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How to help a loved one with Depression

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-07-03 4:49 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression


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Ashley -> Health Educator

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Ashley -> Health Educator

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Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-11 2:42 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 14 år siden 0 102 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Keeping motivated when you start to feel better...

hey viking,
I'm experiencing a bit of the same thing, but it's more with the smoking center, and not so much here.
I'm stuck on session 3, and can't seem to move on from there.  I feel better, am working like crazy, dealing with my life again which is what I wanted.......
Like Goofy, I have made this part of my daily routine.  I wish this site was a little more active really.  So in all selfishness, I hope you keep posting because you have great contributions that could help others.  I think this site could really take off if those of us that are getting better can contribute.
I'm glad you're doing well, and you are wise to realize that depression and it's maintenance is a lot like taking antibiotics.  You have to keep going.  Maybe if you realized you are helping others????  Here it is.  When feeling good, help others.  It will come back to you 10,000 fold.  :) 
Does that help?
for 14 år siden 0 102 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hi Noori :)
I was really moved by your post.  You are so young and yet you are willing to reach out.  What a wonderful start to your new, independent life.  Being an introvert, it isn't too surprising that you are exhausted living with extroverts.  Have you thought about a different living situation?  You might have constraints like most of us had in college.
Sorry!  Lots of questions.  What kind of load have you taken on this quarter/semester?  Do you have enough to eat?  Do you have friends in college?  Family support?  Are you able to get out and exercise????  Again, sorry.  I know it takes a lot of energy to do college without answering tons of questions from anonymous strangers.
My first bout with depression was when I was an undergrad.  I couldn't sleep at all, was very overwhelmed even though I ended up graduating with honors..... I put so much pressure on myself.  Are you pressuring yourself too????
Tell us more if you're able.  Share your suffering.  This is the best place to start and I'm glad you were given guidance in this direction.  Since we've all been through it, there is no judgment.  Just support.
for 14 år siden 0 102 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Time for a Break?

Hey Ashley,
This is a great post that I wanted to respond to sooner, but have been busy at work (ironic!).
Here is what I've done lately to take a break:
Walk outside if you can, even for 5 minutes on your break.
I've been bringing in my adoptive dog (because I'm allowed to do that), and he relaxes me and reminds me that we need to go outside.
Since I quit smoking, I am a needlepoint freak.  I can do it at my desk for just a couple of minutes and it refocuses my mind.
I doodle when making business calls.  Be careful with this one though!  I'm pretty sure everyone here can relate to the phone number with no name written by it with 3pm thursday, and many cool designs next to it.  The next day we say..... 'What!? Who?!'  Keep a seperate pad for doodles.
Get relaxation CD's for your lunch break.  If you have a park nearby, pop it in as the weather gets warmer, or go to a coffee shop if it's still cold, and breathe the music in.
Make a fun plan while at work.  Call a friend, book a trip, buy tickets to a movie you want to see, research local events....... give yourself something to look forward to on your day off.
Create your happiness even though it's work, and really hard at times.  If it's too hard, then make sure you do something teeny tiny for yourself at work. 
For anyone else listening/reading, what little tiny thing makes you feel good? 
for 14 år siden 0 102 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Seriously!  You danced on the Coyote Ugly Bar???!!!  You seriously rock.
On the scale, where's your depression today?  So glad you had fun and the dizzies are calming.
huge hugs
for 14 år siden 0 102 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
making difficult decisions

Hugs Kat.  Super big hugs.
I was apathetic at first, and then tried to bargain with myself.  Like-- when I get better, then I'll be able to get back to it (meaning doing the same darn things I've been doing).  Doing the same and expecting to get better is what was making me sick.
Am moving to another forum to do a full update.
for 14 år siden 0 102 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Thanks Rebbie, that meant a lot.  I'm not so sure that I'm amazing.  I'm just trying to get by.
So here's my update:
Dad came home from the hospital, but has to have heart surgery to stop the bleeding into his stomach.  Turns out that it isn't a stomach aneurysm, but a leaking heart valve.  He's finding out tomorrow when he's having surgery.  We had to cancel my son's next appointment because even though we have good insurance, they want $1,600.00 up front (they don't take our insurance).  We make good money between his dad and I, but they sprung this a week before the appointment even though we've been waiting 6 weeks for the appointment.  I am completely disgusted.  Had we known up front we would have been ready.  We are looking for another doctor who takes our insurance.
My adoptive dog is going everywhere with me.  I am determined to give him a life and he is so happy.  I take him to work, and he rolls around on the grass like a puppy.  I take him to the beach on my lunch breaks, and he is alive again.  I wish I had before and after pictures.
Just for fun, the electrical fixtures in our house started blowing.  For the last three days we've been terrified because we were having brown-outs at first, then no power at all (despite trying to trip the breakers), and then it would turn on all by itself.  But last night the power line coming into the house started arching!  It's raining lightly here, so we thought it was lightening, but it seemed a little too close (we were sleeping when it happened).  Fire department, PG&E, landlord...... huge deal.  It all started at 3am.
Super tired, and need to go to bed.  Just doing a super basic check-in.  Still here.  Not up in flames :)
for 14 år siden 0 102 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Time for a Break?

Hey Tiger,
Do you have time to get a run in at work?  Just my opinion, but I don't think running is running away from problems.  It's a really healthy coping skill.  It allows you to shed issues that are eating at you and refocus on the important things (like you for example).  Just a thought.
Yes!  I know that when I quit smoking, I really had to work hard to find ways to take a break at work because that's exactly how I took a break.  I had to find really satisfying alternatives.  Sometimes I get on the computer and look up cruises (that I can't afford right now), or type in "the most beautiful places on earth" and look at the pictures-- or, "the friendliest towns" and I think about visiting if they are close.  A lot of areas of the world have a regional magazine devoted to local travel.  We have Sunset here and it often features short trips that are affordable, and off the beaten path.  I've taken lots of trips that way and I've mainly discovered them while taking a break at work.
I can't do the box breathing very well either for the same reason.  Lots of people (including me) do better with the mindfulness breathing while doing everyday tasks.  That quiets my mind well.  I really recommend any book written by Thich Nhat Hanh, and also love Jack Kornfield.  They both write well on this subject.  The method is a great way to slow down your mind.  Will continue in a minute cause I'm always worried about getting logged out and losing a post.
for 14 år siden 0 102 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Time for a Break?

I'm not going to write too much about it.  But when you are doing anything in your life, focus on that and that only.  Follow your breathing as you fill out reports, as you run, as you do laundry, etc.  You can do it anywhere, anytime.  There are so many much more talented people to listen to than me, so that is the gist of it.
Finally, Cool Jimmy!  I've done the same many times :)  If you find a cool CD, you have to tell us about it!
for 14 år siden 0 102 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hi Pinkminke,
This is a good site, and I agree with Breezin.  Try and go visit a campus doc, or your regular doc.  Besides finally reaching out here, that's another good place to start.  Ashley is right too, most campuses have free counseling services.
Gosh, there's so much to say about college and what can trigger depression there.  I'm not sure where to start.  I guess I can only relate my experience and refer to the post that Noori wrote.  And again, as with Noori, I hope you don't mind a few questions.
There is only one area that I might disagree with what others wrote: sometimes we need a break so we can regroup.  Yes, you are close to finishing, but your health is more important.  My son is currently taking a semester off so he can deal with some health issues.  I'd much rather see him deal with that than push himself into the ground.
Not sure how old you are, but I do know that when I was 18-24 I was dealing with a lot of the aftermath of my childhood stuff, questioning where I was going and wanted to do with my life, and had tremendous anxiety all of the time.
Don't worry about starting the program yet.  Just write for now.  It took awhile for me to be able to get out of bed, and I remember writing the same thing.  Just take some baby steps.  Write if you can, put a foot out of bed, call 1 person a day, take a shower if you're able.  Take care of yourself though.  Again, I had to break down and see my doctor even though I hate medication.  I waited a year too just like you have hoping that I would pull out of it until I reached the point when I couldn't get out of bed.  That's when I finally realized that I couldn't do it by myself (which I've always done!).  So it sucked, but I went.  I reluctanly went on medication, wrote here, got a therapist, and am slowly getting better.  Be proactive (I think you have been your whole life, but you are overwhelmed right now), and remember to take little tiny baby steps and congratulate yourself on each one.  Even waking up 15 minutes earlier than you are now is a huge accomplishment.
I think that a lot of us that get depressed are perfectionists who are used to getting stuff done.  Let that go.  Refocus on yourself because you deserve it.  You've worked really hard, and now it's time to work really hard on yourself.
Hope that helps a little.  I also hope that you know that everyone here hasn't been able to get out of bed either.  Baby steps girl.
for 14 år siden 0 102 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hmmm.  Super tired Kat.   I'm a little worried about a relapse with everything that's been going on, but so far, I'm okay.  I wake up every morning really tired though.  My spirits are good.  I feel strong even though I'm tired.
Tired tired tired is the main thing I feel.
His name is Levi, and he is scheduled for the beauty salon tomorrow on my way to work :)  He's never been pampered.
I had to work late tonight (hooray though cause tonight and tomorrow are my last nights of working late!  13 years of working late and I finally will be getting off at 3pm everyday starting next week!).
I haven't heard about dad's appointment today because I worked late and he goes to bed super early.  I'll let you all know what I find out.
Off to bed with me.  Thanks for checking in Kat.  You and everyone else helps me keep going.