I take 150 effexorand my dr. would like me to be taking 300mg&150 of wellbutrine a day but I can't efford it,I just recently found a pt. job, working has always helped me as for looking for work is the killer,so instead of all the meds I should be taking I go to work with all of my symptoms of depression, back ache, IBS,achey mussels,fear,all of it and I tell myself I will be ok. I am 42 and was diagnioused when I was 30 after being hospitalized by my parents and my Dr. of 20yrs. When I smoke marijuana I get motivated to do housework, it helps me eat and sleep as well but it makes me depressed and I think I need to stop but don"t know how, my life has been one struggle after another,depression runs strongley on my fathers side whom I don't even know!so many different issues, things to think about and do ,I don't think it will ever be normal because I am not, how do you fit in a world when you can't trust anyone really, anyway I hope for some fed back, thankyou.