Welcome Goldie,
Well it seems like a lot of us are on Lexapro these days or either coming off of it. For me, when I was on 10 mg, I found this dose to be the worse as I had more side effects, increased depression, so finally I saw a new psychiatrist and he increased the dose and I'm starting to feel some better. I also go to individual therapy with my psychologist, and now my husband and I see a marriage counselor (2nd visit), so I feel it's going to take a combination of all these things before my life will get back to a peaceful place. I see you also live in the United States, most of my online buddies I think are from other areas such as Canada, etc. I hope this website is for everyone even though it is based out of the US. It is truly a great help to all of us. I agree with you about work and delaying going back. Right now I have taken some time out of work about 1 1/2 months per doctor's orders, which feels great. However, now I am getting anxious about returning and don't know what to say when I do return. Thanks for sharing your story with us and I hope your medication starts working soon. Take care