Hi Members,
I want to tell you about some very positive things in my life that have happened lately'
I have come back to Canada from a very dangerous place, South Africa, and I am waiting for my wife and my two stepsons to join me. I got back a few weeks ago and I have been re-establishing myself here: getting a temporary apartment and furniture and household goods, a car (I missed having to do the driver's test again because I came back to Canada six months before that would have been a requisite!. All my dealings with renewing my government identity (I've been away about 30 months) health cards and hospital cards and driver's license and so on, went like a breeze -- and I HATE bureaucracy!
My wife's family immigration papers are in process and I should see them in 6-8 months. This is all very good news for me and them - I hope you members can share my happiness about a very good re-start to a battered life; It makes me stronger that I can still accomplish difficult tasks on my own and make them work ...!
Thanks for listening and much luck for you all like I've had these last couple of weeks,