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Smile....and don't shoot the messenger


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Medlemsgruppe rygning


What are negative core beliefs?

Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-07-17 7:35 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression


Creating a stress plan

Ashley -> Health Educator

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greetings from LA

for 12 år siden 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Chudesnaya,
It is great that you are already finding triggers! Good for you; that can often take quite a bit of time.
I also think it is a good idea that you are focusing on the Depression Center. It might have become too overwhelming looking at a number of programs. CBT requires you to do a lot of homework so it is important to put your full effort into it.
Once you have completed the Depression Program you will have a very good understanding of the basics of CBT. This will give you a great foundation to look at some of the anxious thoughts you are mentioning.  Or better yet, you may have such a good understanding of CBT that you will have already made progress on your anxious thoughts.
Either way, we will help you through the entire process. Check in often.
Ashley, Health Educator
for 12 år siden 0 619 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You are having a good start. Bacause you can identify the triggers of your problems it is probable that CBT will help you a lot. Just remember, if you find some CBT activity difficult or even frustrating do not quit, post here on the forums for help.
You also have a friend who you can talk to and understands you which is great. Talking about our worries with other people is very calming indeed.
Keep the good work!
for 12 år siden 0 2 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you so much for the words of support, Ashley and eleveno.
I have taken the depression questionnaire that indicated that I am somewhat depressed. 
I decided to concentrate on the depression program at the moment, and have been keeping an activity tracker log the past 3 days. Already noticing a certain trend - one of the causes of  upset that propells me into a spiral of misery is comparing myself to others.  I also seem to actively  dismiss compliments- in fact to suspect that they mean the opposite and get nervous about criticism and feel embarassed. And then I experience epic health worries-- whenever I get the littlest itch I overreact, suspecting the most dismal of outcomes.
And then, whenever I am already feeling low, the  intrusive/thoughts start to dash through the mind-
various unlikely "what ifs", like yesterday I was doing a performance on a rooftop gallery, and i thought- what if i jumped off the roof, what if the knife i am using to cut an apple i can my hand with? I know I dont want to do those things- but just get so scared of myself thinking that and of slightest possibilty of  loosing control. Luckily, a friend was there that I know had had a similar problem, and we talked about it, which made it all less scary. I suppose every time I articulate those things, it puts them more in perspective and less upsetting.
It does help tremendously to know that there are people out there that understand.
for 12 år siden 0 619 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi chudesnaya,
Welcome to the forums! It happened the same with me. I wanted so baddly to get better that I wanted to do all the programs. The result of this was that I got frustrated and overwhelmed with so many activities to do and almost quit everything.
As Ashley suggested you could focus in just one program for now. If you find difficult to cope with your problems you could consult a doctor.or an heath care provider.
for 12 år siden 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome Chudesnaya,
 I am sorry you are feeling so worried in alone. You are not alone! We are right here to stand by you and we will help you through this. 
The CBT program sounds like a good fit for you. You do not need to be on medication or be speaking with a Health Care Professional to benefit from this program. You may want to speak to a Health Care Professional in order to ensure you have the right diagnosis and are focusing on the areas that are important for you. For example, it might be challenging to be working on three programs at once. A Health Care Professional may have you focus on one area or program for now. Also, having the right diagnosis is important in order to determine appropriate treatment. You may want to check out the Depression Test for more info. Remember nothing can replace the diagnosis of a Health Care Professional.
From what I know about NLP coaching it focuses on the language you use and can be helpful for some people. However, if this person was a coach they should have been certified through the right governing body (the ICF). They also should not be working with patients who have issues with anxiety or depression without the consultation of a Health Care Professional.  Big life changes and thinking about big life changes can stir up negative core beliefs which are related to anxiety and depression.
This program can help you with a lot of your concerns. It is important to stick with it and do the homework. Make a schedule for yourself in regards to when you want to work on the program. Also, set up a rewards system and reward yourself after each session you complete and each time you complete a goal.  

It sounds like you have a lot going on in regards to treatment. What will you be focusing on? Where will you start?
I look forward to being with you on this journey. I have a hunch this will be a very positive experience for you.


Ashley, Health Educator
for 12 år siden 0 2 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
good evening, everyone!
i joined up a few days ago. i am an artist, i am russian, but live in Los Angeles. i have always been rather moody and prone to hypochondria, and 8 years ago, following my father's passing, i had a period of few months when i was very depressed, anxious and had multiple panic attacks. i did a course of talk therapy at the university i went to at the time, and was able to maintain an emotional equilibrium through a divorce, grad school and other large life changes.
however, 2 months ago i went to do an arts residency in Russia where i encountered a sort of hypno-NLP therapist. he promised that after 15 sessions my life would dramatically change for the better ( i have been quite worried about being lonesome and single). The method of this "therapist" involved this person labeling/interpreting the events in my life for me, while i was in a slightly hypnotised state-guided visualisations that scared me, and 7 sessions later i was suddenly  having panic attacks again, which this person assigned to "resistance" to the "great changes" that were taking place in my life.
i stopped talking to this "therapist" (it turned out he didn't even have a license or uni degree is pshych- beware of quacks!), but my emotions since have been very erratic-particularly at the sunset hours, i find myself feeling intensely sad, and then every now and then i'll have an intrusive thought, or a bout of anxiety. it sort of ebbs and flows, and since i have health anxiety, i am self-diagnosing myself  left and right with depression/ocd/panic, and doing 3 parallel online courses - this one+panic centre+ocd four steps at the same time. oi!
i should also mention that  i don't have health insurance, so am kind of all over the place trying to self-diagnose and heal.i suppose i should make an effort to see a professional? is it possible to feel better by doing CBT and not take anti-depressants? does anyone have experience with this sort of thing?
my life is a bit stressful now as well- i just put a professional relationship with my editor/best friend on hold, and am quite anxious about a project i am doing that i got a grant for, and have so many upcoming projects that i am so worried about failing!
i am just.so.worried.
and lonely! pardon the long introduction,
the sun is setting and it's when i usually get most nervous and depressed. (does anyone else have that?)

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