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for 15 år siden 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
List of Good Things That Have Happened Recently

Good things for my weekend,
Finally got a few answers
went grocery shopping
got all of the laundry done
for 15 år siden 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hi Wildcat,
This may not go over well, and I don't know what will, I just want to explain myself a little bit more clearly (in my mind, if it seems muddled or unclear or offensive, please let me know, I am trying to unmuddle things and get my thoughts to stop jumbling).
I love your posts to me.  At least there is one person who will push me to think and who pays attention to what is written and not stop or completely ignore me when they see something they don't like or not have an answer for.  I do not mean to put you down or anyone else for that matter, it is all a matter of how something is perceived and what twist one's thinking puts on things (not wrong or right, just individual).
Just to explain a little, it is difficult when I ask a point blank question, such has how many people wanted to participate in the study but did not get to participate because they didn't fit in with the same belief systems of the study, for example, people like me who would like to participate but cannot because they don't like to exercise and don't believe that it will benefit anyone except the money that the study takes in?  This is something that should have an answer to.  As a study, all of this should be included to test the validity of the study, a person's whole belief system should become public knowledge when implementing a study whether they do the study or participate in the study, as this impacts the outcome of the study more so than the actual study activities, or drugs themselves.
I do not sit and do nothing all day long, I do what needs to be done and I even go swimming and walking for my husband, and my doctor and my therapist, it is not something I would do for myself and it is not something I enjoy, nor can ever see myself enjoying, I feel completly idiotic and overwhelmed, teary, sad, angry and exhausted when I do more than is necessary (regular daily activities, housework, stairs, work-work, something with an immediate result not a result that will never be reached or will be reached in 6 months or a year, I need things done now as I am sick and tired of waiting (selfish child that I am).
I have tried a multitude of physical activities in my life and have not found one (aside from recreational pro-creation with my husband) that makes me feel better physically or emotionally.  I lose weight, my self-esteem doesn't budge, I gain weight my self-esteem doesn't budge, I am who I am and no amount of diet or exercise will change that, the so-called health benefits are that I may live longer, but not necessarily enjoy the things I like . 
With my depression, I just feel hopeless and awkward because I don't "fit it", I can't make my thoughts and beliefs change just to blend in with others.  I don't want to lose myself.
I do not like group activites, I do not like strange people touching me or talking to me.  I have enough of this with my husband's and my health care providers I don't need or want any more.  I keep looking for things that I may like but so far aside from staying inside my home and being with my family I haven't found anything. 
I must admit I do like to argue, but that is my sick, perverted way of getting other people to think that there is something more than just their side of things and not to push one-sided way of thinking on me (there are two sides to everything, I do see things from both perspectives, I just get a pleasure out of pointing it out to others that their way isn't the only way and that they should look deeper than just the surface).  As for the "freaks" these are the people who continuously push only one side of things, they exercise, they eat "healthy", they follow along unquestioningly, they follow all  the rules except
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Sorry some of my long-winded post got cut off, I will try to remember what it said.
except the one that should never be broken, do not force a one-sided view on anyone.
I would never have thought of the alien conspiracy as I do not believe that their are aliens, until someone provides me with tangible proof (show me your alien in person).  I do believe there is a conspiracy just not alien related.  It would be a hoot if it was an alien conspiracy, then my aunt would be right and maybe her voices would stop.
Again, if there is something in my post that someone may find offensive, mean-spirited or otherwise, please point out specifically what it is, as I will not know what is offensive if I am not told directly.
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Giggle, giggle.

for 15 år siden 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

On the other hand, the interview could go:
Interviewer:  Have you ever experienced, the "runner's high" or had any good experiences with exercise?
Potential Study Participant:  Runner's high!  What is that, smoking pot, while exercising? So that's how you keep from feeling the pain and nausea while exercising!  Good experiences, let's see, one time, I was walking for no reason and I was crying and I got to the bridge, and I thought hey I don't have the energy to jump off the bridge, because of walking to the bridge, so I used my cell phone to call for a ride because I didn't have any energy left to go home.
I:  Sorry buddy, we can't use you, because you may hurt our numbers and if our numbers aren't good enough, "big running shoe company" and "expensive name brand food company" won't fund any more research through their donations to our non-profit, charitable world organization.  We also don't want people to see that exercise could do more harm than good for some people because that would interfere with our organizations agenda.
PSP:   That's too bad, because I was hoping that this study was going to be honest, and show both sides of the study.
I:  Err sorry, that's not our job.
Sorry, had to throw that in.  If this sounds a little rough, I got more unwanted physical activity in yesterday, with the shovelling for an hour and the minus 40 windchill and the incredible urge to light a cigarette while I shovelled to make it more enjoyable, and remembering oh ya, I quit, darn it, it sure would make shovelling more enjoyable!
I have noticed that the more unwanted physical activity I get one day, the next couple of days, I am more angry, confused and my thoughts are generally more erratic.  At least the med's are allowing me to notice this now.
Well have a great day and stay warm.
for 15 år siden 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hey Wildcat,
I am at work and my piles are manageable (I have tomorrow off for my hubby's appts.) so I had to work my *** off to get these down so that when I am back on Thursday, I can see over the piles.
I am feeling frisky, and not much into the work thing right now, just the usual affidavits and answer the phones.
I understand the cynical bit, except I do believe there will be change but not for the good (depression, delusions, paranoia, or just me or all of the above? not sure which)
Just to think, with my luck if there were aliens, they are probably smarter than us and we are their current form of entertainment, until our tiny little lives don't amuse them any longer and then they will change the channel and poof we will be gone.  I sometimes do wonder if maybe our lives are just that, entertainment for someone else (or a locker for someone's discarded watch and mouldy sandwhich (MIB good movie for a  laugh).
for 15 år siden 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
List of Good Things That Have Happened Recently

Yesterday, I took my husband to his appt's at the Bariatric Clinic.  finally got to see a dietician, who tweaked his diet by removing 2 things from it.  Yay, only 2 things to go and prove before we can schedule surgery for him.  The option to go with was the new gastric sleeve surgery, this is great because, there is no missed absorption of nutrients, just less food consumption. So this is awesome, hopefully within the next 6 months he can have his surgery and then lose enough weight to get back to work to take some stress off me.  This is exciting, something good finally happening at "that hospital".
Last night, the hubby talked about when he is back at work me taking a 6 month to 1 year leave from work so that I can "collect my brains" and "put them back in order".  Sounds nice (not realistic but nice).  Hubby also said that he doesn't like me on so much medication and feels that I should get a second opinion on the ones for my heart, blood pressure and cholesterol.  He does like the effects of the Celexa, he says I am not so b*****.
Tomorrow is the big day, where he gets to meet my therapist and vice versa, I don't know what will happen, but I am trying to be positive and believe that it can only help things.  (This is a big stretch got alot of extra unwanted phsyical activity yesterday and I am trying so hard to not be angry/agressive/depressed/moody) What's that saying "fake it, till you make it", is that a good thing or is it just lying to yourself and everyone else?
for 15 år siden 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
List of Good Things That Have Happened Recently

My recent good things, my husband and I went to my Psychologist on Friday.  Hubby is finally taking things more seriously and not like a joke now (hopefully this lasts).  Hubby and I will both see my Psychologist 1 more time together and then she may suggest couples therapy.   Hubby learnt how to wash a load of laundry and dry it (folding will come in time).  Met my son's itty, bitty, teeny girlfriend (she is smaller than my youngest daughter who is 5 years younger).
I hope there are others out there who have some things to our list.  If you don't think you do, I dare you to come up with one positive thing!!!!!!  Don't hold back, there must be one little or big thing you would like to share, ie., trimmed my toenails, washed my face, bought a car, big or little come on now, I know you can do it.
Hope to hear from you soon.
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Nothing from Wildcat or anyone else, I believe I have offended some people.  Again I apologize.  Some days, I go completely psycho (bi***y and aggressive, other days, I am all nice and good).
I have been thinking about changing the negative thought patterns in my life.  Obviously they are there for a reason, like whenever one good thing happens, it seems about 20 bad things happen ie.  my husband bought a new gravel truck in 2007 (this is the good part), my cousin died, my granny died, my neighbour died, my husband's aunt died, the gravel truck was parked and was hit by a drunk on a front end loader and caused 20,000 dollars worth of damage (no insurance and the guy was thrown in jail), husband broke his leg, was in the hospital for 2 months, my dryer broke, my vacuum broke, my van broke, my husband's suv broke, my lawn mower broke, we lost the gravel truck, we had our power cut off and gas cut off, just about lost our home, had to fight to get anything for my husband to come home from the hospital.  This is just 2007 every year seems to go that way one or two good things happen and then the downward spiral of negative events happens.  It is not just negative thinking, it is negative events that seem to be beyone one's own control.
So far this year no-one has died, the good that has happened this year is pretty substantial, no prostate cancer for my husband or father, my husband is progressing through the bariatric program and losing weight, I fixed my belt problem with the dryer.  So far so good, I am just waiting for the other shoe to drop and it will.  I am still hanging onto my sanity by a thread and hopefully just hanging on to it will be enough.
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When these negative things happen in great succession, it is hard to put a positive spin on it. People continue to tell me to persevere, and all things happen for a reason and the dreaded "God wouldn't give you so much if he didn't think you could handle it".  The religion thing bother's me to no end.  All of my family and all of my friend's know not to do this to me, yet they insist on it as being so.
So far this year has been pretty good, let's see if we can break this nasty cycle of negative things happening (that are within in my own control).  I can't do much if they are out of my control and I cannot control the impact they have on me as I am not strong enough to withstand much more.
Well here's to the challenge.