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Dagens vigtigste diskussioner


How to help a loved one with Depression

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-07-03 4:49 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression


Stages of change

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-25 11:19 PM

Medlemsgruppe drikkeri


What have you learned?

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-19 12:26 AM

Medlemsgruppe rygning


Emergency Happy Questions

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-11 2:42 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 15 år siden 0 51 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
going round in circles

 To both Rosies: Man, you got to do it. You got to go to a peer support group. I know it's hard to take that first step,but it is worth it. I was so nervous before hand and when I was sitting there waiting for my turn to talk, but when it was time to tell my story, you could just tell, by their body language and questions and comments. These guys get it. They had been there. they understood. What a relief to finally a place where you felt like part of the group. So please. try to make that step! If you think this group is helpful, you will find meeting in an actual group is even more so.
for 15 år siden 0 51 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
husban in psych hospital

 I can only reinforce what everyone else is saying about medication, but sure your doctor is fully involved before making any changes. As far as feeling "foggy" yes, I have gone thru that during the initial stages of takiing medication, as my body was getting accustomed to it, but generally it went away and besides that it normally takes 4 to 6 weeks for most medication to be fully effective. Sometimes when you take the medication can help. Mine makes me drowsy, so I take it at night and it helps me sleep. As far as the quick change in outlook, I went thru that as well. I think it is the change from doing something, anything, even if it was bad, to get us out of what we see as a hopeless situation. We amy not know where we are going now, but at least we are movingand that makes us feel much better about things. I would encourage him to continue treatment. We males do not like to be sick to begin with and mental illness even carries much more of a stigma of weakness. I know I pushed hard to be "cured" and get off of medication. No one told me at the time that after the first instance your risk of having a relapse is increased. I was off medication for 3 months when I ran into some more life events and crashed a year after the first episode. Not saying it will happen, just saying it is something to be aware of. Be sure to take of yourself too! Talk to someone besides us, counselor, clergy, someone to help you get thru. There are support groups out there for spouses as well. Sometimes it helps just to hear from someone who is going thru the same set of circumstances. Take care! you are in my prayers!
for 15 år siden 0 51 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I finally have my answer

  Mom of 3
   At least like you said it is a seperation and that does leave it open to getting back together, not matter what it looks like to you now. Also like you said, miracles do happen, so there is always hope. You never expected to be in the situation you are now, who knows what tomorrow will bring. It could be better than you ever expected, not worse. you just don't know right now, so the big thing is to take care of yourself. Try not to blame yourself, you are not a failure, you are just going thru a very tough time in your life. I hope you can find a good counselor to help you find your way. take care! You will be in my prayers.
for 15 år siden 0 51 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

 Hello and Welcome! I understand your reluctance concerning online groups. I haven't had much luck myself, however I think you will find people here who will do the one thing that you really seem to be looking for, and that is actually listen. Hope you find what you need. Take care!
for 15 år siden 0 51 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I finally have my answer

 Have a good day today! And just so you know, I have a whole bunch of people praying for you. do oyu have a clergy man or woman you can talk to, sometimes that can be helpful too. Take care today! We are here for you!
for 15 år siden 0 51 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Starting over again

 alittle confused right now. Getting great support from wife ,family and friends. found good support group to meet with in person as well as this one. Met with my  new pastor yesterday, who looks like he will be a great source for counseling. My church brought over this huge christmas care package of food. My doctor has given me 3 months of samples, so I don't have to worry about where my meds are coming from. my wife isn't putting any pressure on me to work, wants me to take my time. You would think I would be flourishing, and yet I feel like I am just treading water. Not really depressed, but not really good, just kind of there. Makes me feel kind of guilty when I see all the circumstances everyone else is going thru. Just don't know. Like I said very confused. 
for 15 år siden 0 51 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Merry Christmas!

A very Blessed Christmas to ALL! And may the New Year be full of promise, progress and endurance!
for 15 år siden 0 51 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Starting over again

Been awhile since I have posted, but that is because basically things are going well. Still finding it hard to get motivated though. Kind of feel in nuetral. Meds are kicking in and can't really say i feel depressed. I'm cooking and cleaning and taking care of my wife. I am enjoying what I am doing just can't seem to get past where I am at. Don't really feel motivated to work on the program. Still doing some reading,but other than that, just kind of floating along. not worrying about the past or the future just enjoying each day. It is just really hard to believe that a month ago I was suicidal. Do the meds make that much difference or am I just a different case. I read some of the other posts with people having such a tough time even with the medication. Granted my life seems to be going very smooth right now, but I feel like I could handle things even if they took a bad turn. Am I deluding myself or what? Is this the calm before the storm?Just don't quite know what to think of things.
for 15 år siden 0 51 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

   Is anyone else taking cymbalta out there? Been taking it for a month, it seems to relieve the depression symptoms but having some side effects. My heart rate seems to go up during the course of the day. Starts out ok in the morning(77),but then starts to go up,especially after about noon, hits 100, 110,120. We tried reducing the dose and it seemed to help to start with, but now it's right back doing the things it was before. Seems to get especially bad after I eat something. Yesterday I took my wife to lunch and afterwards, not only did my heart rate go up(128), but my blood pressure dropped(78 over 64). Have to call my doctor today, but just wondering if anyone had anything similar. Was taking effexor before , it didn't seem to work as quick, but didn't have these side effects. 
for 15 år siden 0 51 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
setting myself up for trouble

Wildcat, We are cheering for you! Just remember 2 things. first you have firends here and we are lined down that slope ready to help if you need it. and second, a slippery slope is treacherous for ANYONE, so it is not a shame to slip and fall. You just pick yourself up, to the CHEERS of your friends, and ride it out right to the bottom! Good luck! You are in my prayers!