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for 15 år siden 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Lifestyle Changes

One last post.
It seems that this is not helping, and my lifestyle changes over the past year and whatever haven't helped at all.  I may as well just say f*** it and not bother seeking help from anywhere, anymore.  Since no-one here reads the whole string and some just preach, because they can. 
I will not do something just for the sake of doing it, what's the point? Should I go shoot someone just for the sake of shooting someone?  NO, so what is the point of exercising, eating healthy (according to someone else's views of eating healthy) just for the sake of doing it.  In my view it hasn't done anything aside from make me more miserable and what is the point in being more miserable?  There isn't one. 
Why are my thoughts not right?  Again someone else forcing their views of right and wrong on me.  Viewing something negatively is how we protect ourselves from hurt.  Should we just continue to let everyone hurt us, physically, emotionally or otherwise.  NO.  So I will never be happy, I will never be normal and I will never be someone else's idea of right, perfect or otherwise.  This is who I am and I have accepted it.  I cannot make anyone else see things how I do, and I cannot seem to view things as others do, so I will stop trying and just deal on my own again, it worked for over 30 years so maybe, it will work again.  If bad sh** would stop happening, then maybe I could catch my breath and get myself back to my normal.
I do not blame others or my illnesses for my depression, I know it is my problem and I will have to figure my own way out of it.  I do blame others for not trying to be encouraging or attempting to understand that I am a unique person and I don't fit in a box.  It was and is difficult ito ask for help because I always hear, Johnny and Sally did this, so it should work for you and if it doesn't work within a reasonable amount of time, continue to do it because Johnny and Sally are and look at them.
Thanks for listening and have great lives.
for 15 år siden 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Lifestyle Changes

I apologize for rhe attack yesterday.  I will not make any excuses for my behaviour and unfortunately at the time, you were in my line of fire.  I will not personally attack anyone here again. 
While I don't mind "discussing", which is "in my opinion" a sharing of different views without discounting any one idea in particular.  Rather than quoting studies, I would rather hear what has worked for you and others who actually have personal experiences and personal views, to back up their rationalizations.  The studies that are performed are "paid"(key word) to be performed by people and companies who want to "force" their opinions and beliefs on others with the actual sharing of ideas.
I am looking for others who have "actual" experiences within their lives to share with, rather than the sharing of the quotes and studies that are being force fed by health care providers, governments, private companies etc.  I am sick to death of the do this and do that, that I keep hearing "because they say so" attitudes.
So Wildcat, please share with me "your" personal experiences with respect to lifestyle changes and what benefits they have brought you.  I am truly interested in "your" personal opinion, thoughts and experiences.  I, have shared some of my own and would dearly appreciate hearing some of "yours".
Thank you for your time and patience.
for 15 år siden 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Lifestyle Changes

Thank you for your response.  I need to ask, why is it that in order for something to make you happy it has to do with physical activity?  So far, everyone I have received suggestions from seems to think that this is the case.  I for one enjoy sleeping and doing nothing.  I do way too much in a day to get any actual enjoyment out of physical activity, (aside from sex and I can't go doing that all the time, now, can I?) 
The feeling of alive occurs every morning when I drag myself out of bed, get ready for work, go to work or the myriad of medical appointments for myself, my husband and my children, and continues throughout the day until I fall into bed and cry myself to sleep at night.  I don't look forward to any one thing in particular just "being" is what I have at this point.
I do have alot of anger over all of the issues surrounding my life, so yeah, being alive is not fun and there is not much that makes me truly happy at this point.  I do find some enjoyment playing mario party with my family but then again that gets shot down because it is "not healthy" and then I feel bad for feeling good.  Big cycle for me, what makes me feels good, makes me feel bad.  What is "supposed" to make me feel good makes me feel bad.  Feeling bad makes me feel bad.  Not pleasing everyone makes me feel bad, not pleasing myself makes me feel bad, doing everything for everyone makes me feel bad, doing very little for everyone makes me feel bad.  Doing things for myself makes me feel bad.
My one true goal is to stop the negative thinking.  It is a big goal.  Every time something new comes up, I say to myself, I will try not to let my previous experience drag me down to thinking negatively.  This doesn't always work but hey, at least it is a start.  The obstacle to accomplishing my goals is myself and I will have to figure out a way that works for me (not a study, not a commercial, not the "majority rules") to accomplish this.
Thank you for your thoughts.
for 15 år siden 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Lifestyle Changes

Thank you Wildcat,
It is somewhat uplifting to hear that there is someone out there that can actually find pleasure in physical activities I don't like, in foods I cannot eat and in drinks I cannot drink. 
I only like 1 type of lettuce, 1 type of potatos, no coffee, no tomatos.  I am very limited in my selections as I do not want to vomit.  This is due to the clean your plate, you can't have anything else unless this is finished attitude I grew up with.  I have attempted to retry the things I do not like and the same thing happens every time, the smells, tastes and texture make me gag and vomit.  Please do not bring coffee in my home, van or anywhere near me, that will send me running to the nearest washroom.
I  cannot seem to find pleasure in physical activity (except sex, for obvious reasons).  I end up more tired and I cry because of the exhaustion still trying to figure out what everyone else finds so attactive about physical activity.  I guess the only thing that makes me feal better is the whining, moaning  and arguing :).
Enjoy your snow shovelling, I will wait for the snow again (and my family to ignore this chore) and go out and do it because it has to be done, enjoy your coffee and if for a moment you could send some of that feeling my way I would appreciate it.
Have a great evening.
for 15 år siden 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Lifestyle Changes

Hi everyone,
Last night the rest of my evening went as usual, drive here, drive there, wash the van, come home, clean up, take some pills, go to bed.  Slept through the alarm this morning, so I was late for work today.
Not sure what suggestions of Wildcats to try.  I do not have a "medical condition" that cause me to vomit food.  I have what is called in the UK Selective Eating Disorder, in North America the medical profession says shut up and eat what we tell you because you are just being picky and nothing is going to happen if you do eat what we tell you, because you don't know anything and we know everything.
As a child I went to my aunt's farm, and learnt where all the usual comes from, mostly from disgusting places like dirt and poo.  
My favourite meal consists of  green beans (boiled down to a soggy gooey mess, yummy), whipped red skinned potatos (made with 1% milk and real butter), creamed chicken (thighs, basically, fried chicken with whipping cream tossed in) and homemade white buns.  Of course I don't eat this all the time (if I did I would probably be a jiggly blob rolling around, he he).  I do enjoy the regular, regular beef (not lean and not extra lean as I find this to be too stringy and dry), pork, and chicken.  The vegetables vary, as well as the side dishes.  Breads that are dry or sand like get stuck and come back out.  I prefer regular white bread (not the fake white bread, as the texture is no where near the regular white bread).
I make a killer chocolate cake with whipped cream icing.  This is a recipe that was past down from generation to generation of my ex-step-mother's family, which I took and perfected the cake to my satisfaction and created my own whipped cream icing (as the butter icing her family put on it was way to sweet and sickly tasting). A little horn tooting here, everyone who trys it asks for my recipe (of course I oblige). 
My children have always gone shopping with me (no-one else to take care of them and now I need their help with the lifting due to my arthritis).  The children have always gotten to pick foods that they wanted (with some exceptions such as fish because the smell makes me sick and you can't get the stench out of the house ever).  The family gets their peanut butter, but can only eat it with the windows open when I am not at home (again the smell).
I am trying to find small moments in the day to be "selfish" (as I view it). I just tend to think that if something tangible (result driven) isn't being accomplished then it is not worth my time, cooking, cleaning, stuff for others.  As for stuff for myself (except bathing and regular hygiene things) is not worth doing as it has the smallest impact (ie. just for me and not for everyone's satisfaction). 
At this point, I truly do not know what would truly make me happy or even moderately satisfied on a day to day basis.  I do know what I don't like (and that seems to be alot).  Trying new things tends to scare the daylights out of me because of the what if's.  I cannot let go of that (control freak). 
My perfect life (today) would consist of sleeping till whenever, getting up and doing the morning routine, doing things if I want to and not doing things that other people want me to (work, cooking, cleaning, shopping, driving, exercising, eating, drinking etc.) read a book, or watch TV.  Not talk to anyone and not see anyone.  If I could do this for a week (or a month, which would be better), I believe this would provide me with the rest I need in order to
for 15 år siden 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Lifestyle Changes

Sorry the following was cut off from my previous post.
My perfect life (today) would consist of sleeping till whenever, getting up and doing the morning routine, doing things if I want to and not doing things that other people want me to (work, cooking, cleaning, shopping, driving, exercising, eating, drinking etc.) read a book, or watch TV.  Not talk to anyone and not see anyone.  If I could do this for a week (or a month, which would be better), I believe this would provide me with the rest I need in order to make it through the rest of my life.  Right now I am just so darned sick and tired of doing for everyone and being for everyone that I just want to sleep forever (or until I decide to get up).
Ah!!! to fantasize (something I have been unable to do for quite some time). A vacation (or a day) is not feasable or affordable and to get everyone else out of the house for 24 hours is out of the question (husband can't drive, none of his family has a wheelchair ramp, he doesn't want to go anywhere without me (my big sucky baby))  The kids would be the easiest because you say get lost and boom they are gone, you just have to wait for the dust to settle to make sure they are truly gone.
Thanks again for listening and I look forward to any personal responses and suggestions.
for 15 år siden 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Lifestyle Changes

You would think that I was a super smeller (especially since I quite smoking 7 months ago).  I can now smell a person smoking a dumaurier cigarette from 100 yards and it smells oh so good, but the players smoke ewwwwww!  I don't like hot drinks unless they are completely loaded with sugar (hot chocolate), it has to be real sugar, because the "sweeteners" are absolutely nauseating and to use honey would be a waste of a 1 litre of honey that could have been used for Granny's honey cookies.
The arthritis is not fun, if only it were in my hands or feet, it is in my spine, not in just one or two spots (like the physiotherapist said it should be) but throughout the entire spine.  I cannot use the pills for arthritis as they will adversely react with my blood pressure and heart medications.  So I get to use a topical gel/sand mixture, great for exfoliation but crap for pain.  Some days obviously are better than other. 
I plug away at the pool (now that it has reopened from their reno's, 2 months down) that my husband can use as it is wheelchair accessible.  It doesn't make me "feel better", I do it for my husband to get him out and about.  It isn't easy to lift his chair in and out of the van, it isn't easy to push him in and out of places (he is a very big man).  I am only 35 and I feel like I am 100.
You are a conundrum, here you are being uplifting and optimistic (by the way that was how I used to be a long, long time ago) yet you have joined a website for depression.  I guess in a sense it is sometimes better to realize that others problems are worse than yours (that's why I used to love my job (mostly handled divorce and family matters) now it seems that even those families have it better than I do.
I do enjoy the baking thing, but because of my husband's weight and my myriad of health problems, I cannot bake as often as I would like.  As the only income earner in my home, I do not have time to arrange a bake sale, let alone afford the cost to make yummies.
Just to let others know they can jump in to our conversation at anytime as I would appreciate as many "personal opinions" and "personal successess" as possible.  It can be uplifting to hear what has worked for others with "personal experiences" to share.
for 15 år siden 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Lifestyle Changes

Thanks for the suggestions, just to let you know that the websites and "healthy" recipes entails me having to use items that I cannot eat, smell etc.  Whole wheat gross, nothing like eating really dry cardboard with sand in it.  Fruit in the muffins only if it is banana.  "Healthy" granola bars tend to have nuts and dried fruits which I cannot eat.  So great suggestion for someone else but thanks anyway.
My way of eating will not change the congenital heart disease, mitral valve regurgitation, arrythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia, congenital high blood pressure, or congenital high cholesterol, or arthritis.  I made the lifestyle changes (the eating and exercise) in hopes to avoid medications and as my luck would have it not going to happen.  I have spoken with my doctors and they say, eat healthy, exercise, take the medications and you will live longer.  None of them ever say eat healthy, exercise, take medications and you will live happier and longer.  Happiness is not the priority longevity is.
My lifestyle changes occurred around the same time I noticed my depression worsening.  So progressively as the changes to eating and exercise got more and more, my depression got worse and worse.  I feel so much better when I don't do anything and eating what I want.  But then I feel bad because I am not supposed to enjoy not doing anything or eating what I want.
I would prefer to live my life happy (or at least as close to it as possible) and not healthy (in the eyes of the professionals).  Ultimately, which is better happy and unhealthy or healthy and miserable?
Which would you prefer, if you only had the two options?
for 15 år siden 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
List of Good Things That Have Happened Recently

I thought I would start a list of good things that have happened recently (obviously, hence the title).  I am hoping others will add to the list (big or little, ie. big - graduation, wedding etc. little, woke up alive this morning etc.).  When something new and good happens, I will add more and when someone else posts, I will read it.  I just want to see if positives are contagious.
One rule, no negatives, positives only.
Well, I found out last week that my husband doesn't have prostate cancer and my father's prostate cancer was completely removed with the prostatectomy, I have not cried in 24 hours, got my nails done on Saturday, pretty white tips with pink gems and I will buy a 649 ticket (by Wednesday) for 39 million dollars (its mine this time, but I will share with others who have the same numbers ).
Let's keep this going.
for 15 år siden 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
List of Good Things That Have Happened Recently

Hi Guys,
This is great, let's keep it going.  Awesome kids, sexy legs, cuddles with hubby (that's the best), what next, a smile, two days without crying?  It may happen.
Let's see for me, my husband saw the ortho today, good news the healing is almost complete (after 2 years).  He still has to lose weight before he can go back to work, but we are working on it.  Me, I got to sleep in (I had to drive my hubby to the doctor), appointment took so long that I couldn't go to work, so day off yay!!!!!!
This list is open for everyone, members and health care educators, I feel if we can all put a little something good in when it happens that maybe the list will make someone else smile, giggle or do something otherwise not characteristic of this awful disorder.