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How to help a loved one with Depression

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-07-03 4:49 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression


Stages of change

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-25 11:19 PM

Medlemsgruppe drikkeri


What have you learned?

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-19 12:26 AM

Medlemsgruppe rygning


Emergency Happy Questions

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-11 2:42 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 14 år siden 0 14 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I have come here and read posts a lot - - But today for whatever reason....I decided to join and post.....
I was abused when I was younger.  My father was not an alcoholic he was simply was not raised well and had a bad temper. I was a hyper kid I would always accidently break things, I did not want to work on our farm but he always told me men need to work hard.  If I ever made a mistake he would beat me horribly sometimes having to go to the hospital.  The worst thing is not the abuse but that he single me out.  Sometimes my older stronger brother would fight with me and beat me for no good reason and then I would get beat by my father for making my brother angry.  There is a lot more to it then that but I think you get the idea.
I do not want to make people feel bad for me but I have to say I have major anger issues now.  One time my father chocked me till unconcousness and when I awoke I was so angry I told him I would kill him.  After that he stopped.  This has taught me that I need to be agresive.  I know this is unhealthy but I find it very hard to not act angry.
Although I know I have a lot to work on I am not mad at my father.  In fact I am sad that it happened but I do not blame him/.  He had a terrible upbringing and he did not know any better.  Also, he is a good smart man.  I have forgiven him. I beleive if I did not go through that I would not be the strong person I am today.  Yes I have things I need to work on but that is ok.  Many people are raised horribly and still succeed in life.  I am going to be one of those people.  I feel like feeling sorry for myself will not help at all.  If anything it will make me dwell on it.
for 14 år siden 0 14 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Can depression be predicted?

I think it has to do more with upbrining - - if you learn bad ways of handling things it is hard to know how to be positive
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meditataion does work

Meditation helps me.
I had a panic attack once and my girlfriend really helped me through it.  She told me what was happening and told me to take deep breaths.  BOY that helped..... I now try to breath deep and relax everyday - - - It has made a HUGE different in stresss-  I also do not grind my teeth as much now
for 14 år siden 0 14 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I am new here.  I have been reading a lot but today I wanted to join.  I am feeling sad over a recent breakup .  I have had trouble with depression for awhile but the break up has really made me nose dive
I am coping but it sucks
for 14 år siden 0 14 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Interpersonal Psychotherapy

Relationships can be freakin scary....You don't want to get too wrapped up just to get rejected.  Knowing i have depression makesit hard for me 2 let ppl in.  I don't want 2 get hurt. But when u do find someone it reallyhelps with self esteem and comfort. the risk is totally worth it so I am glad you decided to strick with it.
Ashley is right u should be super proud of yourself.
You seem like a very nice intelligent lady, a guy would be very lucky to have you.  You remember that.
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good for u for talking about it and making a plan!
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train wreck

We are here if you need to vent.
Try to stick it out.  Sometimes things seem impossible right before they get better.
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Diva news...

I like the schedule and rewards idea.
I always feel the worst when I am not working.  So I can relate......if you are home all the time it would be tough.
Make time for outside friends too!
Even going out for a walk around ppl helps
I sometimes go to the mall and just walk around when I feel sad.  Just seeing ppl for some reason helps
for 14 år siden 0 14 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My situation

hi Drikosuave,
I have been in a similar situation.  The best thing for you to do is try to spend time with your friends.  If you do not have close friends near you the best thing to do is figure out your lease and go home to be close to your friends and family.  You can always start your life over.  You shouldn't think that you lost anything when one door closes another opens.  Whatever happens, happens for a reason.  I know it is a bit cliche to say but it is very true.  You will be able to understand that once you get through this tough part.
I lived a year in an apartment alone with all the furniture my ex chose.  I bought the apartment and everything for her.  When she left me I had to spend my nights staring at all the beautiful things she bought, all of the things we got together to have a life together.  I am not from the country I am living now and I had no family to support me.  I starting hang out with my friends again, and that helped a lot.  I made some bad choices and turned to alcohol to ease the pain.  That actually made it a lot worse I recommend to stay away from alcohol. 
Now that it is over I have other plans and I am happy again.  Time will show you what to do. 
for 14 år siden 0 14 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
How do I deal with people at work or how do I deal with my thoughts about them?

See I have the exact oposite problem I react too quickly.  I have a very bad temper and I often say hurtful things or get too angry in situations.  It has caused me a lot of problems and I am still trying to work on it.
A lot of people have trouble with personal conflicts and how to deal with it.  I think we should be proud of ourselves just for addressing our issues. We are all learning....we will figure it out.
Have you had to deal with any other personal conflicts lately?