I have read that Thryoid patients are quite often diagnosed with depression, and years down the road they find out that they had Thyroiditis which can have similar symptoms. I couple of years about I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Last week I was told by a specialist that I am in the middle stage of the disease. By ultrasound he found by surprise that my thyroid was 3 xs bigger than normal, and that 1/2 the cells in the Thryoid were dead. I later found out that people with this disease have a lack of dopamine in the brain, which causes depression like symptoms, and memory loss, sleep problems etc. I also have Hypothyroidism and cannot metabolise food very well. It is progressive, and in 10-15 years from now, there is a good chance I will loose all normal function, except for the thryoid suppliments which keep your other bodily functions going. However, now I understand much better why I had suffered with so many infections which doctors could not explain, and other problems associated with this disease. When you have physical problems causing depression, weight gain, memory loss etc., all these things are difficult to deal with, but I wonder how many people out there are un-aware of having this disease, and are being treated for depression etc. for years, without knowing the real source of the problems....Has anyone out there experienced the same things?