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How to help a loved one with Depression

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-07-03 4:49 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression


Stages of change

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-25 11:19 PM

Medlemsgruppe drikkeri


What have you learned?

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-19 12:26 AM

Medlemsgruppe rygning


Emergency Happy Questions

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-11 2:42 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 14 år siden 0 50 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello All....

I don't really know where to start. I have never been one that was very good at writing organization and construction of sentences. My concentration is often interrupted by negative thoughts and anxiety fears. I estimate that I have been suffering from depression or some other mood disorder (such as bi-polar disorder) since I was 12. Though, It could be my entire life. I don't have many memories of me being in a very happy mood. I remember mostly feeling intensely sad, hopeless and anxious for most of my life. Although I have had moments of happiness, my negative moods and experiences are most memorable (in a terrible but fascinating way). 
I am currently taking Zoloft for my depression. It has worked, but it seems to only work for a couple months or so and then my depression starts slowly creeepin back (this is just MY situation, Zoloft may work for others and I am not speaking for it or against it). I have raised the dose several times. Same thing. I have tried other medications that seemed to have worked really well but have negative side effects that I absolutely do not want, especially since there is a risk that some of those side effects may become permanent (ex: tremors in my hands, involuntary twitching of my face and involuntary movement of my legs/feet giving way beneath me causing spontaneous falls). I was given medication during my visit to the psych unit at the hospital, but they put me on 3 different meds, and I continuously took them together, so I am unsure which one was predominantly working (or wether just one, two or the combination was what worked). I was taking Lithium, Zoloft and Seroquel. It worked wonders. It changed my entire life perspecitve. I was extremely happy. However, the downside was not only the physical side effects, but also the mental effects. I was manic most of the time (not sleeping for days at a time, feeling so confident that it was borderline conceited, invincible and fearless) with a few periods of feeling blankly content in between. I was way too hyper (having racing thoughts that I couldn't keep up with and that others couldn't keep up with when I talked about them). I talked so fast with barely a breath in between and ideas were not very lucid.
I've gone for therapy and had both a therapist and psychiatrist. They diagnosed me with depression. I have not been fully happy with this because I feel its so much more than that. I experience losses of reality sometimes where I do very foolish things and I often have unrealistic ideas that I impulsively try to put into play. I'm very self aware now (I wasn't always), so I can try and clearly explain my symtoms, but, I have never really found a permanent or successful solution to my disorder. I feel certain I definitely have some sort of mood disorder, I am just not sure what kind it is. I alos have anxiety (excessive worrying), feelings of hopelessness, self destructive tendencies, impulsiveness, sexual addictions and addiction to the idea of drugs (by this I mean, I have only smoked weed and salvia but I have strongly desired to try other, more serious drugs and have become obsessed with the idea of getting high).
Anyway, I have already made this too long. I have once again laid everything out on the table for all to see. I'm an open book. I have nothing to hide. I'm not expecting any replies, but those who would like to may do so if they desire. Otherwise, it was nice of you to simply read this. Maybe some of you can relate to this and understand what I've been talking about. Or maybe you don't understand it (as I don't really understand it myself). I only know what I feel but I don't know how or why. It doesn't make sense why I have such extreme emotions for completely no reason at all. I can sw
for 14 år siden 0 50 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
So here I am after 3 long hard years

I read your post and felt thankful to have people who experience a lot of the same things. Thing is, we all have different lives and different situations, but when it comes down to it, we are all here for the same reason. We seak help. We seek support. I feel I should speak to my family about this because they are a good support system but, I also feel like a burden to them. I am so tired of repeating my issues to them and I sense they feel the same. They are getting tired of hearing the same story. Though I have gotten better, The fact is I am not all better. I still struggle every day. I can understand how you might feel that you really want to love and be well with your family all the time, its just those times when it gets really hard that you feel like you don't even want to try. Am I right? I hope all goes well with you. I truly bless you. Be strong.  
for 14 år siden 0 50 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Tired of apologizing

I completely understand what you are going through. I feel I just might die of frustration if I have ot go one more day apologizing and explaining myself to my boyfriend. My partner is here for me now and says he is willing to be patient. But my fear is: what if I can't get better? Or what if i can't get better soon enough for him to still want to be around me? There are times when I just want to end it all, but I know that loneliness is one of my biggest issues that I deal with. Truth is, even when I am with my boyfriend, I still feel alone. There seems to be no end to this lonely feeling. I feel so apart from everyone I know and love. I truly do feel for you. Some days I am really trying to help myself and our relationship, bu its hard to do both. I don't even have myself in order. Keeping our relationship in order is another big task. I can't stand hurting him but everytime I promise I will get better, it gets worse again. I can't keep apologizing. I am tired of other asking me whats wrong, when I know it will be the same answer every time: I don't know. My partner things I am not trying hard enough or digging deep enough when I tell him I don't know why I feel the way I feel. But the truth is I really don't know whats wrong with me. Nothing is ever enough. I still remain blue.
I didn't mean to blab about myself, I do apologize. I just started doing this today and I feel like I just wanna pour it all out at once. I do feel for your feelings and hope your troubles soon come ot an end.
All the best,
for 14 år siden 0 50 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello All....

I'm sorry if this all seems jumbled. My thoughts are too fast for me. Basically....I am tired of feeling depressed and being depressed makes me tired!!! All I wanna do is sleep, sleep, sleep. I seem to not really care about a lot of things but I absolutely care at the same time. The great contradiction of my life. I am not very motivated and often use my condition as an excuse for why I can't do things. Truth is, I could try harder, but at the same time, I don't exaggerate (by any means) the severity of my condition. I tried to kill myself a while back (high school). I have had crying spells. I am sad all the fricken time and don't know why. Its very frustrating, to say the least.
for 14 år siden 0 50 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello All....

Thank you. I really appreciate it. I already do feel welcome. Thank you for your kind words and genuine concern. I have not done drugs for a while. Not since about 5 or 6 months back. I still have urges but, I do try to ignore them and have been succesful so far. I have removed the presence of friends who do drugs from my life. I have since made new friends. I hope to not repeat the cycle and do badly again. I feel I am slwoly going back into a deep and dangerous depression. I am fighting for my mental health and life stability daily. Its a struggle but I have survived through it so far (miraculously, lol). Thanks again.
for 14 år siden 0 50 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello All....

Thank you for your warm welcome. I have indeed started reading through the program and have thus far read session 1. Haha, not off to a bad start. I have done the mood and daily activity tracker. I find it really works for me. Writing down what I need to do for the day, even something as simple as brushing my teeth, really helps me feel more organized and less discouraged or frustrated about what I need to get doen for the day. Thanks again.
for 14 år siden 0 50 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello All....

Thank you for the welcome. I take comfort in knowing that others are out there experiencing what I have experienced/am experiencing. Thank you for pointing that out. Its reassuring and does give some relief. Thank you.
Fallabe 12
for 14 år siden 0 50 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello All....

Thank you for the welcome. Yes, it has been frustrating trying to fidn out my exact diagnosis. Of course, when the right diagnosis isn't made, one can take all the wrong medications and not truly getter better (at least not fully). I have read a little about Borderline Personality disorder. I do often feel that at anytime, from moment, to moment I can change. Someone can go from being my best friend to my worst enemy in just 5 minutes or less. Its hard to keep up with even myself, I can imagien what others must feel like. I've been called, "psycho", "crazy", "out fo my mind", among other things.  
I am glad you made the suggestion of Borderline personality disorder, because I have thought of that some, though not a lot fo the time. I heard that there is no medication they can give you for personality disorders though. Which, of course, doesn't help my case. Therapy has been a method of treatment, but I find that it makes me angry. I feel like I don't want to talk about these issues. I feel angry about having to explain myself to others, including therapists. I also often feel angry about being f-ed up in the first place, lol. But I do have to deal with this. These are the cards I've been dealt and I have to somehow make it through.
Thanks for your input,
for 14 år siden 0 50 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello All....

Thank you for the welcome and yes, You are absolutely right. I have often come in too-close-for-comfort contact with the law. Its a miracle I haven't been arrested. I did get kicked out of my college dorms during my freshman year for smoking pot on campus in the school parking lot. I was not kicked out of school, although, it was a pain in the a** because it was one week before my finals. I had to go to a local hotel, which was not so local. haha. I had to walk a mile from the hotel, Take a bus for an hour and then walk a couple fo blocks to my school. Not fun, lol. But, I do accept the responsibility for my actions. It was wrong of me. I was just stupid and didn't care about gettin caught, I just wanted to get high.
Thanks for you're thoughts,
for 14 år siden 0 50 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Rebuilding your Self-Esteem

I understand he importance of changing negative thinking, thus leading to the changing of one's behavior. However, I feel that my negative thoughts are so automatic, I don't even know when I'm thinking them. I'm not very conscious of it. Having to monitor my thoughts seems like such a grueling task. I easily get frustrated when I try to monitor myself and often give up. If I am successful in monitoring my thoughts and replacing the negatives with the positive ones, I only have that for a day or two and then it goes away. I can seem to keep it going continuously and consistently. Any suggestions?