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How to help a loved one with Depression

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-07-03 4:49 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression


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2024-06-19 12:26 AM

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Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-11 2:42 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 14 år siden 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Too little, too late...

Tonight, my wife (we've been together 10 years, married 7) told me through tears that she's not sure she can stay in this relationship anymore.  She's got to do some soul searching, and she's going to reach out to a councillor for advice, but that our marriage may already be over.  I guess I've known for a while that things were getting bad, very bad in fact, but, I guess I didn't want to deal with the realities of loosing my family.  I assumed that there would be clear warning signs - and that I would have the insight to see them.  There aren't - and if there were, I didn't.
For some background, I've been suffering through depression for as long as I can remember, but over the past few years, it's been getting steadily worse.  I can understand how hard it's been for her, the constant irritability, having an apathetic lump of a husband.  In the throws of a depression, I've not exactly been romantic, or a great conversationalist - and for fear of being indiscreet, my depression has caused a considerable decrease on my libido.  But the really difficult problem/hurdle is that it doesn't matter what she says, if she's disagreeing with me - I immediately assume that she's upset with me, or that I've done something wrong... and intellectually, I KNOW she isn't.  The problem is that my response is an emotional one...  I FEEL like I'm the one in the wrong, and I can't seem to overcome it.  So, I back off, shut down, and start beating myself up (emotionally) for being 'in the wrong'.  And she feels like she's hurt my feelings - when in fact she really didn't do any more than respond with how she feels.  It leads to her not being able to be honest with me, the one person she should ALWAYS feel safe to be honest with, no matter what.
All that was for background - as I mentioned, tonight, she finally came out and told me she's considering leaving the relationship, and I'm approaching a full blown panic.  The decision to leave will be hers - and I can't say I'd blame her, at all, but I don't want to loose her.  I've told her that I don't want to loose her, that I love her, and that I'm sorry - and to her credit, she acknowledges my feelings, and appreciates my desire to keep the relationship together, but she's not sure she's got any fight left in her.  She needs to figure out what decision will make her happy long term, and which will be the best for her and for our girls. 
It's so difficult - and I want to be clear - her desire to leave is TOTALLY justified...  I'm surprised she hasn't left already, but, even before she came out and said it flat - I had made an appointment with yet another counselor, and decided that I'll be calling my family Dr tomorrow, to see about medication, or some other treatment options - but, it may be too little, too late, to save my marriage. 
And it's breaking my heart to know that *I* caused this.  Because I didn't fight harder earlier, because I gave up after a few councillors, and one trip to my Dr.  Because I didn't fight as hard as she's been fighting all this time, I may loose the ONLY thing in this world that brings me even a hint of joy. 
Take my advice - if you're here, looking through the forums, tell your significant other that you love them - right now.  And do it often.  Tell them that you appreciate their situation, and that you are thankful for their patience and understanding.  Realize, that even when they're not the most supportive, it's hard for them too - depression is hard on your SO.  It's hard to watch someone you
for 14 år siden 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Too little, too late...

Thank you both for your support, and words of encouragement.  I do intend to work the program, wherever it takes me.  I do have a follow up question for the group tho - I contacted my Dr's office today, and they advised me that the first available appointment is over a month away.  There are almost always 2-3 week waits to see my Dr, and I've got two questions for anyone who cares to answer...
1) Is this a 'typical' wait time?  Do you all have similar stories, or is it faster in other parts of North America...?
2) Should I visit an after hours medical clinic instead of waiting the month+ to see my family Dr?  Would they provide any more 'immediate' answers and medical help?   I've got an appointment with a counselor on Monday, which is very quick - but I know that they won't be able to prescribe any medications, should they feel it necessary, and I have my doubts that counseling, even this program will be sufficient on it's own. 
Any advice?
for 14 år siden 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Too little, too late...

I'm in Canada, so, there are available options for immediate, what I would call 'emergency' needs - in fact, I could walk into the emergency room here and ask for help - and I'm sure I'd get it.  I had to take someone I was involved to the hospital, for suicide prevention once, so I do know the drill.  If it comes to it, I hope I have the strength to do it.
I've decided to wait on a Dr visit, until I've spoken with my counselor on Monday, and see what they recommend.  I made the appointment with my family doctor anyways, as a back up plan, but I would tend to agree with your assessment - regular family Dr's are generalists - I think I'm in need of a specialist.  That said, however, about two years ago, I did get a referral to see a psychiatrist - advised him that I have exceptionally unhealthy thoughts, regularly (at that time, once or twice a week) - and after an hour or so, he decided that at best, I was a little stressed, but otherwise fine, and not in need of treatment.  It was quite a blow, here I was thinking I was severely depressed - full of constant self loathing, a full and detailed plan on how to end my own life, appetite problems, sleeping problems - but, as it turns out I was "a bit stressed, but otherwise, okay".  Hard to reconcile the feelings you have, when the 'professional' tells you you're fine. 
In truth, it leaves you feeling like you were an enormous fool, and that you should just 'walk it off' already and quit whining about it.  Which, needless to say, had made it difficult to go back and look for additional help.  And I should be clear, this was a full PhD Psychiatrist - not a psychologist, or a councillor.  I had to wait nearly 3 months to get an appointment with him, and I saw his degrees hanging on the wall.  He told me he deals with "the mentally ill" and that I "wasn't that bad off, really, and didn't need any treatment" - And those are direct quotes, I remember them as if they were yesterday.
All in all, 'hopelessness' has been a constant companion through this process.  After reaching out again to a psychologist, and being regaled by the stories of her visiting her dying mother, and believing the spirit of her dead brother (who committed suicide) was standing beside the bed, full of remorse (I wish I was making that up), to confiding in a counselor that I had a phobia of confrontation, only to have them promptly get in my face (literally, inches from my face) and shouting at me (again, I wish i was making that up) to show me that what I felt was confrontation, wasn't what she thought confrontation was - and that I needed to clarify my statement.  Only to be followed up by another therapist who (after 2 whole sessions) advised me that I should go see a specialist, oh, and there would only be a 2-3 month wait.  It also wasn't covered by my insurance, and who wanted me (I kid you not) to try to balance myself on a ball, so she could see where the imbalance in my psyche was... 
All in all, a very difficult battle to even keep going back. 
I wont even get started on the HORRIBLE experience I've had with medication - sufficed to say far from merely not working, it made things significantly worse.
And to know, that even after all this trouble, all of these hurdles - my wife believes that I just 'gave up' on her, the relationship and myself.  It's heartbreaking.  But - all that aside, I WILL get better, I WILL keep looking for answers, and not for her, not for the relationship, but because *I* need to be better.  For myself, to make sure my daughters have someone to walk them down the isle if they get marri
for 14 år siden 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Too little, too late...

Sorry - it looks like there's a maximum to the posting size, the editor doesn't tell you about.  Here's the second part of the post below... 
And to know, that even after all this trouble, all of these hurdles - my wife believes that I just 'gave up' on her, the relationship and myself.  It's heartbreaking.  But - all that aside, I WILL get better, I WILL keep looking for answers, and not for her, not for the relationship, but because *I* need to be better.  For myself, to make sure my daughters have someone to walk them down the isle if they get married, to have the opportunity to hold grandchildren and marvel at the innocence, and potential.  My mother died of cancer before her grand daughter was born - she never got the chance to hold her, to sing her a lullaby, to make her the most marvelous cabbage rolls this side of the Atlantic...  and if there's any way I can help it, I'm not going to miss that.  Any of it.  I don't know if I can hold on - but damn it, I'm going to try. 
Sorry for these long posts - but these are thoughts that I need to get out...  I need to make them 'real' by putting them down where someone, anyone, can read them.  Thanks for listening.
for 14 år siden 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Cognitive Distortions & My Bad Boy Ways

Hrm - I am looking forward to this module...  reading your initial post "all or nothing thinking" and "Mind reading" are things I am guilty of...  I refer to them as "either a thing is, or it isn't" and a "black box model" (meaning it's like a black box - something common in Electronics... you have no idea what's in them, but you know that if you put X in, given the right circumstances, you get Y out - most of the time..)  I have models like this for people.. so I know (or rather, THINK I know) what people will say or respond to my questions/stimulus.  It drives people nuts, but I for the life of me, cannot remember NOT having them.
I have to say - it's comforting to know that I'm not the only one out there who does that, and has these sorts of perceptions on the world.  I've never met anyone else who 'mind reads' or has the 'all or nothing' mindset - and it gives me hope that if symptoms like that are identifiable then chances are there's something to this whole CBT, and that maybe, just maybe, I can find some of the help I need here.
Thanks for relating that Arizona - I appreciate it.
for 14 år siden 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Group Discussion on Session 1

I'm finding it difficult to keep my activity tracker handy - I'm trying to remember to do it once a day, at a given time, but even then, I forget what I was feeling, when, and what I was doing.  Some of the major events of the day stand out, but I know I'm forgetting things.  keeping it in a purse sounds like a dandy idea - but, being male, I don't carry one - unless a female member of the family hands it to me while they go into a change room or something... :)
Any other suggestions on how to keep it handy?  it's kinda big and awkward to just keep in a pocket - and I'd rather not explain what I'm doing to folks nearby if I need to pull it out to write something down.. 
for 14 år siden 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Advice on how to break down a goal...

I'm looking for some advice on how to break down 'being more assertive' into smaller chunks.  Exercise regularly was easy, as we keeping the house clean and inviting - but 'being more assertive' is causing me a bit of grief.  I'm not sure how to break it down into smaller, identifiable chunks.
Any advice?
for 14 år siden 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Keeping motivated when you start to feel better...

I'm finding, much to my amazement, that I have begun to feel better after having been in the program for just a few weeks  (as well as having been taking counseling one-on-one with a local therapist.).  I'm enjoying the re-awakening world of springtime and feeling a resonance in myself with that re-awakening that I haven't felt in an exceptionally long time.
While it's a wonderful feeling, and I hope each and every one of you can experience it, I have discovered a dilemma...  I'm finding it difficult to motivate myself to come back here and do my next week's session.  I know, intellectually, it's like antibiotics, you need to run the full course to be effective, but, I can't seem to motivate myself to find time to come back and read the next session - let alone do my homework for the week I'm on, reliably and on a daily basis., because I'm too focused on re-discovering the world around me.  Spending time with my kids, with myself, with my wife - living again seems to have taken up my free time.
Any suggestions on how to stay focused when feeling good...?
for 14 år siden 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Watching a 12 year marriage disapear...

Recovery is a bumpy road.  I get it.  It's a constant struggle to not fall back into old habits, not fall prey to negative thinking and letting the depression start making decisions for me again.
I get it.
But watching a 12 year marriage fall apart in front of me, because my Wife isn't able, or isn't willing to see the changes that I clearly see and understand that I have made.  It's hard not to let the negative thoughts overwhelm you.  When you try, for a week and a half to engage her in conversation.. even a simple conversation about work, or the kids, or the news... anything.. and all you get back in monosyllabic responses and short sentences.... when she's more interested in her e-book than in talking to me... or spending time with me....  It's hard not to just say to yourself "well, what the HELL was the point of all this hard work anyways, if the one person in my life, who I *NEED* to see the changes, and to validate my progress just isn't interested in trying to bridge the gap anymore and just won't engage anymore" - I can see the progress.  My therapist saw the progress.  My friends and family all see tremendous progress... but my Wife just wont respond anymore.  It's not just a lack of intimacy...  we've had long 'dry spells' before - it's the total lack of engagement.  She hasn't said more than 15 words to me, in the past week and a half, that weren't in response to a direct question that I had posed.  I wished her a good night tonight, and got a door closed in my face for a response.  I went out of my way to spend my last 20$ on something so she could enjoy a "girl's night" away tomorrow and not have to worry about having enough gas to make it to payday... not so much as a 'thanks hun'.  
*sigh*  I wrote her a 3 page letter tonight, and I know she'll never read it.  I'd never let her - It's angry, and not very productive - but it felt damn good to write it.  I don't really believe anyone out there can help... truthfully, I expect there is no help for it, and the marriage is going to end in the next month or two - but I felt I had to put it out there... on the ether ...  just to get it out to SOMEONE.  Too little.. too late.  if I have one word of advice for anyone out there suffering through depression, keep at it.  Find a therapist that works for you.  Don't take no for an answer.  I did, for years...  I went through 2 psychiatrists, a plethora of therapists, some drugs and a bevy or online 'self help' until I found the right combination of therapist, methodology and drive.  DONT GIVE UP, or you may find yourself where I am now...  wondering if there's anything even left to save..  hell.. at this point - I'm wondering if there was ever anything there at all in the first place.
Thanks for listening - I just wish I could get my wife to.

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