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Ashley -> Health Educator

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Quote of the Day Part Two

for 11 år siden 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Hugs:  I like this quote.  I need it to remind myself about my art work.  I fail to pursue it at times with excuses (not having my studio yet).  But the quote is right on - with positive attitudes, etc. you can do anything when you have the love and inspiration, don't hesitate with doubts, it will come together.
p.s. I liked your avatar so I put one up of a manger too.  It is the last manger my mother bought and today is her birthday too.  Remembering all she did for us at Christmas, feeling very thankful and of course, a bit sad too.

for 11 år siden 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong.
- Ella Fitzgerald

Going anywhere else is the wrong path
for 11 år siden 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
He can who thinks he can, and he can't who thinks he can't. This is an inexorable, indisputable law.
- Henry Ford

...And he who doesn't think either, stays in the same place, indecisive, at the mercy of other's decisions.
for 11 år siden 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.
- Confucius

Falling is just a relative state, anyway, isn't it?  Everybody lays down for a sleep daily, don't they(unless they're a bat
for 11 år siden 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You don't drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there.
- Edwin Louis Cole

I'm dancing as fast as I can.
for 11 år siden 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Sunny,
Mood can be so odd, since my reasoning is affected.  Verifying what's best for me often entails polling my community.
It sounds odd to "take a poll", but your closest people know what's best.  Someone suggested looking far into the future, and then looking back for perspective, to see if it matters?
Like Shari, sometimes I think we're overthinking.  Quality of life matters to me, so I can't, as in the next quote, "fail", to some degree.
Failure does not count. If you accept this, you'll be successful. What causes most people to fail is that after one failure, they'll stop trying.
- Frank Burford

for 11 år siden 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
HI Hugs:  This reminds me of when I didn't attend the circle dance.  Part of me wanted to, part of me was just too tired and didn't want to go.  The part that wanted to go (if I had gone) would have been an attitude of forcing myself because it's what's expected of me and what I always did, you know, don't give up, stiff upper lip, rah, rah, rah.  Well, the other attitude was, I'm tired and I don't feel like small talk nor even dancing for that matter, so I listened to my body and stayed home and watched a DVD.  Which was the better attitude?  I don't know.  When I made the decision I was in a "dark" mood so I did wonder if I was making the right one.  I think taking care of myself was a good choice though.  I suppose if and when we feel a bit depressed or down, we have to make an effort as our recovery depends on it.  Yet there are times when you just have to sit still and listen.  If I had forced myself to go, I probably would have had a good time.  I'm a friendly type and would have enjoyed the company.  I'm also glad that I took care of myself.  I don't know what the answer is.  I have the feeling that the attitude to take care of myself rather than getting over tired was the right one. 

for 11 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Attitude makes a big difference. But what sort of attitude though? If you cross over into being forces to do something then that is attitude but the wrong kind. Better to leave something than have it make you sad? Yes? Or do you want to be known as a go getter and a doer at your expense. You are supposed to come first as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. Yourself included. It obviously gets complicated. Mood is a reflection of attitude. Wrong mood, wrong attitude I would think.

for 11 år siden 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one.
- Hans Selye

Sometimes I've wondered how others manage around adversity.  One thing I noticed, is that attitude seems to play a part.  An attitude that can diminish stress, or transform it, is one of approaching the stress as play, or seeing the situation as a playful activity.  This can make it fun, and light.
What's challenging is if I feel an opposite mood, or dark mood, making it hard to see things as light.
for 11 år siden 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Failure is an event, never a person.
- William D. Brown

Closely identifying with something, even postive, can make life skewed

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