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How to help a loved one with Depression

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-07-03 4:49 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression


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Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-25 11:19 PM

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Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-19 12:26 AM

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Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-06-11 2:42 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 20 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Panic Attacks & IBS

Cloie, I read somewhere that it's common for people with anxiety to burp a fair bit due to the way they've been breathing. (lots of breathes I think was the reason)
for 20 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Panic Attacks & IBS

And yeah I let off a fair bit of gas. I would think a big reason for it would be that when your anxious u often tighten up your stomach muscles. My family don't particularly like my ****ing, but ****ing makes me laugh so I'm not fussed about it at all. Mine isn't severe though. There is definatly some foods that make u **** more than others though. That's for sure. I'm not sure how severe your husbands is though and wether it is more than just a tight stomach. CYA
for 20 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Fear of Dying in Panic Attack situations

I too was worried about what effect anxiety might have on my health. I was relieved though after reading info from a couple of anxiety books. Here are a couple of notes I took. 1. "The anxiety disorders do not come from or cause any physical illness. They are PRIMARY DISEASES. This means they are not secondary to or derived from any other illness" 2. "The physical symtoms of panic, although frithening, are not directly damaging to your health. This is a very imprtant point to grasp, as one of the greatest fears that beset panic sufferers is that the attacks themselves are doing them harm"
for 20 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
negative thoughts

Howdy! I agree that sometimes it's important to give yourself a break and distract yourself, but I think it's important not to keep distracting yourself. I think it's good to learn to face and deal with what thoughts you are having. Talk them over with either yourself or someone else. Distraction won't solve the panic thoughts it will just postpone them. When I get a yucky thought I don't want to distract myself, instead I want to keep that thought in my head and work on it. I want to talk it over with myself and learn to convince myself that that thought is not ever going to happen and it's just an anxiety thought. When you deal with the thoughts they aren't going to come back - either at all or u can swipe them aside easier if they do. By distracting yourself u r really runnig away from the thought and that is saying that u fear the thought and we all know that when you fear the thoughts they come at u hard. Anyway that's just how I personally deal with panic attacks. See ya.
for 20 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
negative thoughts

Hi Phoebe, yes I agree it can be hard to rationalize our thoughts when in the midst of a big attack. I don't get any major ones these days, but I did used to still try and rationalize my thoughts during the attack. And definately during small attacks. My main point of my previous email was that whilst people are calm and not doing anything they shouldn't look around for something to do with the mindset that "oh no I'm not doing anything, I need to do something so I won't get a panic attack". CYA
for 20 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I used to worry heaps about every little itch, headache etc.. was some serious problem. I'm happy to say I don't think like that now. Perhaps I'm not 100% perfect, but like when I get a headache these days I realise it aint a tumor. It takes times I guess to regain your confidence. So stay positive. As they say "persistence pays"
for 20 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi, Everyone. This group is amazing!

Hi Mrs B, yeah the start will be very hard for your husband, and u of course. The more knowledge you gain about panic disorder though the better equiped you will be to handle things. If he takes meds he needs to realise that everyone is different in how they react to the different medications out there. It will be trial and error until he finds the most suitable for him. Try your best to be encouraging and postive for him. Remind him panic attacks are distressing not dangerous. Remind him people get better - nothing lasts forever. I was really bad for the first 6 months but have improved since. There are positives to come out of having panic disorder. You will gain confidence to deal with other things in life, becaues if you can deal with panic attacks you can deal with anything. He will also learn relaxation techniques which he will be able to use in other stressful life situations. His recovery will be like a rollercoaster. He will have his up periods then have his down periods. He shouldn't get too down if he starts feeling bad after going through a good phase. It's part of the recovery. "2 steps back 1 step forward" Bye
for 20 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
my name is missy and i am a chronic catastrophic worrier

Missy, always be proud of who you are. Don't ever regret things you have or haven't done. Evertyhing happens for a reason. Lift your head and stick that chest out!
for 20 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dealing with mother's anger

Hi Lucy, I don't agree with evreything your Mum says. It sounds like your Mum doesn't have a true understanding on what you are going through. Perhaps she is trying to help, but some of the things she said are off the mark. It's good to be able to surround yourself with postivie people. It's harder obviously with the person in this case being your Mum. She is right when she says u have to find the strength inside u to recover. Because you do have complete control over all this. It's just a matter of mastering it. Obviously saying at 29 you are too old is wrong. All ages get these probs. You are not wasting your life. Everything happens for a reason. ALWAYS be proud of who you are. Perhaps you are too sensitve. This is totally fixable though. And anyway over sensitive people are often the kindest and most caring. She can't say she could handle your situation better as she isn't and will never be in your body to know what you are going through. Saying u just need to get over it is totally the wrong thing to say. Ovbiously if u good just click your fingers and be cured u would. It takes time to recover though. U r obvoiusly trying by doing exposure and therapy work. Good stuff. When people are down (like yourself) they start to listen to closely to negative comments they've heard. We've all done it. But you can change your thinking. "concentrate on the lightness and the darkness falls away" Recovery is a hard thing but u can do it. I felt totally **** for the first 6 months I had panic disorder. In the last 18 months though I've improved big time. CYA
for 20 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I need help with my agoraphobia!!

Others have got over their agrophobia, so can u therfore. It is hard but u can do it. They didn't come up with the saying "persistance pays" for nothing. U CAN DO IT!