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How to help a loved one with Depression

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-07-03 4:49 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression


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Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-25 11:19 PM

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Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-19 12:26 AM

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Emergency Happy Questions

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-11 2:42 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 15 år siden 0 51 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I finally have my answer

 Dear Mom of 3, Have been hesistant to say anything, because I really didn't know what to say. wish you could find some way to distract your mind for awhile, but I know how difficult that can be because I have been there. The one thing I will tell you is that there is HOPE! There is always HOPE! Things may not turn out the way you anticipate, but they may turn out better for you in the long run. You didn't think you would be where you are now did you? Well things have just as much chance to turn out for the better as they do for the worse. So HANG in there! You really don't know what is around the corner and that is very scary, but it might be GOOD! The one thing that I helped me was doing some things for others, it made me feel good, it made me realize that I wasn't the only one going thru hard times and it always seems to come back to you.
  I will give you an example, we recieved a Christmas food package from our church,because I am unemployed, big ham, 2 big shopping bags full of food, it was very thoughtful and made us feel good. However, my wife's sister is on disability and now has her 18 year old son(unemployed), his girl friend and their 3 yearold daughter living with her. So we decided that since we were doing ok, we would give it to her. Needless to say, she was extremely grateful and I will tell you it really helped me, because even if I wasn't able to help myself, I was able to do something,by helping someone else. The thing is a week later, my wife comes home with a couple hundred dollars in gift cards they gave her from work to help us get thru. So we ended up getting more than we gave.
 So you never know what will happens. Please take solace in the fact that you have alot of friends here, praying for you, thinking about you and rooting for you. We will do what we can to help, so you are not alone! Hope this helps some.    
for 15 år siden 0 51 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Well couldn't get ahold of my doctor,but talked to someone at the office and they are weening me off the cymbalta. Will have to talk to my doctor on monday to find out what is next. after doing some reading, I think the cymbalta was working to well and I had to much serotonin in my system. The symptoms seem to fit, especially the increased heart rate(it's 105 as we speak) and the flucuations in blood pressure. did get my answer on one thing though, it is the meds that are making the big difference. I can feel a change already and even my wife has noticed. It still amazes me how a chemical change can make such a difference in how we feel and react. Things that didn't bother me before now irritate me. Well going to have to find something. Can't go without it, but sure can't stay on the cymbalta.
for 15 år siden 0 51 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Well I don't know what I will end up on, I only know I am not enjoying transitionong off the cymbalta. funny once you start feeling good again, it feels like you are getting cheated when it is not so good again. Hear rate still is not stabilized under 100, but blood pressure is better. Having some wild mood swings though. Not like before, you know "woe is me", more like " get out of my way or I'll kick your ass" and it doesn't seem to take much to set me off. My wife is giving me a wide berth and has made the comment a couple of times that she wishes I would get back on the meds. Oh well, nothing I can do until at least Monday.
for 15 år siden 0 51 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Well finally got ahold of my doctor and she switched me on to a new medication(Citalopram). Hopefully this will be better. Like I said it has been strange, beside the physical side effects of the cymbalta, I was feeling very irritable and angry most of the time. Didn't really lose my temper, but wanted too. Anyways, have an interview tomorrow with the post office. Funny thing is I am starting over with them too. Went all the way thru the interview process with them last year and they offered me a job, but I decided at the time that I wanted to work fulltime and drive truck. I guess if at first you don't succeed try,try, try, try again? 
for 15 år siden 0 51 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Diva news...

Glad to hear you are feeling better! I was curious if you were a firstborn? Been doing a alot of reading on firstborns(yes, I is one) and alot of what you show as symptoms are traits of firstborns. the control and resistence to change, we are scared of making a mistake, so we want to stay with what we know.  I suffer from many of the same things, especially the perfectionism. It is hard to enjoy success, because it just seems to set a higher standard that you must attain next time. Makes it hard, especially because we are always striving for success. Instead of relishing in our achievements, it just creates a bigger cross to bear. Glad to hear you are doing well, don't be afraid to give yourself a gold star!
for 15 år siden 0 51 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
back to work

Goofy and Cammy, everything I have heard and read points to the fact that depression has some serious effects on concentration. I know it did with me. It is one of the problems that causes the downward spiral. You can't concentrate because you are depressed, so you can't do things you did before, which in turn, just frustrates you and you get more depressed. I was told in the beginning not to try and read for more than a half hour.  It takes time to get it back. Hey you wouldn't try to run a marathon if you just broke your leg? We have to understand that even though we don't see the physical manifestations, there are things going on in us that take time to heal. Enjoy small victories! I know it is harder because mental illness is not recognized by many people(including ourselves) as a legitamate illness. I have gone thru the same thing as you are going thru a couple of times. It takes time but you will get it back.
for 15 år siden 0 51 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
A New Chapter

 Glad to hear you are doing better. I don't think you should look at the difference being the medication in being a bad thing. Look at it this way, a diabetic can change their diet and lfestyle, but it will still not replace the fact that they have to take insulin. It is a fact of life. We all need to better recognize that there are physical aspects(even though we don't see them) to our diease that can only be taken care of by medication. This is not to say that we don't have things to work on. I just think we should give ourselves a break when it comes to medication. It seems like alot of people downplay their progress, because it is treated to the medication they are taking or feel it is necessary to be "recovered" by being off of it.  Let me ask you this, if you knew someone with heart diease and they changed their lifestyle, but weren't taking their medication and were having problems. What would you think of them? Anyways, keep up the GREAT work! I know sometimes I have to remind myself too, that the tortise won the race and not the hare. As long as we keep plodding forward, that is what counts! You are in my prayers.
for 15 år siden 0 51 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
A New Chapter

Mom of 3, hang in there! I went thru a similar situation with my ex-wife.  she is tryed to have power in any way she could over our relationship. What she didn't realize is that instead of brining me back, like it did before, it showed me what she really thought of our relationship. That gave me the courage and the strength to move on. My situation ended up getting very nasty as she continued to get more desperate. I hope this doesn't happen to you, but know if it does that YOU are the strong one, not him! I just tried to kling to that, and to not return her venom so it would not inffect me too. You are in my prayers ALWAYS! 
for 15 år siden 0 51 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
back to work

Good luck goofy! If it helps at all, I had to go thru something similar right after one of my episodes and it ended up going much better than I expected. When you have been doing something for awhile and are good at it(which I know you are) it is there with you, even when you don't realize it. I did take alot of notes with me(just like you said you were planning on) and it was different in preparing. I had to take more breaks when studying otherwise my mind got lost and I started to get frustrated and worried. A couple of things were different, first after what i had been thru, I was just happy to be alive. So while I still wanted to do well, I was not so desperate to do so. Also as i was doing the presentation, I realized I really did know what I was doing and I am sure had an impact on it going so well. Anyways, GOOD LUCK, you will be in my prayers.
for 15 år siden 0 51 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Changing your Behaviour

 I was very hesistant to start attending a peer support group.Conseqence of not going, guilt in not taking steps to help my self, still would feel alone in my depression, and bad about my situation. Forced myself to go. Felt better about myself because at least I was doing something to get better. Didn't feel as alone any more after talking to people that had been thru similar situations. Felt better about where I was when I realized how lucky I was to get all the love and support I was getting from my family.