ammonia from his system.  Apparently this builds up when the liver is ceasing to function.  they are concerned about his liver function and his not absorbing the foods he eats and getting sufficient nutrients.  The doctor said they would analyze the contents of the fluid, look at CT scan and ultrasound of the stomach, plus the blood work and give us a diagnosis tomorrow.  
We discussed medical surrogates with dad yesterday and/or a living will.  He wants the medical surrogates but my son, didn't think it was in my best interest to be one along with Brad, so he is going to do it with Brad.  This is acceptable to dad.  This is in case he becomes incapacitated (mentally) and is unable to make his own decisions. 
I think I was feeling relief yesterday, today I am back to worried.  He looks so frail, is so unstable on his feet, is having difficulty with his bowels, and looks as under nurished as they say he is,  even though he still has some fluid in his stomach.  My sister-in-law is filled with doom and dread and erks me!  We don't know anything yet, I'm trying to stay grounded in today and not worrying about tomorrow!  So I am doing my best to ignore her and her planning for "the rest of his life" when we don't even know the extent of things and if it's liver disease, failure or cancer. 
I am also worn out!!!!!I came home early!  I just am going to go crash (go to bed).  I hope I sleep till 8 in the a.m.

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Tip of the Day!

this tip comes just at the right time.  I need that tonight! 
for 15 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I gotta get this done

Hi, an update which is very not good!
They have said daddy has days or weeks not months.  He has liver cancer/cirrhosis and that encephalopathy which is part of the liver dysfunction and having high levels of ammonia in his system.  Normally occurs in the body, his is twice the normal amount at this time.  His kidneys are not function properly.    He is not metabolizing or getting nutrients for food.  He has stated his wishes and has periods of being cognizant of his surroundings and eats a little and periods of time where he doesn't.  This will deminish over time and he will basically go into a coma.  They say there is no pain associated with this, but if there is, they have reassured us, he will feel no pain.  They have contacted Hospice.  We are not even sure that he will come home from the hospital.     
Those who pray to a higher power, please pray that daddy doesn't linger, he always said he didn't want that.  He knows what the outcome is going to be and how long it will take (approximately).  Also, please pray for strength for me and my family! 
I miss this outlet!  I am going to stay at the hospital until he comes home (one way or the other).   

for 15 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I gotta get this done

Thanks for all the support!  I love the prayers!  Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.  I prayed for strength and my higher power (God) answered me. 
Diva I picked the Serenity Prayer to put in the memorial for Dad's funeral.  Wildcat, I used that prayer at my former mother-in-laws funeral as I planned the service and my Uncle said it this a.m. for us. 
Dad died this a.m. We are numb, from the 24 hour vigil since Dad was brought home with hospice on Monday evening.  We were up every hour last night giving him meds to make him comfortable. I have only gotten 3 hours of sleep per night and spent every night with him in the hospital.  My brother stayed with me after he came home.  (more on my brother later)  He did die peacefully with me and my brother at his side.  I guess the hardest part was telling his mother he was dying and then telling her he died.   She will be 98 in January.
I'm exhausted it is 5:00 p.m. here and I'm going to bed!
Again, thanks - the Service is not until Tuesday afternoon due to the weekend (flowers, funeral arrangements, and newspaper, etc.)  I'll probably be back then venting about my frustrations with my brother and his lack of support, arrogance and a few other choice words I don't think are appropriate for this format.  
Sheba, sorry to hear about your father, my prayers and blessings are with you!
 Thanks again for your thoughts, prayers and support!

for 15 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My father... was diegnosed with heart failure

Sheba, I hope all is well and he went to the clinic!  As you know I recently experience my dad denying his illness and making him go the doctor.  I hope that your dad will go. 
Thoughts and prayers with you and as someone posted in "my string".  The Serenity Prayer - We have to accept the things we cannot change, have courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference.  We cannot control another persons behavior.
Gosh, I know how hard that is with these circumstances!  I hope he decides to go and yes, as wildcat suggested, don't forget to tell him you love him! 

for 15 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Diva news...

Diva, glad to hear that you are back.  I like your posts!  I love this forum as I can rattle and no one gets upset with me.  Isn't it great to have an outlet!