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Dagens vigtigste diskussioner


How to help a loved one with Depression

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-07-03 4:49 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression


Stages of change

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-25 11:19 PM

Medlemsgruppe drikkeri


What have you learned?

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-19 12:26 AM

Medlemsgruppe rygning


Emergency Happy Questions

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-11 2:42 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 12 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Missing that morning cigarette with your coffee?

I was smoking before I started drinking coffee, I still do my morning coffee, I just do it in route to work instead of on the patio
for 12 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hamlet, the quote is by Maya Angelou :) For me quitting has been a challenge, cigarettes were the answer to so many things in my old mind set. It is truly one day at a time, sometimes one hour at a time. The meaning of the quote for me is that I have to want it, I have to make the changes no one can or will do it for me. 3 days is fantastic, the first week really is the ugliest. Keep your head up, before you know it you'll be counting weeks ;)
for 12 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Happy Valentines Day!

I'm taking my son to boy scouts and spending the later evening with my boyfriend feeding him mucinex and nursing him back to health. In years passed when I was single, I went to the dollar store and made small VD baskets for my closest girlfriends and all us single ladies hung out together, we went out and shot pool. They still talk about it, it totally made their day, I told them all I had brought them VD cream for singles awareness day LOL, still one of my favorite Valentines Day memories ever.
for 12 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
day 3 done

Jeremiah, congratulations. Sleep was a huge issue for me, after a few days I was cranky, irritable and couldn't think straight. I tried a natural supplement Melatonin, smallest dose they sell, gave myself an 8hr window, slept like the dead. I've only had to take it that one night, but it worked and it allowed me to my head in check. I quit with an NRT (patch) which has allowed me to focus on the mental side of things. Not to say I didn't have withdrawl symptoms, I did. You can do it, just hold your ground, stay busy and hang out here as often as you need (great people, and great information). As Jim said, keep telling yourself you can, and you will, attitude is everything.
for 12 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
44 days and hangin in there.....

Right on! Glad to hear your all doing so well.
for 12 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Quitting & Eating

I'm hungry in the morning, so I eat a cereal bar (I used to never be hungry in the morning). The only other real change is that I crave chip and salsa at night, has to be plain tortilla chips (I don't like any other kinds of chips), and hot salsa.
for 12 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Cravings, nothing more than cravings

I've been doing pretty good, cravings haven't been real bad, I've been using my patches and sticking with my program. Tuesday I went to the library, and outside the library is a sign "No Smoking area, please extinguish any smoking materials" ... I got the worst craving I have experienced so far. I didn't slip, I made it through, but I walked away from it amazed. I got triggered by a no smoking sign .... go figure.
for 12 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello & Any Words of Advice Accepted!!

Hi Czinger, best of luck with your back surgery. I quit due to bronchitis and a upper resperatory infection. Like you I smoked about a pack a day, for me it was17 years. I quit because I'm quite attached to breathing, not because I woke up one day and wanted to quit, I've been quit for over a month. I'm using the patch, and I ate my weight in mints the first week. My best advice is stay occupied, read, draw, chat, whatever you can find to stay busy, I found patches to be helpful but, a lot of folks go cold turkey.
for 12 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Patch Problem

For the last week or so I put my patch on in the morning when I take it off at night I have a huge raised red swollen lump, it goes away after about 4 days, they itch like mad and a couple have scabbed over. Has anyone else had this side effect? I move the patches everyday and go in a pattern to insure each area has a full week between patches.
for 12 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Patch Problem

Thank you for the responses, I'm using a generic prescribed by my doctor. I'm almost done (only 2 weeks of 7mg to go, then I'm off the patch alltogether). I'm still quit, and I think your right about the allergy to something (yesterdays broke out in a ring of small blisters at the edge of the medication area). I've had a few days on and off of forgetting my patch without incident or really any changes. I think I may just call it good. I've done a really good job at quashing my oral fixation so I don't want to start another oral habit, and Chantix isn't my bag. I'll still be here, posting, checking in per usual but I think it's come time to say adios to nicotine. I will go ahead and fill the last script (just in case, so there is no waiting). I will try to get into my Doc, but unless its an emergency, they drag butt about it (2 weeks is about standard), by then hopefully theses will be healed . The first one that came up is still a solid red circle from over a week ago, no longer swollen, but still tender.