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How to help a loved one with Depression

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-07-03 4:49 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression


Stages of change

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-25 11:19 PM

Medlemsgruppe drikkeri


What have you learned?

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-19 12:26 AM

Medlemsgruppe rygning


Emergency Happy Questions

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-11 2:42 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 20 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Have u tried listening to the radio? Or perhaps the tv?
for 20 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
set backs

Yeah recovery is like a roller coaster. You will have your up periods and your down periods. All part of the patch to recovery. "2 steps backwards 1 step forward" And Erica, tell your Mum I hope she get better!
for 20 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello, Im Ben, and am relatively new to these boards

Howdy Ben, one of my favourite relaxing exercises was to vlose your eyes and move your eyes to write the alphabet or numbers. You're not supposedd to do it for too long though. THere are stacks of relaxation exercises in books and probably on the internet. I did several seesions of hypnotherapy. I think it did me some good. CYA.
for 20 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
this feeling in my head

Hi Nicole. Having a nervous stomach is definately one of the most common symptoms. I'm sorry to hear your Mum has cancer. But you shouldn't feel bad about yourself for mentioning that u are feeling anxious. Panic/Anxiety is very hard to deal with, particularly at the start where you are at. Your Dad having had panic attacks should realise this. It's good to see that you are reading up on panic attacks. It's very important that u understand the REAL reasons your body is reacting the way it is. I read heaps at the start. What you read may scare and depress u at the start, but after u get over that intial period you will be able to handle your panic attacks/anxiety better through your knowledge. You will get better. As I said, it's hard at the start. I've gone through all the things you've mentioned like the head feelings and stomach feelings. I am feeling so much better these days compared to what I was at the start. My first 6 months were real tough. But since then I have improved and am now at the stage where I can "let go" and not get caught up in the moment of fear like I used to. You sound like you have a good attitude. You will go through your ups and downs. As I'm sure you've read though, panic attacks are distressing not dangerous. CYA
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can lifting weights really trigger off attacks??

HI Sanju, exercise does make you feel better. But perhaps u could do less instense exercise. My doc suggested that I do more walking at the start and then as I get better begin to get back into the instense stuff. Often a racing heartbeat from intense exericise can trigger off panic attacks. I've never done yoga, but people seem to think it's good. I did a little hypnotherapy. I think that helped. There's stacks of breathing and relaxtion exercises that u can do from home. Relaxation tapes for one. CYA
for 20 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Fear of Driving

LeighAnne, yes it is all worth it. Don't ever think it's not!! I was really bad at the start but am so much better now. You will get better. No you won't be like you were before, you will be better! When you get over this you will have new confidence and tools to handle yourself with the other things in life. I'm not sure about the legal side of things with your work. Whilst I'm not sure of your job/money circumstances, I will say getting your health right is more important than anything else. Panic disorder is real tough at the start which u r finding. It's natural to feel down about things, but please don't think you are a burden and all that other stuff you wrote. It takes hard work to get better, but you can do it.
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?hormone related

Hi Kylie, yes I've read that hormonal changes plays a part with getting panic attacks.
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Can FOOD or certain Beverages Really add to the anxiety

I've read differing opions on what and what not to eat/drink. I kept reading milk was not good for panic attacks. Then I read a book which said drink milk as it calms you down. I've also read people saying high carbo foods make them panicy, but then others don't find they do. The main foods/drinks you read about are caffeine, sugar and alcohol. I've never been much of a caffeine drinker and I don't drink alcohol so I can't comment on these. But my point is that in the early days I used to get all stressed about what food/drink I had. Then I noticed that I would sometimes get a panic attack after eating a certain food but then sometimes I wouldn't. So now I don't get all hooked up with what I eat or drinnk. I just have anything and am doing great. I'm no dietician, but I think worrying about what u had or are about to have will make things worse than what the food itself might actually do to you.
for 20 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
anxiety when sleeping in my bed

Hi, You've got yourself thinking now " I've had anxiety the other nights here so I am more than likely going to have more anxious feelings tonight" You can reverse this though. The more you move away from your bed onto your couch the more you are showing to yourself that you are fearful of your bed. You need to not keep moving away. The more you stay in your bed and prove to yourself that nothing bad is going to hapen the sooner you will be able to get back to seeing it as a nice relaxing place. You could try spending a bit longer in your bed each night and gradually work your way back like that. Or you could just stay there completly and go through the axiety you may get. Whilst it will be difficult you will prove to yourself that there is nothing to fear and the anxiety will begin to go down.
for 20 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm scared of dying

Howdy Melanie, I know it's easy for me to say, but you really need to either leave your husband or tell him to go attend some sort of anger management classes. You shouldn't be living with a husband who threatens you. That's a no no. And do not hide this. He doesn't deserve to have it kept a secret. He'll be more likely to do it if he knows u won't ever tell people. It's pathetic for a male to threaten a female. I also think it's within your rights to demand to go get tests done. It's more than likely just anxiety with u concentrating on your heart that is making u have these probs but if u want to get a test then I say go get one. I think it's fine for people to get a test at the start. Try not to keep going back and getting tests done though if u get told everything is o.k. after your first visit. CYA