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Ashley -> Health Educator

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Working on the house

for 14 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm even better today; though the sleep was hard to come by.  I worked all day, made it through without being overwhelmed with anxiety, was busy and the time flew by.  I came home and napped, so no progress to report on the house....hopefully can go to bed at a decent time tonight.
for 14 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
finishing the post below:
Okay, I can type pretty good one handed I just hope my big head will fit through the bedroom door. 
Thanks for that Ashley, I wish I'd seen it sooner. 
I am hoping to get done next week, but with two doctors appt.s,  I just don't know. 
I think I can, I think I can,  I think I can. 
for 14 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Wow Ashley Thanks!  I was going to give an update on my house, but quite overwhelmed by the compliments!  WOW!
Let's see if I can get through this typing with one hand as I've got the other patting my back over such positive feedback. 
We've got all the flooring laid, all the quarter round done, the tile grouted around the tub, the steps into the jacuzzi tub redone, all but one small 1/2 bath painted from ceiling to baseboards.  We have worked on the shower, the toilet, the toilet paper hanger(lol, I told you I'd been neglectful). 
We still have two light fixtures to change and that may cause some additional issues in one bathroom.  The color on my bedroom wall was not what I thought it was going to be, however, I will live with it unless the house doesn't sell - then it's gotta go....It's baby blue.  blue is my favorite color but this is ugly.  I've nothing to go with it so staging that room to sell will cost me a bit extra (argh).  I got the skylight areas done.  I still lack the floor in the kitchen (different type of flooring) and the vestibule, and a couple of odds and ends that are awaiting that completion.  I need to go through everything that is boxed up and make three piles, get rid of, keep and put in storage.  I need to do that to my storage building outback as well as my attic. 
Jury duty ended Tuesday - thank goodness.  I had postponed my therapy appointments because of all that was going on and the anxiety got really bad.  I am not sleeping like I should and the depression, well, there was a setback.  I cried over american idol, silly things, I know that it was really other things that I'd stowed away and that brought it forth.  I called last week and got a therapy appt as I was spazing out.  Today I went - it really helped alot!  I couldn't see any precipitating even except too many things going on and that was frustrating me, however, I got there and things started spewing forth.  Reasons for the increased depression as well as the anxiety.  on a scale of 1 - 10 with 10 be worst.  I was up to an 8 with the anxiety and a 6 with the depression.  I was scared!  Afraid of where I'd been with the depression and where I might be headed which exacerbated the whole thing plus all those other issues.  My therapy session lasted an hour and 45 minutes and even I noticed a change in my body language over the course of the session and some relief. 
I am dizzy today (well, yesterday) and right now.....my Meniere's Disease rearing it's ugly head.  So I wasn't useful to help the woman who has been helping me.  I hope I am better tomorrow as I am scheduled to work.  Btw, I work at the facility where I get counseling, so it's free and the person I see, though qualified, is an administrator and does not have a caseload, thus the liberty of extended sessions.  He thought I needed to come back next week and call if I need him sooner.  He does agree I shouldn't have let it get as bad as it did.  I thought it was hormonely related but that was proven to be wrong. 
Anyway, my anxiety is down even with my depression around a 6.  I hope I can get some sleep.  I went and got my hair "fixed" today and pampered myself a bit.  My friend drove me as with the dizzy, I was unable to drive. 
I didn't work on the house for a week and my friend called me and said I'm coming tomorrow and I am working, if you don't, it's okay.  Of course, I felt some obligation, and did a bit here and there but was not near as productive.  Friends are good.
Okay, I can type pretty good o
for 14 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Goofy,
I can imagine that you are ready for all of this to be done with! You can do it! And woohoo on all your progress up to now. You are a real inspiration!
for 14 år siden 0 11224 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
As always I enjoy reading your updates.  I am so glad you have made so much progress on your house!  You really deserve it and I hope you enjoy it.
I was very compelled to reply to this post today.  I want you to know something; you are an incredibly strong women.  You have been on this forum for awhile and you always show compassion, insight, strength and so much more.  You truly are an inspiration.  You may wonder where this is coming from but as I read your post I was thinking wow.  You are going through a hard time yet you still tell yourself it will pass and you still show so much strength. You consistently show this, you consistently support all members and show so much insight despite all you are going through. It really amazes me and I am so grateful that this forum has you.  We wouldn't be the same without you.  I just hope you know how special you are.  Keep fighting and staying strong, this world is lucky to have you.

Ashley, Health Educator
for 14 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Cheerleaders are never annoying to me, I appreciate it and obviously, need it.  My friend who has been helping me came to visit yesterday....she said I'm coming in the morning at 9.  Wow, was she on time.  With the sleep issues, I was in bed...went to sleep finally at 4:00 a.m.  We got my bedrrom portion of my bedroom (jacuzzi, bathroom and dressing area not done).  Anyway, I've got my bed back in my windowless bedroom though I'm still having trouble with the sleep.  I do feel better knowing I'm sleeping in there tonight.  hmmmm, I hope it helps.
I have to go to my part-time job tomorrow, but she is coming over without me here!!!!!!!!!!!  Wow, what a friend.  Anyway, said she'd let me go long enough.  Told her about my lack of bathing issue and she said she didn't care (it was also obvious from my appearance). 
Anyway, forced progress, much needed, hate that it's needed, but trying to accept it.  wish I knew why the downfall.  If you could only see what's behind us...what lies ahead is so small!!!!  I do need a list and she and I started one today.  She's gonna work on some finishing touches in each of the rooms to have them completely completed. 
Thanks for the cheerleading, encouragement and understanding.  I'm ready for this to pass!
anytime NOW!
for 14 år siden 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Go Goofy!!! That sounds very overwhelming. All I can say is keep your head up and plow through the mess day by day. I'm working on "remodeling" and reorganizing my room so I can somewhat relate on a much more minute scale. Good days come with the bad. I guess you have to try to make the best out of what you do with the day. Winter does get one down with all the short, cold days and getting snowed in loses its novelty after a while. Just know that you're giving others motivation and that you've got some annoyingly peppy cheerleaders. ;)

for 14 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Goofy,
I am sorry to hear that you got stuck. I know EXACTLY how that feels! So I will give you the same advice you often gave me lol. Make a list of goals. Then break those goals into small manageable steps. It helps me when I remeber to do that.
I wish I could have some magic wands or magic words to help you... But I know that you will get unstuck and that you will eventually get this done! Hang in there and tremember, this too shall pass!
Hugs to you Goofy!
for 14 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Got stuck.  My bedroom is such a mess.  19x 32.  I picked a color I thought (on the little paper) was silver; is baby blue.  I got a place in the ceiling where I had the roofers remove a skylight that just won't look right no matter what I do.  I got repairs to grout around my jacuzzi tub, the water in my jacuzzi tub, the toilet in my bathroom, the flooring, the steps to the tub, the baseboards.  I think the room was held together with cobwebs (surprised it didn't fall in).  I'm a bit overwhelmed with that right now. 
I also have NO windows in my room (don't think that's up to building code anymore).  I do have one skylight.  I'm sleeping in a guest bedroom with a window.  I'm not sleeping good at night - don't know if it's related or not.  Anyway.....slow moving right now.  Losing motivations....keeps snowing too.....I hate winter.
Okay, just depressed and anxious and a wise woman tells me every time she posts "this too shall pass" and I need that reminder.
for 14 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Goofy!
Well, I can understand you wanting to move since you love the country. Just don`t isolate yourself if you do! :) And whether you sell the house or remain there, I am sure the renos are doing good!
I am glad to hear how well they are going!

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