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How to help a loved one with Depression

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-07-03 4:49 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression


Stages of change

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-25 11:19 PM

Medlemsgruppe drikkeri


What have you learned?

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-19 12:26 AM

Medlemsgruppe rygning


Emergency Happy Questions

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-11 2:42 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 15 år siden 0 456 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I do not know about public awareness, but for those of us with the illnesses ... support and education would be nice!
Atnea in the USA has a program for its Bipolar clients.  Psycholgists, psychitrasts, nutritionists, the whole nine-yards 24/7 to get them stable and back on the ball!!! where I want to be. Clients can call or see all kinds of specialists.   I live in Quebec where we are supposted to have universal healthcare - we have universal waiting lines!  I called a month ago for a second appointment with my new psychiatrist and still no availability.  I had to wait 5 months to get him! and  2 months for a 1st appointment then.   Two years ago when I wanted to get help I waited 6 months for a psychologist at the local clinic,  and then I was given to a person who was back from sick-leave and could see me once every two months for 45 minutes. 
So when I see ads focusing attention on me I feel uncomfortable.  Like a big sandwich sign is on me... mental health patient # 4 million 32 in line and ... waisting your resources.  Takes medications and still wants to talk for 60 minutes about the stress you face as part of your everyday life!!!  While baby with cancer awaits treatments due to lack of resources...  (the children's hospitals have cute ads). 
Diva, I do not know if the ads are no good!!!
All i mentioned is that they make me really uncomfortable.  And somewhere I think the budgets in healthcare need more funds being prioritzed towards patient care rather than public opinion.   I would like to go to the pharmacy and get a booklet of 6 months of mood-charts for my purse like those on anti-coagulants and those who check their blood-pressure.  I would like to go to a doctor's office and see that they have up-dated their knowledge on the basics of my illness and can talk to me about the latest finding and hopeful studies.  I would like to go to the local health clinic and see a class or seminar for dealing with stress or learing good life habits!!! goodness even if it means they spend 4 hours reading my "bipolar for dummies" book. 
i do not have the ideal solution. Only the one that would be good, right now, for me.
for 15 år siden 0 456 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Diva news...

the adiction, the aggresion... is it gaming or ADDHD?
the difficulties in communication?
only 50% of children "out grow" it.
for 15 år siden 0 456 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

hi gang.
now that i am back to a normal me  I can look back at last week   it was something.  I have to get excel to chart these episodes and see if they are becoming more spaced in time ... and consider them with my cycles and my sleep (darn week-ends). 
I think I understand why some bipo, just accept the fact that there will be times when moods escape the meds and live through the period.  It is not easy to think straight when I've crashed and I have no one who can take responsibility for me from the outside - you are ... take this ...-  I am not sure I want to be be more drugged than i am now in any case.  Also, I cannot find my doctor in a short period of time to get that instant help... until I know more  about myself and can do things on my own.
Also, I have read the stories of many people and there is a trade for many.  THere are less of those sparks of 'hey I got it' I understand, I have an Idea!!!!  I have had a lot less and I guess the boredom has been getting on my nerves.   There is no understanding of how the light moved through space, the atmosphere, the window, my room and eye and to my brain anymore. A lot less travels ... and more meds would probably just cut what is left.
So, now that the panic has subsided and I can think clearly.  I am probably best just talking about what I have now and looking at the patterns I am living with.  Now I can remember this next episode and keep calm I think I will have a less miserable time!
for 15 år siden 0 456 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Tip of the day

did you ever think that your mother knew exactly what she was doing? 
She was allowing you a period of time to grow and learn on your own within your family setting to fall back on in case of a catastrophie.  Those are the true skills of adolecences we learn.  Responsibility. Self-reliance. Strength.  Okay, Mom could have said ... I understand your situation but as the adult in your life I also know this is an ideal learning experience and will allow to to sort the emotions and interpersonal dealings on your own....  and as a teen you would have PPPffffff!!! 
And you learned that regardless how much your world tumbled around you at school because the cute one got away and dated the popular ones... your mom just could not care, you were to learn how to structure an essay and budget your pay. So "how was your day dear ?"
"fine, I passed the math quiz. The homeroom teacher is batty. And I need lunch money for Friday. PPPfff"
hey gang
as you can tell I like phase... it signals that something comes to an end, it changes. There is space for maturity and growth.
phase of the moon.
phases of life.
...  oups a meeting is about to strat i gotta run...
for 15 år siden 0 456 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Want out of depression

hi Cindysue,
Well, welcome to the gang!   I am glad that you have found the tools that you need to start your heal process.
Take things one step at a time. CBT.  then you could look into learning a second language.  If you have access to a library, you could look into recording.  The internet might have something - there is this person who teaches the basics of several instruments on YouTube so why not a language?    Maybe a community center or local primary school needs volunteer kindergarden storyteller/story readers? 
Eh.. by the way what contry are we takling about?  I might be asking the near impossible here .... that is my unfortunate spark when not depressed...
for 15 år siden 0 456 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
passion for work...

I do not know many littles who dream of being assembly line workers, of being office clerks, or of being telemarketers. I am at the bottom of the accounting food chain and studied english lit and history.
But I love puzzles and problems.  Most of my day is dull apply funds to bills.  But two days a week I get to clean up accounts and take care of the problems!! and !!! onec every two weeks I get a nice juicy puzzle to work out!!!   The others in my department laugh at me and With me.  they say it is nothing but the headachs.  And it is what I love. 
It is like being paid to play with a suduko or wonder word.  THe girls are sometimes petty. and rumors ah the bi***ing that goes on.  but for the most part I still get to have 1.5 days out 5  of pure fun
for 15 år siden 0 456 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Did you know?

yup... and the worse the depressive episode the more anxiety symptomes I present.
I normally deal with GAD, and ODC - lite.
Under unusual stress, I go OCD-extreme!!!
When I am non-functional; I am agoraphobique!
for 15 år siden 0 456 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Want out of depression

Fair enough!!
If you were an international volunteer in a refugee camp then materials would be really hard to come by and your entire environment would promote your dis-ease. 
But eastern europe is relatively stable and you have the stuff at home ... so you are really in need of you time.  Time to think of healing and getting yourself back into a fonctioning condition!  So again welcome to the site!  I hope you fine the gang of us helpful and a few of up friendly.
for 15 år siden 0 456 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
How to handle this kind of thing?

Hi everyone.
I do not know if I could join in this discussion ... but I was reading the posts and it got me to thinking.  My mother is legally blind now and is metally-retarded (she functions like an 11 to 16 yr old). So I never really had a mother.  My Father's mother was more my mothering parent. 
But there have been times when I have tried to take to her.  I wanted to cry on her shoulder. I wanted to be held and hugged.  It started when I was 3 and ... I guess I am stupid or something because in 2005 when I crashed again, I tried again.  I see her, and I talk and ... It is like I was talking another language.  Then she goes on to describe her hurts, her cares, her friends, her worries, and asks about my 1/2 sister and her children. 
My mother-in-law is one of those who speaks but the words forget to pass by any thinking function...
for 15 år siden 0 456 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Diva news...

Hi Diva,
I think one of the First symptomes of depression should be forgot to to wash.
I really think that when we forget or we lose track of time and do not wash ... we feel worse.  So much of how we feel about our self is tied to how we look.  And the first thing to get dirty is often our hair.  So dirty, greasy hair (that cannot be freshened in the sink like hands) really signals sick or lazy !  Like I really partied to the wee hours this weekend and finally recovered from a massive hangover - I need a shower  LAZY!   Or I have had stomach flu for three days and have not left the bathroom for fear of losing the contents on my digestive system all over the floor. SICK! 
So Diva, If you have not had a chance to take care of this basic need and you feel strange it is entirely normal.  A really good reason why one of the first words of pampering everyone offers is "take a luxerous bubble bath"  It washes and comforts! You come out feeling human again  -  even more useful than sleep sometimes - because you can fake alertness, you cannot fake clean.  
Wait a minute ... not to say that you smell or anything ... It is just that I have noticed that the energy associated with water and the ritual of cleansing helps us present our best selves.  It helps us feel the most comfortable and confident.  And because we retreat to privacy,  we have the chance to catch up with situations that are escaping us at that moment.