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How to help a loved one with Depression

Ashley -> Health Educator

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Medlemsgruppe depression


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Ashley -> Health Educator

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Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-11 2:42 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 12 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Challenge Accepted

Still going strong into day 8. My sweetie and my kids are fantastic, even my mom (who smokes like a chimney) is trying to be supportive. She was very happy for the 1/2 a carton I gave her, and even though she spent most of the evening on my patio, she didn't light up in the car (1st time that's ever happened). The other half of the carton is going to my ex-husband, who will be staying at my house this week to sit with our son (he is having foot surgery Wed). I don't want them, but given the expense and the fact that I am surrounded by smokers, they can have em. I'm through the hardest part, still have a couple withdrawl symptoms I'm dealing with, but I've started back doing my yoga and walking in the evening. The breathing exercises are particularly helpful, and I'm trying to get my body back to functioning normally. My brain feels muddy, and I'm having digestive issues. Yes, I'm eating fiber, drinking lots of water, juice, yogurt ect ect .... still nothing. At the end of the day I feel I'm doing the right thing, that things ARE better, and will only continue to improve.
for 12 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
11 days

Just checking in, been a very busy and stressful week. I'm still quit, no slips, though I wanted to poke my ex husband in the eye as he stood there smoking and ranting about his girlfriend. Cravings are much better on the whole and I'm learning alot about myself. My fuse is not nearly as long as it was, no mood swings involved I just lack the desire to put up with stupidity, and I have a lot of physical pain I never really noticed was always there (things that hurt, but not constantly - ie my hip joint, the knee I had surgery on ect.). Not  bummed, not depressed just awake to my body,  like realizing that light headed means hungry. Hope everyone had a great week and that everyone enjoys their weekend.
for 12 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
11 days

RMH, day 2 is much harder than day 11, big congrats! You can and will get here, big squishy virtual hugs.
Stress is my biggest trigger, but I refuse to be defeated. I have made it 2 weeks, my son had his surgery, he is doing very well, I survived my ex-husband staying at my house for 4 days reeking of cigs (and he smokes my old brand), a 500$ co-pay I wasn't expecting, I have overcome having my dad be a jerk on the phone (I was busy cooking, he felt I was rude and giving him the cold shoulder, hung up on me before I could explain I was cooking), then calling all my sisters to tell them how horrible I am, then having them all call me to find out what happened (I'm never rude unless there is a HUGE reason), all in all Family drama 101. Frankly I'm happy to be back at work, back in the land of deadlines, and priorities. Still finding this to be a learning experience, this weeks lesson: learning to manage stress in a healthy productive manner. Although my sister Brit had some of the best advice, "sometimes you just have to be mad, live in it, roll in it, do laps in it, right or wrong the reason doesn't matter and isn't always logical, in the end it will help you to get over it", my little sis is one smart cookie. As for my family drama, I built a bridge and got over it, no smokes required....
for 12 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Today was difficult.

It's a slip no more, no less, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on the horse, same quit. If a marathon runner tripped over a stone at mile 5 would you send them back to the starting line? of course not in that same context this is a journey, your journey, you stumbled, just watch for the stones in your way ;)
for 12 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Challenge Accepted

14 days ooh mee ooh my - last week sucked, the weekend sucked more. Lots of stress, lots of opportunity to cave, DENIED! I have figured out a reward, My bed is horrid, it's a like a hammock with a frame, and one of my dining room chairs collapsed into a heap of splinters (while my boyfriend was sitting in it, 2 others are right behind). I am going to reward my self by replacing them, for my 1 month quit. I am going to make a glorious shopping day of it, and find exactly what I want. 2 more weeks of trying to sit in a camping chair at the dinner table, I'm short so my chin is about even with my plate and my daughter is sitting on a folding ladder (shes 10 and much shorter than me). If nothing else it makes dinner time amusing ;) All in all, my quit is going great and I'm rolling with the punches. Cravings come in waves but I've perfected my Yoga breathing and I just blow them away like ashes on the wind. On another more amusing note I've seen alot of folks talking about vivid dreams in connection with Chantix or other methods, I accidently fell asleep with my patch on (dead dog tired, I usually remove it before bed), I had a brilliantly crazy dream - I was actually kinda mad when I woke up because I missed the ending. Kung foo fighting Kangaroo chef that sounded like Guy Fieri , I was a little boy with a pillow case as a cape, we were fighting evil ferret people - best movie I've seen in years.
Thank you for all the support folks, there are very few things in this world where I have needed or sought it. This is a very big ugly mountain and every time I think I've reached the plateau the clouds move and I realize how far I still have to climb :)
for 12 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Tomorrow is the day!

The journey of  1000 miles begins with one step - Chinese Proverb. You new life begins with one patch :) best of luck and visit often - it truly does help.
for 12 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Day 5

Congrats Michelle! 5 days is a big deal. Quitting while surrounded by smokers or living with a smoker is tough but it can be done. Hang in there and keep up the great attitude
for 12 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Nicotine replacement

I'm on them currently, and I have 2 more weeks at 14 mg, then 2 at 7mg. I'm 4 weeks quit. I forgot my patch Saturday, aside from a couple grumpy moments there was no difference, I only realized I had forgotten it when I went to take it off at bed time (I don't sleep with it on) and there wasn't one to remove. Sunday I put my patch on, because I want to make sure I stay quit and sticking with the steps will give me the best outcome. It's a step down designed to break the mental habit while slowly weaning you off the physical. Don't build it up in your mind, just take it one day at a time.
for 12 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
January Quitters Kick off!

LOL more than 127.00 ;) heck the table I replaced was a 400.00 farmhouse style table, it just didn't fair well in the move, the chairs we rickety (one collapsed with my boyfriend in it), there was really no way to fix them and the drop leaves didn't sit flush anymore, which made it look saggy. The new set is a 600.00 set, matches the rest of the furniture I already own (wood color, most of it is older than I am, and comes from different makers, set matching is impossible) seats 4 more people and will allow our big families to at least visit and join us for dinner. A little over the top, but replacing the table was on my long list of "I need to do this when I have the money", which has been growing for years. Eating dinner in a coleman chair eye level with my plate for a few weeks expedited the project.
for 12 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Monday morning Stats Parade

7 years, way to go Duffis!!!