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Smile....and don't shoot the messenger


2024-09-27 3:17 PM

Medlemsgruppe rygning


Site seems a little faster


2024-09-05 4:43 PM

Medlemsgruppe rygning


What are negative core beliefs?

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-07-17 7:35 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression


Creating a stress plan

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-07-08 4:16 PM

Medlemsgruppe angst

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for 16 år siden 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I know what you mean about the news... earthquakes, and cyclones, rising food and gas prices... I have given up watching the news when any negative story comes on (I've been a news junkie so it's hard to ignore CNN completely), but we both have our own issues to deal with right now, so it's OK to leave the rest of the world alone for a bit, while we deal with our own problems. Sure wish the media could get off it's negative bent though...
for 16 år siden 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome and yes, we do know where you are coming from.  It is important to work through the program from the beginning and take the depression test.  This can help better assess the your situation for you and your doctor.  Taking it step by step and using the support and tools provided, can assist you in day to day activities.
Ask questions and get active about your progress.  Post with us and let us  know how we can help.  As you can see the members are fantastic with sharing their experiences and support

Josie, Health Educator
for 16 år siden 0 35 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Swuffy,
I, too have suffered from panic attacks.  The exercises here will help you.  I've found that using the daily activity/mood chart really helps me to avoid
my triggers.  I've learned that things tend to escalate until the attack happens.  For example, when an attack was starting I noticed that I would get
stiff through my shoulders, arms, and it would radiate from there.  The sooner I realize that one is starting I try to relax through my shoulders, etc.
I haven't had one for a long time, I've chased them off (hopefully forever).  Also, don't worry about bumming us out.  We know, we've been there.  We
found solace and understanding here and wish you the same.  Don't be afraid to get it out, you never know who will read it and think, "I'm not alone!".
for 16 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi Swuffy,
belief, faith, hope... come with experience and time.  Your post has elements of an awakening and lots for hurts and confusions.  When you
have the strength to pursure your spiritual path ... something you come across will point you in the right direction.
perhaps you need to focus on healing right now, and that is why you see no future.
Anxiety and depression are often comorbid so a lot us us here battle both.  I am bipolar and have OCD and GAD.  So I know how both disorders
feed each other.  I know that there moments that there cannot be any hope in a world that is more dark and evil than the heart of satan.  But part
of depression is seeing the negative, the hurts, the ugly.  Part of depression is beliving in the nothingness and in the hopelessness of our
existance.  The programme here is about changing the way we think.  It is about learning to think positively and replacing the negative with some
I have been where you are now.  Where we look at the landscape and a black hole is the center of our galaxy.  Nothing escapes it; not
even light.  But you need to know that even if every thing dies there is a galaxy of life between you and the end.  There are horrors and
atricities.  There seems to be nothing we can do about it.  But there is also happiness and love. 
 There are the great acts of kindness and
heroes out there and simple moments of pleasure and courtisy .  Have you ever given you seat to a pregnant woman on the bus or smiled
to a crying baby at the store?  have you ever left a person with only one item pass before you at the grocery line or put a handfull of change
into a charity bucket at the holidays?  These are positive little acts that we all can attempt to change the "sulfur at the back of the mouth"
taste.  Yes they last a moment.  but they program the brain to accept pleasure and positive thought patterns.
Remember that having an anxiety disorder also means having several personality traits.  One is a hypersensitivity to your environment. (I have
this one is great measure and usually cry myself to sleep when abused children are in the news.)  So you might need to put some distance
between you and "current" events while you are healing;  reading a "good" book rather than catching up on the news, going for a walk or for
some exercise rather than working with "difficult" persons, etc.  Also, wanting perfection and absolute controle over our evironment are part
of the package.  Of course, it is impossible to attain but we do give a lot of energy to the attemp... and I I I usually end out in the "all or
nothing" thinking error ... It is not PERFECT so it is completely, utterly, hopelessly, FLAWED and useless.   Looking at your post , a bit of this comes through.
I am a bit scatter brained today... so if my thoughts are unclear let me know.  And please feel welcomed amougst us!
for 16 år siden 0 1890 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
By the way, Swuffy, I've a recovering alcoholic (15 years), recovering poly-drug addict (11 years) a non-smoker (120 days) and a recovering depressive ( 55 years - I remember my mind crashing when i was 5 years old!) . My mother was a physically abusive woman who was the victim of terrible mental abuse from her father and I committed the sin of marrying two women during those abusive times  when I was not mentally capable of being a husband or even a friend. I have to live with that guilt also. But I have sought their forgiveness and received it.
 I didn't want to give you the impression in my earlier post that I was some sort of secular Holy Joe who came into the world more sinned against than sinning.... I've seen plenty of both but I've learned to think a little about these bad and good things and then let them go - not hold on to them like they're some hair-shirt or ball&chain  that I am required to wear forever
Write more

for 16 år siden 0 1890 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello, Swuffy,
    I'll respond to you as one atheist to another. And as one depressive to another.
    We're here because we're here. The why and how are unfathomable. But we are here. The world and the creatures on it are good and bad.
The bad stuff is unbelieveable. But it is there and repeats itself over and over in history. Disease, poverty, starvation, genocide and corrupt politicians abound and are like the poor always with us. We are the good people who try to make the world a better place. We are not always so pure and good but we are also not bad all the time either.
 This world is full of beautiful things; art, literature, nature, good people and people who need help and support from us who are stronger than they are.
You have to concentrate on the beautiful things in life and not focus on the bad. If you have one grain of rice on your table then you are in a better place than the Other who has no grain of rice.
I look out my window now and I see the Spring in the leaves on the trees and the long stalks of saplings growing outside my window covered in leaves and acting like big bushes when they're only stalks in reality. They are being beautiful.
I just spoke to my wife on the phone as I do everyday. She is in Africa and we are waiting for immigration visas for her and her two boys so that we can be together again. I lived there for 2.5 years and then came back to Canada to prepare a home for them. But it is a slow process. It is saddening that I will have been away from them for a year by the time that the visas are processed. But I get to talk to her every day. That is beautiful and makes my day.
 This may sound like 'happy horsesh*t' but i mean every word of it and I would hope that you could live in this world like that too.  Just live in the now and feel the beauty around you.
Look at yourself in the mirror in the bathroom and say those things that are in your post directly to your own image there. And then say that all these crappy things that have happened to me so far in my life will not spoil the rest of my life .
Do exactly as you say in your post. Keep coming back in here and speak about what ails you and what has been good in your daily life.   Look carefully for those things that are giving you pleasure and tell us about them.
You have to build up your mental strength by exercising your sensibilities like that. Don't let anyone tell you what you should think is beautiful and good for you... find out for yourself and let us know what you've found...

for 16 år siden 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello to everyone,
I've just found this website today.  I was looking for something that I could make a part of my daily existence to hopefully
"reprogram" myself to stop thinking the way I do now.  Something inside me is frightened that in doing this I won't be myself
anymore, but I don't know how much longer I will really be able to be this self anyway so perhaps I have nothing to lose.
I've had panic attacks since I was 16 on and off for phases throughout my life (I'm 31 now)... I'm going through a particularly bad phase
now.  I DO know that there's a panic site recommended through here as well, but to be honest I feel more depressed than anything else..
I know I want to work on the panic as well, but if anyone wants to let me know if I should do that at the same time as this or wait until
this program is over, that would be great.
My problem in a nutshell is this:  I see no reason to be living at this point.  I have had a lot of problems in the past (alcohol abuse, domestic
abuse situations, poor self esteem, the panic disorder of course) and I feel somehow like an unclean person if that makes any sense.
I don't believe in God or an afterlife and I wish I did because I sometimes think that would help.  I do know that I feel as if just the existence
of some things in the world and the emotions they give me make me feel like I can't exist along side of them.  They hurt my "soul".  It's
like I can't recover from the ugliness or the sadness of certain things even though they are not currently happening in front of me.  I 
know these things may be happening to other people around me and that they could happen to me again someday and that is enough
to make me want to turn my back on the world.  Also, I know death is coming in the end and it is a hard thing to swallow.  I feel that the 
more I try to make my peace with the idea of it, the more I resolve that it might as well come sooner than later.  I realize this sounds
particularly lazy but I just think that the world has nothing left to offer me....it can change colors or tastes, but in the end those are all finite
and will be exhausted at some point.  Philosophically, I don't understand why we are here.  I'm so tired to trying to fight it out in my
head to make it better.  I've tried a lot of therapy but it just hasn't helped in the end.  I kind of feel like I'm ready for the trash heap....
 My apologies to any other folks out there having a hard time that may be reading this.  I'm not trying to bring any one else down
... I was just hoping that perhaps somebody here had seen somebody else in my position might have some encouragement or insight.
I have some people who do really care about me and the last thing I would want to do is cause them pain...probably the only real reason
I'm hanging in there at this point.... I DO want to try to change myself....It would be so much easier if I could just get a clean start with my
brain - a brand new brain sounds so nice right about now....
Thanks for listening.....I'm starting week one and am planning to follow the exercises....

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