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Struggling with Depression

for 15 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sorry, too wordy and got cut off!  Ending is...
I hope this helps BP, my own journey has not been easy, but I am making progress. In myself , in my marriage, and in my relationships with my children,but it is slow with a lot of ups and downs.  Keep us posted on how you are doing.  I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
for 15 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Be Positive,
I read your posts and wasn't sure how to approach your situation.  I have been having some major issues in my marriage and have been feverishly working on and looking for ways to save it.  I think I can identify with some of the things you are going through, although I did not and am not having an affair with another person.  I have been depressed since childhood. My depression made me shut down, it is a type of an affair in that it left my marriage emotionally bankrupt because my emotions were too wrapped up otherwise.  If you boil it down to emotions the two are not so different. Rose has hit the nail on the head - identify the reason you had your affair, address it, ask forgiveness where needed, then let go of the guilt.  It does sound like a "mid life crisis" of sorts but that term is cliche and things happen for different reasons. You will need to identify the why for you.  Then you need to use this knowledge to heal yourself.
If your wife knows and is being supportive of you, then count your blessings - she doesn't have to be.  An affair is a slap in the face of the person you have committed to, regardless of the reason.  Again, identifying the reason will help the two of you work on getting recommitted to each other, working on the issues in your marriage that need attention.  Your marriage can be all you ever wanted in a relationship but it takes work and most likely you both stopped working on it. (It is the identification I made in my own marriage. It made it easier to understand why I shut down like I did and also released me of feeling so much guilt because it wasn't all mine)
You have 2 more children than I. Having that many children in all those age ranges can be daunting.  Teenagers have thier own blend of problems and you're just getting started.  You don't say the sex of your children but my two girls as teenagers made me want to jump off a bridge!!!  My younger daughter, mine but not his, caused the bulk of my shut down.  She brought impossible situations to my doorstep, exhibits traits that I left her father for because I couldn't handle them.  I shut down because while I could divorce her father to get away from these issues, I could not and did not want to do this with my child.  Saddness over seeing these issues in my child and not knowing what to do made me unable to deal.  It affected my marriage.  I love my daughter and finally let go of the reigns, realizing that I can only love her but can't change her.  Even if it were for the best.  While children can be greatest of joy they are also demanding.  They take time away from your adult relationships and are often in the way of romance.  If you are this down, no wonder you question your love for them - they have demanded a lot from you!  Now the flip side of the coin - they are your children, yours to care for, be demanded upon for their care and upbringing.  You are responsible for the fact they are there and are bound to the good and the bad it takes to raise them.  Being human you will grow tired of the responsibility of caring for them, but you must teach them to care for themselves.  They will likely be their own people and not carbon copies of you and your wife. Ultimately, one day they won't need you anymore and you will (yes, you will) miss their need for you.  The most demanding of jobs carry the most rewards.
My oldest daughter is now married and is showing more of my tendancies now than she did growing up.  She has become a responsible young lady with a home of her own and our relationship is better now than it has ever been.  But it took a lot of perserverence.
I hope this helps BP, my own journey has not been easy, but I am making progress.&nb
for 15 år siden 0 201 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hey, bp - since your wife knows and is supportive i say let go of the guilt entirely. you're only human. me? i've been depressed forever, as was my mom and her mom.......blah blah blah. and it sucks! i know it's genetic and learned behavior and i wish i had been given a heads up instead of a guilt trip by my family, who keep it all inside while i have a big mouth and ask alot of questions. i think the anxiety is even worse. my grandparents admitted to being "nervous". that was an understatement. just feel like i've been walking on eggshells forever, decided it wasn't fair, then turned into the "interrogator". jeez, i should write a book, really, it's like a soap opera! i feel alot better now, just upped my meds, it's a lot of trial and error and headaches. i think with depression alot of people just give up - the most depressed kill themselves. it happens every day, doesn't it? people make choices every day, for good or bad. are you gonna do it again? what made you do it? was it worth it? love or lust? getting older and not too thrilled about it? wife not interested anymore? once you figure out the real why i think you'll feel better about yourself and ideally you'll recommit to your wife and kids. right?
for 15 år siden 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
be positive,
It is so good to hear that you had a better day.
Please continue to post and let us know how you are doing. We are here for you!
Sarah, Health Educator
for 15 år siden 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for the post.It feels so hard to be postive.Its like I am talking myself into pain.I will hang in there.I have a better today which means I managed to leave the house and actually talk to some people>A small victory!
for 15 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Be Positive,
 Welcome!  Hang in there!  Willing to listen!

for 15 år siden 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
be positive,
Welcome to our support community. You have come to a great place
We are here to help and support you no matter what, and in whatever you need.
Please take the time to read through the program (take a look through the challenging thoughts and relationship sections, they may be helpful in terms of your guilt) and to explore the tools and resources that are available to you through this site. You will find that many members have or are going through the exact same thing as you. 
Stay close, and keep us posted on how you're doing,

Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
for 15 år siden 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

my wife knows and is supporting and helping me.Any advice for dealing with the Guilt?

for 15 år siden 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It started when I ended the affair.I felt like I was in love with her but it was the intensity.I find it hard at the moment to leave the house,I had many sporting interests jsut 3 months ago!And now all i do is hold my head and think ablout how bad it all is.My thinking is really negative at the moment,I hate every moment of the day apart from when I get ready to go to bed knowing that I wont be thinking for 7 hours of sleep.My Doc says i will get better but i worry about my thinking.I am so fed up with being negative its making me crazy.I have joined the cbt program on this site and hope it will hope.before the depression i was extremely active and i ssupose my head was buzy with lots of good things and now its lost.How long have you been depressed and how has the journey been for you?
for 15 år siden 0 201 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
did the depression start during the affair or did you always feel this way? does your wife know? would it alleviate your guilt if you told her? 5 kids, goes without saying you have your hands full! lots of people have affairs for different reasons. maybe you are going through that "midlife crisis" thing. prozac is probably messing with your sex life. that's the damnable thing about antidepressants. doctor put me on pristiq for that reason, supposedly minimal side effects. of course, you love your kids, don't you? if you didn't that would be within the realm of normal, too. not good for the kids but normal human behavior. sometimes the responsiblity is enormous, too much to deal with, that's when we hide. me anyway, in my big bed with heavy comforter, i can scrunch down in there surrounded by pillows and nobody but the cats would know. how about sports? is there something you can do with the kids that you enjoy? something you do well so they will be proud of you? camping, fishing, maybe if you spent more time with them you will "get out of your head" which is a good thing. thinking too much about you keeps you thinking too much about you. good luck, bp - i get you and wish you the best!

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